Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 208: Practical Combat of Enhancing Evil and Making Clay Figures

Looking at the giant in front of him, Li Shou was actually looking forward to this battle.

This was his first real confrontation with an ancient level power.

After the completion of the remaining chapter of The Art of Enhancing Evil, Li Shou believed that his strength had improved a lot, and he was very convinced that he had the strength of an ancient master in the world of Kyushu.

But facing this demigod, he still didn't dare to show off.

In all fights, you must go all out at the first opportunity, otherwise you may die directly without even having a chance to use your special move.

Therefore, Li Shou immediately released all the power within the limits of flesh and blood, first allowing his body to reach its optimal condition, so that he would no longer suffer in terms of height and shape.

At the same time, he released the evil power brought by the Evil Ascension Method, and a phantom began to appear behind him...

Before he could finish releasing his power, the demigod's attack was already in place. He roared blasphemer while slashing out the big sword that glowed with faint blue light. Li Shou had just dodged it, and the other half of the body behind the giant god, He picked up the staff and imprisoned his body.

It's an old trick.

This demigod has twin bodies. The front body is a knight in armor, and the back body is a woman holding a magic wand.

One melee and one long range.

One to control, one to kill.

This was how Li Shou lost in two rounds last time.

But this time...

When Li Shou's body was imprisoned, the shadow behind him had taken shape. It was a huge evil spirit. At this time, it was like Li Shou's soul attached to his body, possessing more power than his body. .

Xie Sui's appearance is similar to Li Shou's in three ways, but he looks much more terrifying. Half of his face is distorted like Xie Sui's, while the other half seems to be affected by Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue and is very calm and peaceful.

This kind of extreme contrast looks particularly terrifying when it appears on a person's face.

After the Shenhun Xiegui appeared, he tore into the air with force, and the confinement technique was torn apart. The sound of cracking brocade was heard in the air, and Li Shou regained his ability to move.

After regaining his mobility, Li Shou immediately dodged the attack of the giant sword again and at the same time, he fit in and knocked down the demigod.

Then he used a naked choke position to lock the demigod's body with his body, and at the same time, the spirit evil spirits behind him began to attack the demigod crazily.

Xie Sui's arm turned into a sickle, and he quickly aimed at the demigod and slashed at him. The power of each blow was several times more powerful than Li Shou's own body.

Under the slashes of the scythe arm, wounds began to appear on the demigod's body.

It's just that unlike humans, after his body was shattered, only a few dots of light floated out, and no blood flowed.

The messenger of the Deceiver actually has the soul of the Mad King... After the demigod was injured, magic light erupted from his body. Under the impact of a huge amount of magic power, Li Shou's body was penetrated by the shock wave, and he flew out like a rag bag. .

Evil root bone repair, Evil promotion method, Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue, Ancient Yin and cold energy...

After investing a huge amount of resources, his current physical strength is far inferior to the power of the soul.

But fortunately the foundation is still there.

Getting up from the ground, the holes in his body quickly healed, and Li Shou looked at the demigod again.

The body of the undead, the soul of the mad king, the breath of the deceiver...who are you? This time the demigod did not take the initiative to attack, but stopped to ask Li Shou a question.

I told you last time, I am just a traveler passing through this place, and I am imprisoned by the magic circle and cannot get out... Li Shou answered the demigod's question again, and at the same time asked the same question as last time, You are not a human being, what are you?

The King of Twins, the Guardian of the Fountain of Life, the God of Life, the Ruler of the Andro Empire, the Giver of Immortality, the Last Awakener... Andedro.

A very long and powerful title. If these words had come from Ma Nanzheng's mouth, Li Shou would have felt that he was showing off.

But coming from the mouth of an ancient being, it makes sense.

Each title seems to represent something he does or a very important identity.

For example, The Commander of the Andro Empire means that he has been an emperor, and The God of Life means that he has been a god. As for the Last Awake, it seems to be also very important, which means that the world must have been destroyed for some reason. Falling into madness.

And that he can stay awake is something worth talking about, and it is as important as the God of Life.

Since you are an ancient and intelligent being, you should know that there is no need for us to continue fighting. Let me leave here and I will explore the world...

With the aura of the three evil gods, he came to the Fountain of Life in an attempt to deceive me.

Andidero didn't believe Li Shou's words at all. After calling out Deceiver, he slashed at Li Shou again with his sword.

This time he slashed with his sword. When the sword reached mid-air, he suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already behind Li Shou. Li Shou couldn't react in time and just wanted to dodge, and his body was imprisoned again.

Although he had broken through the confining force in the next second, the time difference allowed Andidero's sword to hit him.

The divine sword first struck the soul behind him.

The sword energy with blue light can even cut through the earth.

His soul could not withstand this level of attack and was immediately torn in half.

And Li Shou's body couldn't withstand this level of attack. His body was torn open like a hot knife cutting through butter.

Li Shou's huge body was cut in half by a single blow and shot out in both directions. Under normal circumstances, such an injury would kill a god, let alone a human being.

The fate of the blasphemer. Seeing the death of his opponent, Andidero put away his giant sword and was about to return to his throne, when he suddenly saw bursts of evil energy emerging from Li Shou's body.

The evil spirits gathered in the air and became a powerful evil spirit.

Evil spirits cannot be killed easily, and the Evil Ascension Method is a technique that refines people's souls into evil spirits.

The former emperor was also difficult to kill, and the same was true for Fang Hui. Li Shou had a much higher level of cultivation than them in the Ascension of Evil, so naturally he would not die easily.

After the evil spirit emerged from his body, Li Shou looked back at his two parts.

You won't lose your body, right? Li Shou was a little worried.

Although the divine soul state is powerful, it has many limitations, and after losing the physical body, it will be difficult to practice other techniques in the future, so the upper limit is naturally not high.

Fortunately, epic recovery and zombie body were not covered. They were both in half and the body was still squirming and trying to grow.

Granules have grown on both sides of his body. If he is left alone, Li Shou is even afraid that his body will grow like two earthworms.

The eternal puzzle finally has an answer. He summoned a storm in his hand to piece the two sides of the body together, and then the flesh and blood stuck together and became intact again. The head is damaged, but it can be recovered! Perfect!

... Andidero watched Li Shou pinch his body together like mud without interrupting.

After all, he has lived for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen such a bizarre thing.

He was about to ask something, but Li Shou didn't give him a chance to do anything, and the evil spirit body pounced directly on his body.

This time Andidero wanted to block with his sword, but Li Shou directly bypassed the sword edge and penetrated into his seven orifices.

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