The teleportation formation opened with a swish sound, and two of the three teleported away. One person was knocked out of the formation by the evil spirit and fell to the ground.

Since there was only one person left, Li Shou's soul took her back to him, and then the soul returned to its place so that the body could regain its sanity.

After focusing his eyes again, Li Shou grabbed the mage and put it in front of him.

We agreed that the fragment would belong to me after we decided the winner. You guys didn't keep your word. Now that the fragment has been taken away by your companions, what do you think we should do?

As Li Shou spoke, he lifted the mage's hood.

Inside is a woman with horns on her head and no whites of her eyes, but otherwise looks very similar to a human.

She looked about the same age as a sixteen-year-old human girl, but Li Shou knew that a mage of this level must be more than sixteen years old.

The most important thing is that she is not human at all.

Ah... The magician didn't know how to answer Li Shou. He just kept his big mouth and his dark eyeballs spinning, Why don't you trade the fragments with my companions?


Li Shou grabbed her and waited there. After waiting for a long time, no one came back.


Your companion has given up on you. It seems that you are not as important as that fragment.

Ah... the magician opened his mouth, Then what should I do? Why don't you let me go? It's useless if you kill me. As a member of the Lunhun Clan, even if you kill me, I will Reborn. Since you can’t kill me, why not let me go...

Really? I want to see how to be reborn. Li Shou picked up the giant sword and gestured to chop.

This scared the mage and waved his hands repeatedly, Don't kill, don't kill, I'm kidding you!

Since your companions don't want you anymore, show your value. You took away the fragments I won. If you do me a favor and show that you are worth more than the fragments, I will let you go. Li Shou said. Suddenly, he grabbed the magician with one hand, and then relied on the other hand and the evil spirit behind him to search among the ruins and cracks in the ground for a long time. Finally, he relied on the evil scholar to get into the ground and found the man he had buried just now. The staff and godhead.

He took out the godhead and said, If you can teach me how to absorb this thing, I can let you go. You will do what you say.

God's rules? And this breath of life... The mage felt the power in the godhead, and finally his dark eyes widened, Aren't you Andidero?

I never said I was Andidero, you said I was.

Then Andidero...

I killed him. I didn't want to kill him originally. I was just passing by, but he insisted on killing me. I explained several times and he didn't listen. There was no way. If he wanted to kill me, I would kill him. It's fair. .”

God's rules... The mage looked at this godhead with greed, You are not a mage, you cannot absorb its power.

Then you mean you're useless, so I'd better kill you.

Li Shou made another move to take out his giant sword.

No, no, no, don't be like this, just say it if you have anything to say. Although you can't break God's rules, I can break them. Although you can't regain the power of the rules, I can derive the life breath inside and give it to you.

Look, communication is much better this way. Li Shou smiled, Then why can't you gather the rules of God and give them to me?

There's no way. This is equivalent to the most sophisticated machinery. Even if I've sorted it out, you won't be able to make it work. The formulas and mathematical combinations are very complex. Only an advanced magician can control such a sophisticated thing. …”

Oh. Li Shou nodded, temporarily agreeing with her statement.

But I don't completely believe her.

Although the mage from the soul clan this time doesn't look very bad.

But he is also very cunning.

There are a few questions I didn't ask clearly just now. What is the Peaceful One?

As I said just now, the person who allows the decayed world to die normally.

Are you also on a mission? Li Shou had this feeling from just now. If he is a native, it is impossible not to recognize Andidero's appearance, A time traveler who follows a certain rule?

Yes, under the rule of death... wait, under the suppression of the rules, can you understand this? You are also here to do a mission? What rules do you follow?

I won't tell you. Li Shou didn't want to reveal too much about himself, so he just muttered the words death rule to himself.

This was the first time he met someone outside the square ant tree and black mist.

He had long heard that the main world was very large, and there were more than four powerful rules.

These four types of square ants, black fog, and fog often compete because the areas they are in are close to each other.

Unexpectedly, I encountered the rules of a distant place today...

what's your name?


Can you tell me your mission mode?

Well, it's not really a secret...

In the following time, Li Shou inquired about Gekanana's mission mode and the situation of the Wheel Soul Clan.

Every rule needs enforcers.

The way Death Rule cultivates thugs is different from that of mushrooms. It sends envoys to establish various magic academies in the world of the Wheel Soul Clan.

Then after screening the seeds, they will be placed in the main world and complete tasks level by level.

The Wheel Soul Clan is very compatible with the rules of death, and their people cannot die by nature.

As long as the soul lamp does not go out, it can be reincarnated.

It's just that after reincarnation, you will lose a lot of memory and magic knowledge, and in severe cases, you may even not remember who you are - losing all memories and reshaping your body is essentially the same as death.

Therefore, when Li Shou planned to kill Glinana, she was also very scared.

I know you won't die, so my companions will most likely not save you... As Li Shou spoke, he threw the godhead to Glinana, How long will it take you to solve the problem?

I don't know. It shouldn't be very fast or very slow.

Then hurry up. Li Shou threw Glinana to the evil spirit behind him and used the evil spirit to control her and let her solve the problem. Li Shou glanced at the time on his arm.

He only has three months left to go home.

Using the Deception Crystal to travel between worlds requires returning time.

The Deception Crystal cheats the balance rules and replaces home with travel.

But this thing is more valuable than lifespan, and Li Shou can't afford it...

The most precious thing must be adequately rewarded. Spring water of life is a good reward, and there should be similar things in other places.

Li Shou thought about this and left here.

But instead of looking for the target directly, he wandered around.

His dream has always been to see the scenery in various worlds and become an adventurer and world traveler.

He was not strong enough before, but now he has become stronger. Today is the first stop on his journey.

A world coming to an end on a physical level...

He has seen many apocalyptic worlds, even the first one, but it is only the apocalyptic world of mankind.

This is the first time he has seen a world that truly reaches its end from the physical level.

Due to the damage to the temple, the surrounding magic circles were also damaged. After Li Shou left the area where the temple was located for several hundred kilometers, the cracks in the ground disappeared and he saw many creatures again.

There are people and animals.

But they look weird...

Most human beings have a shriveled appearance, and most of them have completely lost their minds. Only a few people still retain some sanity.

The animals also look weird, behave crazy, and are extremely aggressive.

This seems to be caused by the decline of the world.

After Li Shou wandered around the world for a while, he found a village that looked the most normal. There were some humans with rotten limbs and even mushrooms growing in their chests.

But their cloudy eyes were not completely crazy yet. Li Shou decided to go in and have a look to understand this end of the world.

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