Have you hired a magician or something? Aren't they capable of teleporting formations? Just teleport the goods directly. Li Shou thought of Gekanana's method.

The rules of the main world are too strict, and it is difficult to break through the space. Generally, it is difficult for graduates of three to five games to do so, unless they specialize in this system and are very, very powerful, but Fenggu City does not have such talents.

What's the luck?

Some of Fenggu City's specialty species are used to integrate people from another city and prepare medicines. Their people sometimes need the biological skills here, so they will spend money to hire people here to transport the special products.

How many people are the instructor planning to find? Have they not set off yet?

Number of people is not critical, quality is, and we haven't found the right person yet.

The reward is...

The total compensation given there is 80 years of life. They don't care how they divide it. As long as the goods arrive, they will pay.

I understand. If you encounter danger on the road at night, can you activate the home time to escape?

Okay, but the goods will be damaged.

Do I need to compensate for damaged goods?

I will be responsible for the compensation.

Then I'll go.

As long as he can't be beaten and can escape, Li Shou has no objection.

With his current survivability, he won't be killed instantly. If he really encounters a super troublesome night creature, he can just see it from a distance and run for his life.

Okay, I'll look for a suitable person in the near future. If I have any news, I'll go to the club and let you know.

Can I take someone with me? Li Shou thought that Zhao Yinuo had been short of money and his strength was no longer weak.

Epic level enhancement, what he enhances is strength, and is one of the few intuitive combat power enhancements in the team.

Moreover, he practiced the hardest and entered the realm the fastest after that.

With his current strength, he is definitely not weak among the graduates of the third and fourth games. Just for a small place like Fenggu City, he is relatively strong.

As long as the person is suitable, you can bring him over, but the final distribution will be based on contribution.

Understood, I'll get ready.

The main body of international affairs cannot be so vigorous and resolute.

Before Fu Kai went to dominate the world, he searched for his teammates for a long time.

The same goes for Shaxi.

Li Shou took advantage of this time to sell Gekanana's staff.

He was lucky enough to meet a magician who really wanted this staff, and it took him 9 years of his life to buy it. Other equipment is currently on consignment as no one wants it.

With the account in hand, he spent four years of his life buying two multi-world communication cards at the club. One he kept for himself and the other he gave to Wang Yifei.

The remaining 5 years of life have been replaced by a few months of home time.

When he was ready, he went to the training camp to find Shaxi, who was almost ready.

A few days later, Shaxi took all his teammates to the location where the goods were stored.

“That’s what we’re shipping.”

In a warehouse, there are a lot of wooden boxes and more iron cages.

Inside the iron cage are some living creatures, and inside the wooden box are some plants and herbs, and even the bodies of mushrooms.

There are a total of more than a dozen wooden boxes and more than twenty iron cages. Some of the iron cages are not too small, and ferocious beasts are locked inside.

Generally speaking, so many things need to be transported in a convoy, but since everyone is extraordinary, the convoy will slow down the speed.

Moreover, it is said that vehicles cannot travel in the wild environment and can only be transported by humans.

“When delivering goods, how far they can travel during the day is very critical.”

I have a storage bag here, but it can only fit a few boxes... Storage bags with larger space are probably only available to adventurers.

This time, Shaxi found a total of seven people, some of whom were his former students, and some of whom were acquaintances from the club.

I can move with telekinesis, but using it for a long time consumes too much... A telekinesis master shook his head.

Leave it all to me. Li Shou started to transform in the warehouse without covering up. He released the power of flesh and blood and transformed into the largest monster form. His huge body almost broke the roof of the warehouse, Use Iron chains, tie everything to me, no problem.”

This is so convenient. Everyone in the team was overjoyed. It is still large and easy to use. If you can handle the transportation by yourself, you will definitely spend more money.

This is natural, more work, more reward, in line with the principle of balance!

When everyone met for the first time, they were in no hurry to set off.

Everyone needs to understand each other’s strengths and means of cooperation.

After all, delivering goods is a dangerous task and there is no room for carelessness.

But after a battle, Li Shou discovered that his teammates this time were much worse than last time.

Except for himself and Zhao Yinuo, none of the six people was better than his teammates last time.

But it’s normal to think about it. Invading the world will be more profitable, more dangerous, and it will not stop until death.

The worst case scenario for transporting goods is that they just run away.

Moreover, most of the people who are three or four games strong are just bastards, and there are still a few who are brave and diligent like Fu Kai and Liu Teng Guangji.

Originally, after Li Shou saw the strength of his teammates, he wanted Shaxi to kick them out so that there would be less people to share the money with.

But he later discovered that old fried dough sticks have their own way of survival.

Although the people Shaxi found were not strong enough, they knew a lot about nighttime knowledge and were very, very clear about the route and the danger classification on the road.

Belongs to experienced player.

It was Li Shou's first time out of the city, and he still needed this type of teammates.

In this way, everyone finally reached an agreement.

A few days later, when the sky was dark and the regular creatures had just retreated, everyone opened the door of the warehouse and ran towards the outside of the west city.

A giant beast led the way, with cargo hanging on its body, followed by a group of flying, gliding or running extraordinary beings. This bizarre scene was rare even in Fenggu City.

Li Shou didn't dare to run at full speed. Firstly, he was afraid that his teammates would not be able to keep up. Secondly, he was afraid that he would run too fast and kill the animals on his body.

I'll show you the way... The telekinesis master flew to the front of the team, I know a route that is relatively safe.

Not long after leaving the city, everyone arrived at the Gobi Desert.

At first, within the hundreds of kilometers protected by the fungus, Li Shou and others had not encountered any strange things. Occasionally there were some radioactive beasts. When they saw a monster as big as Li Shou from a distance, they had already run away.

But as it gets further and further away from the mushroom protection range, the main world begins to look strange.

The sun was scorching in the sky, and the temperature was getting higher and higher. Soon it reached over 100 degrees. The warlocks in the team quickly summoned energy shields to block the sunlight. Li Shou also let the inner energy of Three Nine Cold Techniques escape. A little to cool down the animals and plants behind you.

No wonder it has to be transported by a mechanic's plane. The temperature is still rising. Zhao Yinuo was doing a mission for the first time and looked around very curiously. Old Li, thank you for finding me this job.

You're welcome, we are all teammates. When you become stronger, the team will also become stronger. When you make money, remember to give me back the year of life I lent you.

That's natural, but the money shouldn't be that easy to earn. It would be too easy just because of the high temperature.

Before Zhao Yinuo finished speaking, in the desert soil ahead, the ground began to squirm, and the entire land stood upside down.

Li Shou looked closely and saw that instead of the earth turning upside down, it was a monster several hundred meters high, made of Gobi sand and stones, standing tall and blocking everyone's way.

Old Zhao, when did you learn the skills of the King of Urine?

What skill?

Crow's mouth.

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