Oh? Hearing that the Lord's world was about to be invaded, Li Shou couldn't sit still. After explaining a few words about selling equipment, he said goodbye to Xu Qiushi and returned to the Kyushu world.

It was a cave when I left, and it was still a cave when I came back.

There were not many people practicing in seclusion when I left, and there were still not many people when I returned, but Zhao Yinuo was always there.

Old Zhao!

Ah... Zhao Yinuo was meditating to absorb the evil energy. After being interrupted by Li Shou, he opened his eyes unhappily, Oh, I was having a great time practicing, is it... eh? Lao Li, you are back! You But now that I’m back, I’ve only been away for half a year.”

Yes, I heard that our world is going to be invaded? Or did you say that?

Well, I was practicing two months ago. Suddenly I saw a strange energy rising in the cave. Then a bee-like thing appeared out of thin air, seeming to be exploring the surroundings... I killed the bee and handed it over to The club's appraisal said it was a treasure-hunting bee-like magic weapon in the world of immortality.

This treasure-hunting bee can travel around the world collecting information. It is a relatively high-end prop, usually purchased by those who specialize in invasion missions. It can sense energy and discover valuable places in each world.

Those who are preparing to invade will first buy some treasure hunter bees to explore the world before determining the invasion target.

In other words, our evil spirit spring has been discovered?

Probably. But I'm not sure if they have to invade here. After all, the evil spirit is only useful to those who practice the relevant techniques, and may not be useful to most practitioners. Moreover, the techniques on the wall are before We have already scraped it off. Zhao Yinuo pointed at the stone wall.

The place where The Law of Upgrading Evil was originally engraved is now blank.

It was Juehuang and Zhao Yi who wanted to scrape it off one by one. They said that we had already memorized the rubbings and there was no need to keep them for others to spy on.

Smart people do things without leakage. Li Shou nodded, Scraping off is a good thing, but you still have to be careful.

The evil spirit is useless to most practitioners.

So the people who released the treasure hunter bees did not invade for two months.

But this news must have been passed on, but Li Shou knew that the club could buy and sell news, and some key information could be worth a lot of life.

There is extremely high concentration of evil spirit information here. Even if the investigators cannot use it, it will definitely be sold to the club where they are located, and then...

The possibility of us being invaded is still quite high.

So what preparations should we make?

No one had any experience in this area, and this interrupted many of Li Shou's plans.

He was originally going to exchange his equipment for some money and continue to travel around the world to improve his strength, but now, he had to take care of things in the Kyushu world first.

Call everyone over and discuss countermeasures.

A few days later.

Tongkang County, Southwest Prefecture.

At this time, due to the existence of the world's number one sect Xuanxue Sect and the intentional or unintentional tilt of resources from the Imperial City Tianxia Palace, Tongkang County has repeatedly expanded after several years of development and has become the largest city in the southwest. .

It is more prosperous than Kaiyu City, the capital of southwest China.

What a big change in a few years... Walking on the streets of Tongkang, Li Shou saw that even the original slums had become much richer.

The streets are full of small vendors, including those selling candy figures, cakes, and even toys.

You know, when Li Shougang came to this world, the slums were not much better than Heishui Fang. In addition to having a place to live and the status of locals, the people in the slums were struggling for food and clothing. Many people were there every day. Starved to death, corpses whose skin and flesh have been peeled off can often be found in smelly ditches on the roadside.

but now……

After having enough food and clothing for several years, many people have enough money to buy toys that seemed useless in the past.

Seeing this, Li Shou was very happy.

Tongkang County has developed really well in recent years...

No, a few years is enough to build a Shenzheng City on Earth. Although we don't have so much technology here, Tongkang County is a place where the officials are the most honest and the gentry is the most disciplined. It should be well developed. Wang Yifei also joined Yourong Yan beside him, Because we often come and go here, this is one of the best-governed places in the country. If other places were as good as this, we would have a surplus long ago.

Speaking of which, how are the conditions in various places during this period? I see that the evaluation of mushrooms has not improved or weakened...

You still look like that. King Urine took over, Your hundreds of statues, which sometimes work and sometimes don't work, will definitely have a deterrent effect, and they don't dare to let the gentry and officials from all over the country be so blatant. But privately, they are still just like flies and dogs. There are a lot of them, and every time Manan Zheng sends people to check, they can find out a lot of fat people, ah, there is no way to do this kind of thing in the past.

If you want to solve the problem at once, you will need a lot of investment. You need to continue to upgrade the skills and cultivate some of the evil spirit's sanity, but it is too expensive and takes too long, so it is not cost-effective.

While everyone was talking, they arrived at the Yan family compound.

Now the Yan family has become the first aristocratic family in Tongkang County. Although the main body is still built in the outer city's paper mill, it is involved in many businesses in the city.

Of course, this was not in line with the principle of balance, but Li Shou didn't care about it - it was mainly for his own pleasure.

There are a total of 700 counties in the country, and this small Tongkang is just a corner. Even if it is managed into a mess, it will not have a big impact on the overall score.

What's more, Yan Ling'er has always been worried about Li Shou. Although the family business has the shadow of power, it has always been run honestly and without deception, which is generally considered normal.

At this time, the Yan family's compound was magnificent. As soon as Li Shou and others arrived, Yan Linger's father, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, came out with family members.

Aiya aiya, the distinguished guests are coming, and the flowers are shining brightly. Yan's father was smiling and wanted to salute Li Shou, but Li Shou hurriedly picked him up and said, Bye bye, uncle, I can't bear it. I can't bear it.

That's right. He might call you father-in-law in the future, but that's not a good idea. Yan Ling'er also came from the crowd, hugged Li Shou's arm, and whispered at the same time: Some of your friends have already arrived first. You usually go to the Xuanxue Gate to gather, why are you today...

It's too chaotic outside the Xuanxue Sect. People are all queuing up to become disciples. Your home is quieter and big enough.

I have prepared the banquet. It is in the backyard. You can talk while eating. No one will disturb you then.

Okay, thank you.

Why are you being polite to me? We haven't seen each other for so long. You will suffer tonight. Yan Ling'er pinched Li Shou as she spoke.

During the banquet.

First of all, Brother Li's improvement in strength cannot be interrupted, and our improvement in strength cannot be interrupted. This is the main premise. Otherwise, when will it be enough to wait and see? Then, Brother Li has to buy a communication card, and Wang Yifei also has to buy one, although it is not cheap. , but if the world is invaded, Brother Li must come back as soon as possible.

Yes, I can sense when there is danger. Wang Yifei also nodded. Now Wang Yifei has grown into a young man in his twenties.

The childishness of the youth gradually faded away with growth and experience.

He was not very talkative, but now he spoke much more eloquently during the banquet.

Our Jiuzhou world is so small. Generally, people will not waste those expensive invasion cards. If they are really noticed, there is a high probability that they are here for evil. I will guard around the spiritual spring, and I will be there whenever I feel something. Just contact Brother Li so that it won’t slow down his growth...

It's okay, Ah Fei! Li Shou was very happy after hearing this, This trick is okay, so I can do other things.

But the formation is still needed. Anyone who can invade us will definitely evaluate our strength in advance and come only when they are sure. Therefore, the home field advantage must be used. Without the home field advantage, people will definitely die.

But we have no money. Brother Li, speaking of money, can you lend me some money? Zhao Yinuo stretched out his hand, Everyone has gone out to work from time to time in the past few years to make money, but I have been in seclusion, plus buying I bought some gadgets to assist my practice, but now I can’t make ends meet and I’m about to die. Can you lend me some?”

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