Solved. Back in the sand house, Li Shou groped around Zhao Yinuo's body, took out some of the healing potion, poured it on his arm, and poured some of it into his mouth.

Zhao Yinuo knows his body's characteristics, so he carries healing potions all year round.

But even with the medicine, he couldn't recover in a short time. Those in the team who knew healing spells could only heal him slowly to speed up the recovery process.

Is this thing valuable? Li Shou picked up the rubber substance and asked after seeing that the matter was resolved.

It's valuable. Many things on the Rule Life are valuable. The materials on the Twisted Dancer can be used to make very good armor. Zhou Dashu, use your magic to seal it up so that it won't be destroyed during the day.

Okay. The miracle workers in the team began to seal up the materials.

Shaxi continued to explain: Although this thing is very good and relatively valuable, it is not particularly expensive. After all, it is not a prop. It can only be used in the main world and cannot be taken to the mission world. But even so, there are still adventurers who will buy it. Plant something.”

You can sell whatever you want. Li Shou was so poor that he wanted to exchange money for everything.

After the turmoil at night, the rest of the night was relatively peaceful.

After escaping a disaster, everyone continued on their way at dawn the next day.

According to Shaxi's previous instructions, the journey would take a total of three days and two nights. After the first night, half of the dangers would have been avoided.

Although no one said anything to raise the flag on the way, the expressions on their faces became much more relaxed.

In this way, the next day passed smoothly.

The next evening...

After using the bullet acceleration technique to solve a monster, Shaxi began to help Li Shou unload the goods, and everyone set up camp again before night fell.

It was still the same magic circle, psychic power and hypnosis as yesterday, and everyone was able to cover the camp within the yellow sand with ease.

Then the night slowly falls...

This time when night fell, Li Shou immediately felt something was wrong.

The moment darkness fell, a modern city suddenly appeared where they were camping...

The city appeared out of thin air just like the monsters at night, and at the moment it appeared, Li Shou suddenly felt unstoppable despair in his heart.

He looked around and found that he was not the only one who was affected, everyone was affected, and it was a hundred times more serious than him.

The magician's lens magic failed instantly, and the telekinesis master lost his sight and could not maintain the space in the sand house, causing the sand to collapse. Shaxi, who was still normal just now, even pointed his gun at his own head.

Wake up! Li Shou knocked Shaxi's gun away, and then saw that he was not the only one who wanted to commit suicide.

The next moment, everyone around except Zhao Yinuo committed suicide.

Li Shou didn't know why, but he also thought that the coming city might be causing trouble. He grabbed a few people and used the void escape technique, trying to get out of here as quickly as possible.

But when the torn space reappeared, he was still in the city. The city seemed infinitely huge and formed its own space. No matter how hard Li Shou ran, he could not escape.

Use your time to go home quickly! Li Shou urged a few people, but no one except Zhao Yinuo responded, as if their minds had been defeated by some emotion.

This is some kind of city of rules, right? A mood of despair, a city of despair?

Li Shou suppressed the rising despair in his heart and looked around.

There are many pedestrians around.

Most of them are wearing modern clothes and look like living people.

Some of them were shopping, some were eating, some were communicating with their parents, some were playing with couples...

But then something flew towards me, and fire burned in the sky. The fire seemed to be a nuclear bomb, but it also seemed to be something else.

The light spread and first killed some people, and then those who were not dead further away screamed.

Countless people, even entire cities, were screaming—screams of despair.

Amidst the screams, Li Shou felt that his emotions were about to collapse. At this time, he could no longer care about other people, so he directly started the time to go home and returned to the earth.

After returning to Earth, Li Shou was still worried. If he was slower, he would completely fall into despair.

Huh... After breathing heavily for a long time, Li Shou calmed down. He tried to divert his attention and looked at the surrounding houses that had been repaired by his aunt.

After looking at the house for a while and calming down, Li Shou went to the living room and opened a drawer to charge his dead mobile phone.

Over the past few years, the team members had already left Earth's contact information. Just as he turned on his phone and wanted to contact Zhao Yinuo, the other party called.

Hey, Lao Li, are you alive? The first sentence was the reckless man's concern.

You're not dead. How can you answer the phone if you're dead? I was just trying to contact you.

What's going on over there? Why do I think everyone is going to commit suicide?

The City of Despair is also a regular thing. We are unlucky, and that thing just happened to come to the place where we camped.

Then why are we okay?

Why is it okay? If you had been slower, you would have died. That thing is really scary. Li Shou breathed out, The small impact on us is probably related to the practice of Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue. That skill is a prehistoric level skill. After completing the magic, you can become immune to mental attacks below the level of immortal.

This City of Despair must have mental interference rules. We have the blessing of skills, so the impact will be small at the beginning. The instructors and others couldn't do it. They had a mental breakdown the moment the city came. There was nothing we could do.

Alas... A sigh came from the other end of the phone, Then what should we do?

Wait, wait until daybreak before going back.

Li Shou counted the time and waited slowly. After confirming that it was daytime in the main world, he sent a message to Zhao Yinuo, and then he also traveled back.

Returning to the main world again, under the bright sun, everything around him was restored.

There is a desert all around, and there is no trace of the City of Despair.

It seemed like everything last night was just a dream.

As soon as Li Shougang came back, mushrooms appeared around him, and Zhao Yinuo also came back.

Let's look for companions and cargo first.

The two of them didn't say much. After searching around, they found both the goods and their companions.

However, all the companions turned into corpses and most of the goods were lost.

All the animals collapsed and died, and some plants also died. There were still some plants and some materials left on site, and less than 30% of the goods were left.

Alas, I said I was going to help, but in the end, the person died on the way. I should have known I wouldn't have helped. Li Shou sighed as he and Zhao Yinuo buried the bodies of several people and left behind their props.

Lao Li, what should we do?

Go on, we've already walked more than half way, so we can't turn back, right? We've all seen the route map, let's send the rest of the goods there...

The two continued on their way.

Because they didn't know the route, there was only one day's journey left, so the two were lost for three days.

Fortunately, all the animals in the cargo were dead, so there was no need to protect them at night. As night approached, they abandoned the cargo and fled back to Earth, waiting for daylight before returning to transport the cargo.

Just three days later, the monsters around them became weaker and weaker, and they entered the protected area.

After walking for more than a hundred kilometers, the two saw a magnificent city in the distance.

It's much bigger than our Fenggu City...

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