Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 214 The Life Bank and the Main World were invaded

Here, all the life energy is given to you, just let me go. Gekanana looked aggrieved after handing the potion bottle to Li Shou.

For more than two months, he has been controlled by the evil spirit behind Li Shou, and he cannot have peace for a moment.

Even eating, drinking, and having sex had to be behind Li Shou's back. The evil spirit never slept, so she could only sleep in the evil spirit's body - the cold breath made her shiver from the cold all the time.

During this period, she tried to use magic to sneak attack and escape while Li Shou was not paying attention.

But it didn't work at all.

Wrapped in the evil spirit, it was difficult for Andidero to break free, and it was even more impossible for her.

Moreover, casting a spell requires forward shaking and chanting. As soon as the magical energy is gathered, the gray-white mist around her will invade her body, making her unable to move.

Just this bottle? Li Shou took the green Power of Life.

Just this bottle.

Didn't you lie to me?

of course not.

Haha, that's good. Li Shou showed a smile that showed his scheming was successful. If you lie to me again, the punishment will be even more severe. I have faced off against Andidero, more than once, and the fighting time was very special. long.

At that time Andidero killed more than a dozen evil spirit bodies of Li Shou.

He barely managed to defeat it by relying on his final form.

So Li Shou knew his strength very well.

I may not be sure how much life force he has. If you want to know a little bit, I may not know, but if it is more, you will definitely notice it.

During this period of time, you have sneak-attacked me once and tried to escape twice. Coupled with the previous deception, to be fair, I can already kill you.

Li Shou is not a robber. To be precise, the rules of balance do not support people becoming robbers.

Forcibly becoming a robber will only affect your future income.

So after Li Shou negotiated the terms of fair exchange with Gekanana, he ignored her actions. The more she violated the fair agreement, the less psychological burden Li Shou would have when he struck later.

Sneak attack? Escape? cheat?

As long as they can't escape, the more the better.

Ah, I suddenly remembered something. I seem to have solved a magic formula wrong just now. Gkanana picked the horns on her forehead with a smile, and then pulled out two bottles of green potion in the air, Well, You can’t go wrong this time.”



Li Shou took the Power of Life and tasted it a little. His current physical condition was not afraid of any toxins. Even if his body failed, the evil spirit could control the situation.

After drinking a little bit of the potion, Li Shou immediately felt more comfortable than drinking the Fountain of Life. This power of life was a concentrated version of the Fountain of Life. Drinking a little bit of it would make his whole body clear. , physical function has also been further improved.

Then Li Shou drank a little more and tried for the second time. He looked at the scale on the potion, estimated the total amount of potion and Andidero's strength, and finally made a vague calculation.

If the three bottles have the same concentration, they should be about the same.

Look, I won't lie to you...

Haha. Li Shou smiled, then used the evil spirit to push Gekanana down, took off all her equipment, and started sorting.

Magicians always have a lot of equipment, including various magic charms, potion bottles, amulets... there are more than a dozen gadgets of various sizes.

Li Shou took out the appraisal ring and appraised them one by one.

In the end, I found that there are several main things that are more valuable.

Her staff, a necklace, a gem that stores magic, and finally a puppet.

The previous things are all brought by Gkanana, and the last puppet has absorbed the laws of the godhead.

Li Shou also saw during these days that every time Gekanana derived a law, she introduced the power of the law into the puppet. Li Shou used the appraisal ring to identify it and also found that the puppet possessed incomplete divine power.

But he really doesn't know how to use it.

You have to take it away if you don't know how to use it. You deceived me twice in total, attacked me once, and escaped twice. Five crimes are worth five items. All these things plus the power of life belong to me. You can leave.

Ah? Gekanana's eyes widened, Take them all away?

Take them all. Li Shou was short of money.

Items from this world cannot be taken away, but reward props can. Although Gekanana is a person who obeys the rules of death, she should be able to take away any props.

Didn't I promise to cooperate? I even took away the staff. How can I help you fight demigods in the future?

Use this, this is much higher than your level. Li Shou took out Andidero's staff, which he had been carrying since he completed his exploration of the continent, Here you go.

Ah... I can't take this with me.

As long as it works, don't bargain. Our deal has been fair from the beginning of my one-on-three discussion. You have tricked me so many times, and I have a good temper to spare your life.

Okay, okay. Andidero's staff was like a small tree trunk to Dicanana, and she had no choice but to carve a shrinking circle on the staff.

Li Shou didn't care about her. He said, We're settled, and left the meeting place and method before leaving.

Li Shou is not particularly concerned about whether he can cooperate in promoting BOSS in the future.

It’s better to have someone to help you, but if you don’t have anyone to help you, you can just take it slow on your own in the future.

What he lacks most now is money. As long as he has money in exchange for enough lifespan and time to go home, he will have plenty of opportunities to practice.

There are only more than 20 days left to go home... Arriving in a deserted dry jungle, Li Shou checked the time on his arm. He had been here for less than half a year.

The consumption is huge.

In the middle, he thought about leaving, but Gekanana couldn't let go. He didn't want to leave the fountain of life and the power of life to others, so he was forced to stay.

But the harvest is not small.

After looking around for no one, Li Shou connected to the deception crystal, shrank his body and returned to the earth.

After returning to Earth, he checked his belongings. Sure enough, all of Gekanana's props were there, but the Power of Life and the magic puppet were missing.

Even if the properties of the items are changed, can't we still take away the Aboriginal things? Alas... Li Shou was afraid that the things would be lost, so he turned back.

In the next twenty days or so, he drank up three bottles of life force. While drinking, he practiced and forcibly absorbed it. After his physical strength and internal energy further increased, although he did not fully digest it, he finally drank three bottles of potion.

Then Li Shou buried the magic puppet and was forcibly transported back to the main world.

This time he didn't have any time left to go home.

After returning to the main world, Li Shou went directly to the club to find Xu Qiushi and gave her three magic props for sale.

Magic items are relatively easy to sell, but it will take some time to fully realize them. If you are in urgent need of money, you can give half of the estimated value to the club.

If you win, how much are these three things worth?

It's 17 years old. If I sell it, it will probably last 34 years. They are all good things.

How can the club sell the length of time it takes to go home now?

1 to 5.5.

No, didn't you pay 1 to 3.7 some time ago? Li Shou remembered that he had asked about the price a few years ago, but he didn't expect the price of this thing to increase so quickly.

I didn't understand it at first, but later I found out that this matter is related to you. Xu Qiushi said with a smile: Back then, you brought nearly a hundred people to complete the third game, and so many people poured into Fenggu City at once. Some people cherish their lives and want to trade the time they can go home in exchange for a longer life. Prices naturally fluctuate when there are more things, and with someone operating behind the scenes, the price of the time they can go home is naturally suppressed.

Manipulation behind the scenes?

Those people at the Life Bank know very well the value of returning home. The reward for this thing is very small each time, and the consumption is huge. No matter how powerful people are, even adventurers, they want to go home from time to time. , so there is no need to worry about selling this thing. After seeing that the market price was low, Life Bank suppressed people from purchasing, and finally took it all away.

Now the price has gone up again.

Haha, where there are people there is finance. Let me go back to work at Life Bank.

Oh, by the way, there are two more things. The first thing is that instructor Shaxi came to see me. He knew that we were familiar with each other, so he asked me to see you and tell you to go find him. He seemed to be leaving Feng. Gucheng goes to other cities to deliver goods and wants to ask you to help. I have notified you. You can decide whether to help or not.

There is another thing that a man named Zhao Yinuo asked me to tell you. He said that your dominant world is being targeted and he is afraid that someone will invade.

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