That night.


Tongtianfang, Lifeng Restaurant.

In the courtyard behind the restaurant, laughter of haha kept coming.

The sugar-coated bullets of the rulers are really powerful. They will marry their daughters directly. Lao Li, you can't fall into the trap. If you accept this, we can't be too harsh on them in the future. King Urine teased Li Shou .

During the day today, Li Shou was confused when faced with the marriage gift.

It is not a sugar-coated rejection to refuse, nor is it to fall out.

He didn't know how to deal with it.

Fortunately, the Eighth Prince was also a veteran, and after letting Li Shou think about it for a few days, he made a haha ​​and let them go back.

Everyone had nowhere to go, so they temporarily found a restaurant to stay in Fangshi next to Tianxia Palace.

After that, it’s group teasing.

Of course, some people think seriously about this issue.

I feel that this marriage can be concluded. Juehuang analyzed: Today, it seems that the strongest expert in this country is within the royal family. If you want to find out information, you can get inside. Moreover, in such a big country, we, We are just some broken high school students, and you guys are not good at studying...

Just talk, why are you swearing? The big man retorted first, What's wrong with not studying well?

It means that it is difficult for your brains to learn the knowledge in textbooks. If you want to govern this country, isn't it a fantasy? We killed everyone in the royal family. In addition to making everything messy, it seems that we can't bring it back. If there is no balance, it will only bring chaos.”

Then what do you mean?

I mean, if you want to implement the law of balance, what is the most important thing?

Fairness. Li Shou suddenly thought of this word, Fairness. At this stage, we should first let the people have enough to eat, and reduce taxes and corvees. You see all the way here, those people are all sallow and skinny, just like hungry people. You know, The world's food production is higher than that of the earth. Let's take care of fair distribution first.

After experiencing so many worlds, Li Shou saw order, chaos, doomsday, and the powerful. He felt in his heart that for ordinary people, the greatest balance is fairness.

Absolute fairness is impossible to obtain.

After all, everyone is unfair from birth.

But on the other hand, a less harsh environment and a relatively fair distribution method can indeed greatly conform to the principle of balance.

When Li Shou thought about this, he suddenly thought of the Notes of Wuwei given to him by Hui Lingjun.

He couldn't understand that thing at first, and only saw the word fair, but now there was a faint content in his mind.

They are all vague methods of governing the world. Li Shou still can't understand them for the time being, so he has to understand them separately.

But he still somewhat agrees with Jue Huang's point of view. Now they are just some high school students who want to govern such a world and make it develop in a balanced direction. It is useless to simply kill all the vested interests.

Since this matter has to be considered in the long term, it is imperative for Old Li to marry the princess. Juehuang decided on the strategy and even used the matter of the mission to block Li Shou's mouth, During the mission, I became Cao Cao. The son-in-law of the family, not only suffered many grievances, but was assassinated several times.

I can do the task with my head up, and I also gave away my first love experience, so to be fair to everyone, you can do the same thing.

And most importantly, your life is not in danger.

Well-founded and convincing. King Urine nodded first.

Huang Jue is right.

Then most of the students agreed.

Only Wang Yanna disagreed.

Old Zhao went to Cao's house because we were the weak side at the time and had no choice but to do it. Now Li Shou is not necessarily worse than them, so why should he wrong himself?

What's there to be aggrieved about? The princess isn't ugly, isn't she? King Urine objected again.

that is.

Huang Jue fell out of love because of the mission. We may never see each other again. How much he sacrificed. This world is still our home court, and Brother Li won't be sad if we get married.

Not good!

invalid objection!

But Li Shou has a girlfriend here... Wang Yanna pulled Yan Ling'er next to her, Sister Ling'er, please say something.


Although Yan Linger was suppressed by the rules and could not fully understand what everyone was saying, she could still understand most of the conversation.

She knew that everyone was discussing the marriage during the day.

I don't have any ideas. As long as Junior Brother is happy, I will work with him as a maid. Yan Ling'er smiled helplessly, I am just a businessman's daughter who wants to follow people's influence. When I first came into contact with Junior Brother, my purpose was not pure.

Later, although the relationship was good, the gap between everyone was really too big. Before today, I still had some illusions, but after today, the moment I saw my junior brother easily defeating the most powerful legendary Martial Saint in Southwest State in decades, I knew it was impossible for us.

Junior brother is someone who wants to do big things, I just need to be by your side.

As Yan Ling'er spoke, she took Li Shou's arm and smiled at him: Junior brother, do whatever you want to do with confidence and boldness. Senior sister will support you!

... Looking down at the smile of his senior sister, something soft in Li Shou's heart was touched, I'm not familiar with her. With my strength, I can get information even if I'm not married! They don't fully understand my strength yet. , once you know it, you won’t say that again.”

the next day.

Before dawn, the owner of the restaurant knocked on the door of the courtyard.

Then Cheng Lingyue's voice came from outside the courtyard, Brother Li Shou, come out, come out quickly! This princess knows that you live in there, I will shout three times, and if you don't come out, I will kick the door down!

What are you doing? Li Shou, who was studying the exercises in the courtyard, opened the door of the courtyard. It's so early. If you don't sleep, others are sleeping.

Follow me to Tianxia Palace. My father has something to do with you.

What is it? Is it about marriage? I have no idea of ​​getting married.

Hmph, have you received the news? Cheng Lingyue curled her lips and looked at Li Shou, He is really a guy who can adapt to the wind!

What news? What are you talking about?

you do not know?

have no idea.

Then follow me!

Holding Li Shou's wrist, Cheng Lingyue pulled him into a luxurious carriage nearby, and then the motorcade returned to Tianxia Palace.

The two came to the main hall yesterday.

When she came this time, Cheng Lingyue put on a serious expression on her face and curbed her arrogance.

Let's go. The motorcade stopped far in front of the main hall, and Cheng Lingyue pulled Li Shou into the main hall.

As soon as he entered the main hall, Li Shou saw the Eighth Prince kneeling in front of someone.

Then Cheng Lingyue immediately knelt down when she saw the man.

Li Shou didn't want to kneel down, so he looked steadily at the person in the middle of the hall.

He was wearing a dragon robe, and his body exuded a strange cold air, like an evil spirit.

Li Shou recognized the man as the emperor just by looking at his clothes.

Li Shou didn't know the etiquette in this world, but according to the earth, as the emperor's brother, the prince would rarely kneel in front of his brother for such a long time unless he made a mistake.

If the Eighth Prince made no mistake, it would mean that the two brothers were at odds and the emperor was using his power to suppress others.

Why don't you kneel down when you see me? The man wearing a dragon robe with a cold aura looked at Li Shou.

I don't want to kneel.

The crime of deceiving the emperor is punishable by beheading.

Then you can try.

Li Shou also clenched his fists while speaking.

It's okay if the emperor doesn't look for trouble. He will act according to the originally planned rhythm. If he is forced to kneel down, he doesn't mind changing his strategy.

It was okay not to kill the entire royal family, but he liked the Eighth Prince much more than the emperor.

It is not impossible to kill the emperor and make the Eighth Prince the emperor.

Life and death depend on each other's thoughts!

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