After Li Shou heard Bai Wuchang's words, all kinds of thoughts came out of his mind.

He glanced at the situation and judged the possibility of making peace.

First, he first judged the credibility of Bai Wuchang's words.

He had never seen an invasion return item. What Bai Wuchang spit out from his mouth might not be a return item at all, but a destructive item with a huge forward swing and great power.

Then even if it was a returning prop, Li Shou was afraid that he would go back and take revenge.

Although invasion cards are precious, the old guys are quite wealthy and might go back and ask for another invasion.

Now they are okay against three enemies, but it is impossible to win against five enemies.

After judging the worst situation for peace, Li Shou judged the worst situation for fighting.

If he continues to fight, it is very likely that the whole army will be almost annihilated and he will escape for his life.

A better situation is that the whole army is almost annihilated, and then he and the opponent have a 50-50 fight.

Li Shou cannot accept either of these two situations...

So, making peace seems to be the only option.

As long as we can pass this level, everyone can leave this world after the enemy retreats. Even if they invade again, at worst, all the evil will be given to them, and the whole army will not be wiped out.

Anyway, Li Shou was confident that he was growing very fast. After a while, he would buy an invasion card and invade the world of these three old guys, and avenge old and new grudges together.

So the biggest caution now is...

How do I know if this is a tool you use to escape from the world? What if you lie to me?

I'll take a step back first and let my teammates return to the middle of the field. What do you think? Under the influence of the Stop the War skill, Bai Wuchang no longer had any thoughts of fighting for his life.

He felt that his century-old cultivation was not worthy of being here.

Okay, you have to go to the basin below.

Yes, but you can't cheat. You know, even if we try our best, our props can definitely take away most of you. We still have a lot of inventory that can be used...


The two of them talked about the conditions, and finally the intruder team gave up the pursuit of Li Shou's teammates and slowly retreated to the middle of the basin.

Li Shou also asked his classmates to temporarily stop attacking and strengthen the gravity array.

The evil spirit returned to his body, and he put one hand on Bai Wuchang, monitoring him at close range, as if he was going to die with him at any time.

Finally, he watched Bai Wuchang slowly activate the props.

The forward swing of this prop's casting is indeed very long. After a full ten minutes passed, a spatial crack appeared in the field.

When the space crack appeared, both sides were alert again.

One side is afraid that the other side will throw a nuclear bomb before entering the crack, and the other side is also afraid that Li Shou will suddenly attack and drag the next one down before leaving.

Everyone moved slowly and cautiously, and finally the three of them were swallowed up by the crack with a swish sound and disappeared in place.

When they disappeared, the cracks disappeared with them.

After confirming that it was temporarily safe, Li Shou hurriedly shouted, Everyone, go back to the main world, and then turn back to Earth. See you on Earth!



Use video, we have a group!


Why don't we meet in the main world?

I'm not in the same city as you!

That group chat!

As the battle ended, everyone left the world of Kyushu.

Li Shou also shrank his body and left. After leaving, the place he returned to was the Golden Mushroom City Traveler Club. After returning here, Zhao Yinuo had disappeared.

He asked club staff and was told that his companions had left in a hurry when he activated the home time.

'I'm probably worried about the situation in the Kyushu world, and I can't go back without the help of the crystal, so I have no choice but to go back to Fenggu City by myself. Without the deception crystal, I can only teleport back through the fungus area of ​​Fenggu City... You are such a reckless man, don't die on the road. ’

Zhao Yinuo was going back to Fenggu City. He would inevitably get lost on the way, but the desert was so big that the route would deviate even slightly. It was impossible for Li Shou to find him, so he had to go.

‘With his strength, there shouldn’t be any problem surviving during the day. Anyway, he will return to Earth to take refuge at night. I'll leave him a message later. ’ Li Shou thought of this and was about to go back to Earth to contact his classmates, but the staff stopped him.

Your companion has put a lot of things on consignment with us, but there is a gun. He said it is not for sale and is temporarily stored. Is this okay?

No problem. Li Shou asked. Most of what Zhao Yinuo was selling were some fragmentary props from his companions who died on the way here, as well as materials from the Twisted Dancer he killed. These things were originally meant to be sold. Li Shou didn't care. After understanding it, he returned to Earth.

After returning to Earth, Li Shou immediately opened his phone and found his teammates.

We have been working together for several years, so we naturally have communication methods. When he joined the video group chat, everyone was already chatting in full swing.

I'm going, Brother Li is here, why are you here?

I've been dealing with things for a while, Zhao Yinuo's matter.


Brother Li, what should we do next?

Are you just not going back to Kyushu World? We've been in business for several years and now we're giving up?

How could I give up? Li Shou felt very unhappy. With the death of the big man, I will go back sooner or later to take revenge. I happen to be in Golden Mushroom City now, which is a relatively large city. I am looking for any revenge-seeking props. , and also, buy another invasion card, this revenge will be avenged!

Then what do we do now?

Aren't you going back?

It's better not to go back this time... The students were still expressing their opinions.

Not necessarily. I heard that invasion cards are quite expensive. Even those old guys may not buy another one and come to invade! Even if they want to invade, they will definitely have to find two powerful teammates next time, and they They are injured themselves and have to recuperate and replenish props. They are very precious about their lives. After being defeated this time, they will not come again unless they are fully prepared next time. In this way, it is relatively safe during this period. Jue Huang analyzed the situation.

I agree with Lao Jue. Zhao Yiyi also agreed, This period is actually safe, and Lao Ma is still inside!

Well, not only Manan is inside, but Yan Linger and the others are also inside...

Another reason why Li Shou couldn't give up the world of Kyushu was that he regarded it as a home, and his family also lived in it.

He gave up directly, not only losing a huge amount of points, but the emotional lack was even more unbearable for him.

Sigh, I kept talking about preparing formations, but in the end I didn't prepare much.

We are too poor.

Really poor...

The students were struggling to make ends meet, but Li Shou had some surplus, but he used it all to improve himself.

He still has great potential. There are many worlds that he can travel through and eat resources. It is definitely more cost-effective to use limited money to improve himself.

Speaking of poverty, how much does an invasion card cost? Revenge-seeking items are more expensive, right?'s so damn uncomfortable to have no money, I have to find a way to make money!

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