Li Shou's team focuses on the word poor.

Everyone is poor, including Li Shou himself.

But speaking of it, most people who travel between three and five games are actually poor.

Those who have no strength are struggling to make ends meet, while those who have the strength and want to be adventurers must keep improving themselves.

Improving oneself consumes a lot of resources. If you go back and forth, the money is simply not enough.

“You still have to find a way to make money.”

After discussing countermeasures with his classmates that day, Li Shou couldn't sleep.

Oh, don't worry so much every day. You should relax sometimes. Yan Ling'er pressed on Li Shou and touched his face, Relax! You don't take yourself seriously in bed. You live like this, and What fun?”

That's right. Although things are urgent, it's time to relax. After several years of seclusion and training in the world of Mo and Sun, Li Shou never relaxed.

Looking up at Yan Linger now, I found that she had aged a lot and had the appearance of a young woman.

Yan Ling'er is a few years older than Li Shou. She was already in her early twenties when she met Li Shou. Now Li Shou himself is in his late twenties, and Yan Ling'er is close to 30 years old.

The 30-year-old woman has a rounder face and her body has lost some of its youthful vitality, but has become plumper.

Senior sister, you have changed a bit.

What does it look like? Does it look better now or before...

It looked good before, but now it looks even more tempting.

She will coax me. Yan Linger blushed.

No, no, what I said is true.

Junior brother, I want to give you a child, but there has been no progress... Lying on Li Shou, Yan Ling'er showed a sad face, It is said that people of ancient bloodline have difficulty in giving birth, but I never imagined that it would be so difficult. Those days During the annual retreat, we would get together from time to time, but I didn’t expect that there would be no movement for several years.

Why don't you try it with Cheng Lingyue? I read in ancient books that ancient bloodlines and ancient bloodlines have better fertility.

Oh, it has nothing to do with that. Li Shou is essentially no longer a normal person, and it is not certain whether he is still a human being. Reproductive isolation is also normal.

Don't think so much. You just told me to relax. I decided to stay here with you for a while. I haven't been to many places in Kyushu yet. Let's go out and have fun.



Li Shou kept his word.

In the next ten days, he stayed in Kyushu World.

He and Yan Linger first visited Southwest State, then went to Northwest China to see the Gobi Desert, and then went to Dongzhou to see the sea, truly starting their journey around the world.

The benefits of good health are reflected in this. It is easy to travel thousands of miles a day across mountains and ridges. The world of Kyushu is not big, but it is still the size of Australia. There is no high-speed rail that can travel hundreds of kilometers an hour. If you want to travel across the country, right? It’s still quite difficult for ordinary people.

But for Li Shou, grabbing one person can be faster than the high-speed rail.

At the last stop, Li Shou and Yan Linger came to Xuewo County in Beizhou.

Wow, the snow is so deep. Yan Linger, who had never seen snow before, excitedly kicked up the snow while walking in waist-deep snow. It's fun here! By the way, I heard there was a small town ahead of me on the way. The meatballs inside are particularly delicious, let’s go eat them!”

Okay, let me deal with these thieves first.

Before Li Shou finished speaking, a group of bandits on sleds glided in from a distance. A dozen bandits came to Li Shou and two people with knives.

Keep everything valuable and spare your life.

My eldest brother is a sixth-grade warrior. There will be no good results if you resist!

Sixth-grade warrior is such a distant word. Li Shou suddenly remembered that when he first came to this world, in order to understand the world's martial arts system, he knew that warriors were divided into six grades, with the third-grade being a martial artist and the second-grade being a great martial artist.

This sixth-grade warrior is indeed a long time ago, and I haven’t been in contact with him for a long time.

It seems that the security in these places on the edge of Kyushu is not very good. Li Shou asked with a smile: Are you really going to rob me?

Cut the nonsense.

Hahahaha... interesting.

Junior brother, I'm so scared! Yan Ling'er also came over to make fun of her. Just as she raised her smile, the clothes of a dozen bandits burst apart and their naked bodies fell to the snow.

Li Shou made a move, but she couldn't see clearly.

I don't care about the life or death of the bandits. After all, these people who rob homes, kill people and buy goods are not good people.

The two of them dodged and left the place.

Ten minutes later.

In the middle of light snow town.

Meatball soup has been served.

Junior brother, this soup is so fragrant... There are some things in it that we don't have in Southwest Prefecture, a lot of mountain delicacies.

Yes, there are many mountain delicacies that I have never seen before. There are also chopped mountain delicacies in these meatballs. They look delicious!

Yeah. Yan Ling'er scooped up a meatball with a spoon, blew it and put it in Li Shou's mouth, Does it taste good?

It's really good... It seems that there are special delicacies all over Kyushu. This is a beautiful place. When I have the ability in the future, I want to improve those polluted places.

Along the way, Li Shou saw so many different scenery.

Each state is different.

Even the state of Beizhou has different customs and customs. In the hinterland of Beizhou, all kinds of cold-water fish and mountain products are very good, and the public security is also very good. But when we get close to the edge of pollution, public security becomes chaotic. Many people kill people and then dump them in contaminated areas.

Anyway, I have been very happy and relaxed during the past half month.

Yes, it would be great if it could always be like this. Yan Linger's eyes showed regret, Junior brother said so, are you leaving?

Yes, I can't live in comfort forever. Crisis is always there. I will leave as soon as I send you back.

Okay... Junior Brother, please be careful in everything, don't forget that Senior Sister has been waiting for you!


Two days later...

Li Shou returned to the main world.

He went to the training center and found Shaxi.

Hello instructor, long time no see.

Hahaha, it's been so many years since I graduated. Shaxi smiled at Li Shou, I didn't expect that I still remember the instructor.

You were kind to me at that time. You gave me mushroom liquid and helped me hunt rock aphids. How could I forget you?

Hahaha, I thought you could survive the third game back then, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful now. New students are sent to the training ground every month, and an average of two or three students from each school can graduate. These years You’ve graduated so much, but I heard that you and the one named Li Shuixian are the only ones doing well.”

Haha. Li Shou didn't want to say any more pleasantries and went straight to the point: The instructor said he was going to transport goods to the next city. Have you been there?

No, I'm still looking for someone. The journey is dangerous, so I need to find someone capable to go with me. Adventurers are too expensive to hire, and other people don't trust me, so I thought of you. The income of being an instructor is not high. I want to go home and see you. You have to make extra money just to watch.

But don't worry, the reward will definitely not be less. Friendship is friendship, and brothers will settle accounts.

How far is it on the road? Li Shou has never been to a city outside Fenggu City in the main world, because it is extremely dangerous to spend the night outside.

Because we have to transport goods, we have to travel three days and spend two nights outside.

That's really not easy. Li Shou thought of the terrifying scene when he went out at night for the first time. The night was full of regular creatures. The day he put a person in front of Yin Kui, it almost turned into a TV as soon as he went out. Then when he was picking flowers, It was almost dissolved into emotion by the weeper.

This money won't be easy to make.

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