Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 210 The Fountain of Life and the Peaceful One

Li Shou first picked up the divine sword. This thing destroyed his body too many times and was very powerful.

This sword is much higher grade than the one used by Fu Kai. It would be great if I could take it back! It solves the problem of poverty all at once.

He took out the alchemy ring and placed it on it. The ring quickly analyzed its physical composition and energy structure.

Then pass back the data...

[The heavy sword with a large amount of space power is made of an unseen special magic metal. It has good magic guidance function and can amplify the energy transfer effect of the caster. Use it to attack opponents with powerful tearing power, making it a top-notch weapon for magic swordsmen. 】

It's a special magic metal that I haven't seen before. That's right. The world of alchemists may not have things from this world. Li Shou touched the giant sword and felt the sharpness in it.

The short thorn of Liu Teng Guangji installed on him was only possessed of the power of space rules, and this sword had massive power of space rules.

And in terms of size, it is very suitable for Li Shou to use after his transformation.

But there is no way to take it away...

Putting the sword aside first, Li Shou then appraised the other two items.

They are all high-level equipment with good reviews. Although the reviews are not as good as those of great swords, they are similar.

Finally, Li Shou solemnly appraised the godhead.

[An energy group that condenses the power of various rules. If there is a special way to crack it, you can use the power within it. 】

If it can be taken away, this one is most likely to be taken away. Just absorb the power in it... But now.

Li Shou could only find a slightly more private place in the temple, dig a hole and bury it and the staff.

There is a magic circle protecting the temple outside, and ordinary people cannot enter. In addition, the news of the death of the demigod inside has not been conveyed, so the deterrent effect is still there.

It stands to reason that being buried here is safer than being buried in the wild.

After burying the staff and divine head, Li Shou put on the divine armor and picked up the giant sword.

In a state where the boundaries of Li Shou's flesh and blood were completely relaxed, he was about the same height as Andidero, and his clothes were just right.

If you can increase your strength, increase it a little. Anyway, I don't plan to leave this world now. We might encounter fierce battles in the future.

Although the structure of the armor is a bit different from Li Shou's body structure, it is still wearable.

After dressing up, he walked around the temple and learned about the world on top of the reliefs.

The reliefs and murals in the temple depict the former prosperity of this world and its gradual decline after the fire of the sun was extinguished.

But there was no written explanation for the relief, so Li Shou could not learn more.

After that, he didn't find anything useful, so he walked towards the back of the temple.

There is a door behind Andidero's throne, which opens into a corridor.

Not far after walking into the corridor, Li Shou saw a huge secret room. There was something like a fountain in the secret room, but the water in the fountain had almost dried up, leaving only a small amount that even covered the bottom of the pool.

This is what Andidero is guarding. Keeping it here all the time should be an excellent thing in theory. Li Shou lowered his head and looked at the spring water.

The spring water shines brightly like crystal, and the water source exudes a refreshing natural atmosphere.

It seems that one sip can prolong your life, and one sip can make you immortal.

Ah... There is no reason to waste such a good thing in front of you.

Although Li Shou didn't know the function of the fountain of life yet, in line with the principle that even if it is poison, it will not kill him, Li Shou leaned over and took a sip.

It's so sweet... The sweet spring water entered his body along his throat. At this moment, Li Shou's body seemed to be experiencing nectar after a long drought, and every cell bloomed with comfort.

Li Shou felt that with just one mouthful, all the basic energy in his body began to grow crazily.

The muscles have become stronger, the bones have become closer, and even the body parts that have been distorted after being modified by countless zombie viruses have begun to become normal.

The most important thing is that after drinking the spring water, the acupoints and meridians in Li Shou's body began to become active, and the internal energy was driven to run automatically. The effect was hundreds of times better than the ancient blood, spirit, and flesh.

Good thing, good thing! This fight was not in vain. It's a pity that there is not much spring water left... Li Shou leaned over again, Since there is not much left, it would be a waste to give it to others! I will accept it with a smile. !”

Li Shou licked his face to comfort himself, and then began to drink spring water.

Every time he took a sip of spring water into his belly, his body jumped for joy. He curiously ran the skills, and his inner energy immediately emerged from the hundreds of meridians in his limbs, and his skills were improving day by day.

However, after only drinking eight sips of spring water, even Li Shou's huge body felt too full and couldn't digest it.

He was not in a hurry. Since he couldn't digest it for the time being, he would meditate and practice on the spot.

With the practice, the Three Nine Cold Kung Fu, Golden Clothes Kung Fu and Five Poison Toad Kung Fu that had long been stagnant began to improve rapidly.

Different from the practice of using commands to absorb rules, the generation of inner energy relies on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the body.

This spring of life is so full of spiritual energy that it condenses into a physical object. It is also very nourishing to the body. Of course, it is very suitable for inner energy cultivation.

Li Shou did not waste the treasures of this other world.

While practicing, wait for your body to absorb the spring water.

For the next three months, he did nothing but drink water and meditate.

When his body has digested the power of the spiritual spring, he drinks it, and when it is full, he meditates...

It was not until more than three months later that he drank up the last sip of spring water. Li Shou's body became as perfect as a god. After at least hundreds of years of cultivation, the inner energy completely collapsed.

As the last drop of spring water dries up, earthquakes begin all around.

First, the ground around the spring began to crack, and then huge cracks spread, causing the entire hall and even the entire area to begin to collapse.

When the collapse came, Li Shou hurriedly flew up and smashed open the roof of the hall, using the power of the storm to hover in the air.

From the air, Li Shou saw collapses and ground cracks spreading to the horizon, at least hundreds of kilometers away, and the entire land was cracking.

The world was already on the verge of decline, and the world was further on the verge of destruction.

It seems that he has done something bad... When Li Shou looked around blankly, he seemed to be attracted by the noise here. A huge magic eye first appeared on the horizon. After the eyeball made of energy looked here, there were no nearby objects. Magic circles began to appear on the cracked ground.

After the magic flash, three weird mages who looked exactly the same teleported here.

Wearing black hoods, with the aura of death surging around their bodies, they looked at the collapsed temple as soon as they arrived.

The fountain of life has been destroyed.

One nail was pulled out.

But the God of Life seems not to be dead...

The three mages looked at Li Shou.

He was currently wearing Andidero's divine armor and carrying his sword, so it was normal for him to be mistaken.

Who are you? Li Shou saw that there were many magic ornaments on these three people, and the style of the ornaments was incompatible with this world, and they seemed not to be natives.

The peaceful one.

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