After getting into Andidero's body, Li Shou began to wreak havoc.

Without the protection of the armor, his body's defense ability was much weaker. Li Shou's state of mind in the evil spirit state dropped a lot, but he didn't care so much. He destroyed everything he saw anyway, forcing an indigenous god to death. He can only harm himself.

Ah... Andidero poured a large amount of magical energy into his body in pain.

The magic caused his entire divine body to burn with blazing blue flames. Li Shou was burned sizzling inside his body and was finally forced out.

This skill is good! It's just that you can't stay in the opponent's body all the time. If you can't kill the opponent in a short time, he will come out... When Li Shou lamented the powerful state of the evil spirit, the demigod finally became angry.

The furious god's strength increased steadily.

He exploded with all his strength, first wielding the staff with half of his magical body, and summoned countless blue light balls in the temple.

The energy ball, as huge as the front of a truck, swept towards Li Shou's evil spirit body in a violent storm, leaving no room for him to dodge.

His body was directly blown into a mess, and then the divine sword struck again. With the sword energy flying in the air, Li Shou was killed again.

Then, resurrect in place...

Evil spirits are difficult to kill.

This is especially true for evil spirits.

Li Shou, who had regrouped his body, pounced on Andidero again.

The latter burst out with energy again, and after a fierce fight, killed him.

But Li Shou was able to resurrect with full health just like Xie Sui every time.

Every time he was resurrected, Li Shou became stronger.

Andidero is indeed very powerful. Even though Li Shou keeps getting stronger, he is still no match for him.

Until the last time.

Regardless of ordinary evil spirits, or the emperor and Fang Hui, the last state is the strongest state.

If you are killed at this time, you will really be in a state of despair and will never be reincarnated.

When Li Shou's last evil spirit body was blown to pieces by magic, the temperature of the entire temple dropped by dozens of degrees.

The scene was first covered with ice like an ice cellar, then a large amount of gray-white evil energy rose up, and then a huge body gradually condensed.

The Yin Qi first condensed into a human face, and then the body began to gradually take shape.

Andidero swung his sword and struck, trying to break Li Shou's body shape, but it was in vain.

The fog-like cold air blocked him, and then the thick fog rolled in the air, forming a giant hand that held his body.

Yes, Andidero's huge seven-meter-tall divine body was currently held in one hand by the evil spirit.

After that, Li Shou finally completed his transformation.

At this time, his body was like a large cloud in the sky, with various bodies crawling on it.

These bodies are all Li Shou’s experiences along the way...

There are the emperor's body, Fang Hui's body, Tu Ke's body, President Fang Yi's body, as well as countless evil bodies killed by Li Shou and the bodies of Red Lotus cult members...

At this time, those bodies were squirming like reliefs on Li Shou's huge mist body, looking very evil.

But the huge face of Li Shou's head floating in the air is very pure and peaceful, as if the three pure spirits came into the world to purify their hearts...

Li Shou's body was now twenty meters tall, and when spread out, it was bigger than a basketball court.

Fortunately, the temple is big enough, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate such a huge evil spirit body.

At this time, his body is compared with that of the opponent, as if he is the boss and the opponent has become the challenger.

After Li Shou grabbed Andidero's body, the evil energy in the entire hall began to condense, and ice cones began to condense. The ice cones carried the power of the storm and raging towards Andidero crazily.

Ah! With a scream, Andedro was pierced by evil energy and was turned into a hedgehog in the air.

Roaring, the demigod summoned a large number of energy balls to counterattack.

However, Li Shou's final state was much more powerful than his previous state. Facing the overwhelming energy balls, he directly resisted the damage.

The blue sword light that Andidero then slashed at him only made his body turbulent but did not bring much substantial achievements.

This kind of power is fascinating! Li Shou held Andidero's body tightly in the air, and then opened his mouth and sprayed pure evil energy at him.

The evil spirit instantly infected Andidero's body, freezing him on the spot, and then Li Shou swallowed him into his body.

Within Li Shou's body, Andidero was surrounded by evil spirits that were so dense that he couldn't get rid of them. Those evil spirits penetrated into his body from his limbs, hundreds of veins and seven orifices, invading his body.

Andidero wanted to fight back, but he was like a fish in a cold storage. Apart from stirring up the cold air, he was unable to do any substantial damage.

Although Li Shou's evil spirit was no match for him in the previous dozen states, the increasingly powerful evil spirits also consumed too much of his magic power.

Originally, when Andidero fought to the end, his strength had already dropped by five points, but Li Shou became more courageous as he fought, and his final state was several times more powerful than before.

Under the circumstances of one ebb and flow, the demigod could not withstand such consumption.

At this time, a large amount of evil energy swept through his body, causing his movements to become slower and slower, and the magical energy on his body was like a candle in the wind, with the risk of extinguishing at any time.

Finally, under the evil wind and turbulent winds, the divine light in Andidero's eyes gradually extinguished, and his face was invaded into ashes of death.

Li Shou had never killed a demigod before, and he was afraid that he would not be killed, so he continued to pour evil energy into his body.

In the end, Andidero's body slowly began to crack, and then completely broke like a frozen fish that fell to the ground, shattering into pieces.

Should he die this time?

Li Shou lowered his head and looked at the ground.

After Andidero died, a ball of light the size of a fist appeared from within his body.

Rushing over carefully, the runes on the light ball flickered, and various strange rules and powers shuttled through it.

Is this something like a godhead? An energy ball condensed by the power of rules? Li Shou picked up the godhead and found that it contained considerable power of rules and life energy.

He knew it was a good thing, but he didn't know how to use it.

For some time afterwards, he tried to absorb the godhead and even swallowed it, but to no avail.

What a waste of money. Do you want to go back to the club and buy a technique to absorb the divine power? But I don't have much money left. The method of absorbing the divine power must be very high-end. I only have 7 years to live and I can't afford it.

After buying Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue, he has more than 8 years left to live. Three years of retreat and some other consumption. Although he has the supplement of dominating the world, Li Shou still only has seven years left to live.

Always so poor. Putting the godhead on the ground, Li Shou found his body in the corner of the hall.

In the continuous battle just now, the body was rushed to the corner of the hall by the shock wave of the explosion. It was probably damaged several times in the middle, but due to the existence of epic recovery, it still seems to be intact now.

Li Shou straightened his body, and then the evil spirit body got into his body.

After the soul and body became one, the eyes of Li Shou's body began to focus and he became alive again.

After coming back to life, Li Shou ran to the place where Andidero died, picked up the alchemy ring and began to identify the trophies on the ground.

In addition to the Godhead, three pieces of equipment that looked very high-end were left behind at the scene: the Divine Armor, the Divine Scepter and the Divine Sword.

Although he couldn't take these things back with him, Li Shou was still curious about their properties.

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