Li Shou did not interrupt their spellcasting. He was not particularly weak when he transformed. The most important thing is that he does not know the enemy at all now, and there are more people than him. If he interferes by himself, it will not have any effect. , but will be trapped in the enemy group.

Kill him! Bai Wuchang took the lead after casting the spell, and all kinds of evil spirits swept over him.

When Li Shou first fought, he felt that the evil spirits summoned by Bai Wuchang were more powerful than those summoned by Hei Wuchang.

But this is normal.

People in the same team, practicing the same techniques, have different entrances.

But fortunately, black and white are on the same level, so the gap is not too big.

When Li Shou was facing this overwhelming evil spirit, Yaksha also came to kill him. At the same time, the Ox Head and Horse Face also started to act.

In the wave of evil spirits, Li Shou saw the bull-headed horse-face summoning magical weapons from his body. One took out a magic wand, and the other transformed into a steel fork, and waved it towards Li Shou.

The steel fork came in front of him, and the two strikes were powerful and powerful.

At the critical moment, Li Shou connected with Guo Pengfei's field of vision. The field of vision came from the top of the mountain in the distance. Due to the distance, the electromagnetic connection was a little weak, so the effect was compromised.

But it doesn't matter.

Guo Pengfei's dynamic vision has been enhanced at the epic level. Even if it is discounted or intermittent, his dynamic vision is invincible during the validity period.

In the almost still scene, Li Shou found a gap in the crowd of evil spirits. He avoided the group fight and passed by the steel-forked magic wand.

But even so, the energy from the magic wand still scratched his body slightly.

Then after several rounds of fighting, he was able to miss the attack every time, and he also used this to judge the strength of his opponent.

This attack power has almost caught up with the residual health version of Andidero who used the Excalibur. It's very tricky...

The opponent has a summoner and two melee masters, each of whom is no less powerful than Li Shou. He is absolutely useless with one against three. If he wants to win, he has to rely on his classmates.

Although the biological strength of the students is not high, each of them has epic-level auxiliary enhancements, and their combat effectiveness cannot be judged by simple biological levels.

Relying on his absolute dynamic vision, Li Shou landed on the valley floor, constantly dodging attacks and waiting for the students to form formations.

The three opponents saw that they could not attack for a long time, so they began to increase their pressure again.

It was Bai Wuchang who took action first. He crushed a prop on his body, and then the gate of heaven and hell expanded again. After the atmosphere became even weirder, a Judge of the Underworld was summoned by him.

The judge held a bamboo slip in his hand, and after he came out, he muttered something in a language that Li Shou couldn't understand. It was like a spell, but when it floated into his mind, it became clear that he was guilty one by one.

From failing to take good care of his old father in the end, to causing the death of his classmates, to killing people along the way, killing many innocent creatures...

Although Li Shou prided himself on always doing things fairly and did not admit these crimes, he was still affected by the spell and began to feel depressed. His will to resist began to weaken, and his physical ability began to become weak due to the mental trauma.

Fortunately, the Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue saved his life again at the critical moment. After the clarity of mind flashed through his heart to offset the mental impact, he narrowly avoided the subsequent attack of the bull-headed horse face.

Huh? Is there a mental immunity spell? Seeing that this trick didn't work, Bai Wuchang changed his trick again, It's a pity that the judge not only has a civil judge, but also a martial judge!

Bai Wuchang once again took up the Seal Jue and used it. The judge he summoned had a cold air coming out of him, and then his appearance changed.

The civilian uniform turned into a military commander's armor, and the bamboo slips in his hand turned into a yin-yang sword. After Judge Wu appeared, he picked up the sword and slashed at Li Shou.

Originally, Li Shou had reached his limit against the enemy Minotaur, Horsemen, Yakshas, ​​and a large number of evil spirits. Now that he added a judge, he immediately became overwhelmed. After a while, he began to be injured frequently.

Under this extreme attack, even if he had absolute dynamic vision, he would not be able to find any gaps to dodge. He could only choose to resist hard from the weaker part of the attack source.

For example, Judge, Oxhead Horse Face and Yaksha attacked at the same time. He couldn't find a gap to avoid, so he resisted Yaksha's attack.

If Yaksha and evil spirits surround him at the same time, he will resist the evil spirits physically.

Anyway, his physical body is strong enough, his recovery is powerful enough, and he has obtained Hei Wuchang's protective magic weapon. As long as the injury is not fatal, he will be able to stay alive and active.

His fighting ability also amazed the three old guys.

Nearly perfect dodge ability, super defensive ability, plus the strongest recovery ability I have ever seen... It is not unfair for the third child to die in your hands. But for hundreds of years, we have not had this type of enemies. I have seen that no matter how powerful the body is, no matter how powerful the soul is, it will be worn to death.

You are very powerful, but trying to beat us one against three is simply a fantasy!


After hearing this, Li Shou sneered and continued to avoid the attack without any verbal response.

There are more people than him, and he has never been afraid of anyone!

Normal teams, except for the deformed ones like Fang Yi, most of them have no combat effectiveness, and a team is a school team.

The number of people in a normal team is far less than that of Li Shou's team.

He is avoiding now, just waiting for his teammates to arrange formations and look for opportunities...

‘Zhao Yiyi and the others should be almost ready. They must be looking for the best opportunity if they haven’t taken action. After all, once exposed, they themselves will be in great danger. In this case, why not let me create an opportunity!

If you want to hold down three people at the same time, it's impossible to rely on strength. Li Shou thought of this, and he was stabbed in the shoulder by a bull-headed steel fork, and was knocked to the ground by a horse-faced magic wand.

Okay! Seeing that the long-day siege finally paid off, Bai Wuchang first commanded the judge to slash Li Shou's neck with the Yin-Yang Sword, and at the same time used the spell again to summon Yin thunder all over the sky.

Brother, this guy is really hard to kill. The three men gathered around Li Shou, including the bull-headed horse-faced judge and the judge. The three of them attacked and smashed Li Shou's body full of holes, and half of his head was cut off by them.

But Li Shou's body was not dead, and his soul was still resisting.

Control him!

After Yin Lei was summoned, Bai Wuchang did not rush to attack, but continued to summon it.

As the cold and cold aura on his body was continuously drawn away from his body, evil clouds began to gather in the sky, and the clouds of dark thunder entered the evil clouds and began to gradually develop a terrifying power.

Yin thunder corrodes the bones and invades the gods. This time, you will be destroyed physically and mentally!

Just when Bai Wuchang's breath was sucked into the clouds, before he sent out the spell, an arrow flew out first, and then golden light suddenly appeared around him...

Under the golden light array, the gravity of the ground increased greatly.

This is nothing, along with the golden light appeared terrifying poisonous gas, and even more terrifying strange sound waves.

The sound wave caused resonance in the air, and came to Bai Wuchang's side first. The shock wave directly shattered several of his protective instruments.

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