Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 218 Monsters of the day, monsters of the night

How do you fight this thing? Looking at this towering giant, Li Shou felt a little powerless.

It seems I can't beat him!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zhao Yinuo would have no idea about a giant object several hundred meters tall.

A Mount Tai is only more than a thousand meters high, and the monster in front of him is a small Mount Tai - not only is it tall, but it is also huge.

Not to mention letting them hit it with this size, even a nuclear bomb would take many rounds to destroy it.

Just because it was huge enough, Li Shou thought at first that the ground was flipping over and the earth was upside down.

How about we go around it? It doesn't look like it's very fast.

We can't go around it. If we go around it, it will curse us. A man in the team, covered with jewelry, walked out, This is the cursed mountain. He comes to block the road to beg for things. If he doesn't run away or fight back, he won't be angered. it.

As the man spoke, he flew to the foot of the cursed mountain, took out several green bottles from his arms, opened them, and poured them on the cursed mountain. Then he chanted a spell to make some trees grow out of the green liquid.

Curse Mountain seemed very satisfied after seeing the plants growing on his body, and then gave the man a ball of black stuff in return, and then he lay back down with a bang.

Its huge body crashed back to the ground, causing the ground under Li Shou's feet to tremble like waves.

Awesome, rich in experience! After he returned to the team, everyone praised: You know how to deal with such a rare creature in Cursed Mountain.

It's really amazing. Li Shou nodded, I learned a lot.

After a brief interlude, everyone continued to move forward.

As we get further and further away from the protected area, the temperature rises again as we go deeper into the next door, and the surrounding creatures become more and more strange.

There are earth dragons flying in the sky, sandworms attacking people on the ground, and monsters that look exactly like humans, but are just composed of light.

However, most of these creatures follow their instincts to survive, and most of them are not too aggressive. Even after the sandworm swallowed Zhao Yinuo and was punched through the stomach by him, he sneaked away and ran away without choosing to fight.

During the day, things passed by without incident.

Then darkness gradually came, and a dangerous and strange atmosphere gradually rose into the sky.

No, we can't leave. Let's stay here at night...

The place where everyone passed by was the lee of a sand nest.

Before the darkness completely came, the formation masters began to set up formations around them, the hypnotists hypnotized all the animals, the miracle workers began to cover up everyone's auras, and the telekinesis masters were changing the terrain, letting the sand cover everyone, and then using telekinesis to hold them up. A hollow space under the gravel.

When everyone was ready, darkness came completely.

Hiding in this strange sand house, under the magician's lens magic, everyone saw the dark night sky and the scene outside.

After darkness fell, the entire lonely Gobi suddenly became lively.

After running all day long, he saw dozens of monsters, but at night it was like a crowd of demons dancing wildly outside. Li Shouguang looked around in the sand house and saw no less than a hundred kinds of monsters.

Some are plants such as human-faced sunflowers, others are twisted animals, and more are regular life forms that cannot be explained at all - such as a cartoon-like creature that looks like Sonic the Hedgehog, with a human body but Creatures with balloon heads, and creatures that look like wardrobes...

Without the protection of mushrooms, the sand house was filled with the atmosphere of darkness. At this time, everyone did not dare to talk or shine too much light. Everyone was focused on waiting for the passage of time.

No one noticed this place at first.

But in the middle of the night, a creature with a huge head, a slender body, a human face and a rubber body came nearby. It sniffed around hard, and after smelling the location of the sand house, it started dancing outside. .

Its dancing posture is very strange, its limbs are constantly swaying with the limbs, like a short video internet celebrity who wants to gain attention by attracting everyone's attention.

Maybe it is an Internet celebrity. To be precise, it is the human desire to be famous.

After living in the trunk world for a long time, Li Shou knows that everything in the trunk world and the branch and leaf worlds influence each other.

The regular creatures in the trunk world may be the regular embodiment of something in the branch and leaf world.

For example, the former weeper Feitos is the embodiment of the rules of sadness.

This dancing person may be the regular manifestation of the emotion of wanting to attract attention.

No, it's the Twisted Dancer. Shaxi frowned, This thing will attract other monsters through its dance. We have to deal with it quickly, but we must do it quickly and quickly without attracting the attention of other monsters.

I'll go. Li Shou volunteered. After all, he was the main force at the scene. What are the characteristics of the twisted dancer?

The body is very tough, and the skin is very thick and difficult to break through. I saw your strength two days ago. You can break through the defense, but the speed will be slower...

I'll help. Can anyone lend me a weapon? Zhao Yinuo stood up.

In previous contacts, everyone also knew that he was super powerful. In terms of pure strength, he was much stronger than Li Shou.

But the body is relatively fragile. In general, only one blow can be fired in a battle. After one blow, you will be injured due to the shock, and even this blow must be completed with the help of a weapon.

The most important thing is that he is still very poor and has no weapons.

I'll give you my axe. A melee member of the team offered his weapon.


After everyone was ready, Li Shou took the lead.

After he unloaded the goods, he broke through the telekinesis master's force field and came outside to pounce on the twisted dancer.

The latter struggled wildly after being knocked down. Li Shou first immobilized it with his limbs, and then used the inner energy of Three Nine Cold Techniques to freeze its body.

Li Shou's internal energy cultivation at this time was close to a thousand years old according to the standards of the Kyushu world, far exceeding the average martial saint by ten times.

Although the energy attribute of the inner energy is not top-notch, its thousand-year-old skill is not overwhelming either. When the cold energy dissipates, ice condenses on the body of this regular creature.

Seeing that the twisting dancer's struggling movements became smaller and smaller, Zhao Yinuo jumped up from the sand nest and struck down with the big ax in the air.

Zhao Yinuo's blow with the ax held high was so explosive that Li Shou was speechless.

As soon as the ax was swung, the surrounding air and even the space were distorted. Before he could fully exert his power, his wrist broke first, and then his arm also broke off...

Yes, before the attack hit, it was not the force of the shock that caused the tiger's mouth to break, but the reaction force of acceleration that directly broke Zhao Yinuo's bones.

His body simply cannot exert its full strength...

But even so, the ax's attack was already thunderous. The ax drew a slightly twisted curve in the air and cut directly into the body of the twisted dancer, including the head and half of the body, directly splitting it in half.

But even so, it didn't die and was still twisting and dancing. Li Shou could only make up for the damage.

When he was repairing the damage, Li Shou discovered how strong the defense was and how thick the skin was. He tore it hard for a long time and used the cold air to kill it.

Then he saw that no monsters around him were paying attention, so he grabbed Zhao Yinuo and returned to the sand house with a large piece of rubber material.

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