Hello. Walking into the village, Li Shou's huge size and the evil spirit behind him did not scare away the villagers. There was no fear in their eyes.

However, the village was too small, with only a dozen houses and only seven or eight living people. In order to facilitate communication, Li Shou thought about it and shrank his body.

Hello. Li Shou greeted the person in front of him again, and this time he finally got a response.

Are you a god who doesn't want to leave? The man in front of Li Shou, the lower half of his body had rotted and sprouted roots that were embedded in the soil, but he did not die. He asked Li Shou about his purpose. There's no one here anymore, what do you want?

I want to know what's going on here...

We are just people who want to die but cannot. We have been given the curse of eternal life.

Is it Andidero who gives you eternal life? Li Shou suddenly thought that Andidero had a title in his self-introduction that was the one who gave you eternal life.

It is obvious that the gods of this world can use some method to make their people immortal.

But these people don't seem to be particularly grateful.

No, it was Mad King Kaililuo who gave us eternal life. He wants to watch us twist and absorb the power of distortion and pain. He wants to break the space barrier and leave this world.

Are all the crazy people outside like this?

It's all...could you please break me into pieces completely, so that the soul fire will return and it will take time for the limbs to reshape themselves from the mud, and I will suffer less.

is this okay?


Okay... Li Shou slapped the villagers to pieces.

Seeing that Li Shou was willing to relieve people, the remaining six or seven people gathered around him.

They all long for rest.

Their bodies were so weak that even if they jumped off a cliff, they would not be able to break themselves completely, and it would be even more painful to survive with incomplete limbs.

Burning oneself with flames cannot be damaged because of the existence of soul fire.

They have lost the ability to free themselves.

Before Li Shou smashed them one by one, he also asked them a few questions as a fair exchange.

Based on the information provided by the villagers, he pieced together an incomplete history...

This world was a beautiful world countless years ago.

The Mad King is still called the Wise King, and Andedero, the God of Life, is not as stubborn as he is now. Gods and humans coexist in this world...

Among humans, there are those who have made great achievements in building temples and can even be granted eternal life.

But time passes slowly, and as the scorching sun above one day goes out, the vitality of the earth gradually disappears.

Without sunlight, a large number of humans died, and the gods became lonely. Some gods reshaped human bodies with mud, but the atmosphere of decay caused them to gradually wither.

The fire of the world is extinguishing. Some gods want to find a way to leave this world, while some gods want to reshape the world by their own power.

Andidero is one of the reinventers.

He squeezed himself to shape the spring of life, nourishing the world that had dried up, hoping that one day the world would come back to life and enter the next reincarnation.

The approaching Mad King was infected by some kind of power and his eyes became red.

Relying on his strange power, he actually granted immortality to everyone in the domain, and then watched them slowly decline and become crazy. The painful thoughts and twisted thoughts of each person who wanted to die could make him stronger.

No wonder after acquiring this territory, there are more and more haggard people. No wonder those people look crazy and kill anyone they see!

So if the world is destroyed, you have to let it rest. Twisting the rules always does some painful things. Gekanana, who was solving problems behind Li Shou, complained: If it weren't for some gods forcibly binding the land, swaying The breath of life keeps the world going. This world should have died long ago.

Just like that Andidero, who used his own divine power to build the fountain of life and maintain the last vitality of the earth. He was terrifyingly stubborn, and his mind was probably infected by the twisted rules.

The twisted rule you mentioned, does it mean that people infected by it have the characteristic of red eyes?

One of the characteristics is that his eyes are red, twisted and crazy, and in pain. These are all characteristics!

Finally found the rightful owner!

When Li Shou heard this, he suddenly became enlightened. Countless things seemed to have answers in an instant.

In the last invaded world, why did you bend the rules to help humans kill demons?

Because although the devil is cunning, he is still honest and straight-forward. When he plays tricks, he also looks cheerful like I am the best in the world and I finally succeeded.

Not painful enough, not twisted enough.

Among the creatures in the world, there are not many intelligent species that are more twisted than humans.

Human beings are bored when they get something, suffer when they don't get it, and pretend to be indifferent when they are happy. They will not admit that they did it when their evil plot succeeds. They are easy to be jealous, worry too much, and fall into pain.

If there are creatures that are more twisted and painful than humans, Li Shou has only seen one kind of evil spirit so far.

Therefore, twisting the rules helps humans in the demon world, and pollutes the spiritual springs in the Kyushu world, turning people into evil spirits.

And now in this final world, the gods have become crazy and humans are in a state of half-life and half-death, drawing a lot of power from it.

Even the red mist in the earth and the power that turns people into monsters are products of distortion.

This rule has many methods and has infected many worlds. It should be a very powerful rule in the main world.

You just said that your mission is to pull out the nails. Did you mean to kill those gods?

Yes, if you kill them, the world will collapse completely, and then you can be reborn. But it's so difficult. I feel like I can't handle this task.

Fortunately, a god like Andidero was originally very powerful, but most of his power was used to maintain the operation of the fountain of life, and there was not much strength left.

But the Mad King is very powerful. He was originally strong, but after being infected by the twisted rules, he absorbed the twisted power of the world and became even more powerful.

There are also those like the God of Space who keep looking for ways to leave. Although they have not become stronger, they have not become weaker either. It is very difficult to solve.

Andidero is just a weak version?


How many people are there in your team?

Nine, the other six have been banned by the God of Time and Space. Maybe they have committed suicide and been reborn...

We can work together.

When Li Shou heard that Andedero was the residual version, he knew that if he wanted to collect more things in this world, he might not be able to do it on his own.

The three wheel soul magicians are actually very powerful.

If faced head-on, his strength is no less than his.

The most important thing is that with his human shield, the mage can exert several times his strength.

And with the mage, it can also make up for Li Shou's own lack of output.

But before that, you first need to solve the problem.

In the next two months, Li Shou traveled to the three continents of this world and roughly figured out the locations of all the gods and giant monsters.

Two months later, Gekanana finally solved the problem, analyzed all the laws of the godhead, and derived the power of life into a potion bottle.

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