Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 172 The first actual use of the flesh and blood limit

The emperor looked at Li Shou and was silent for a moment.

At that moment, an old man behind him suddenly rose up and shot directly at Li Shou.

The old man's action made Li Shou finally feel a slight sense of danger in this world.

The previous fight was like playing house, but this time, it was much better.

The old man was also practicing some kind of ice-attributed inner energy similar to the Three Nine Cold Skills. When the cold hit him in the air, Li Shou raised his hand to resist, and his body was immediately covered with frost.

And this old man should also be a member of the royal family. The heavy blow from the frost queen was so powerful and heavy that it was much more powerful than Cheng Lingyue yesterday. Li Shou was knocked away with one blow.

Li Shou closed his body in the air, and Yu Feng and the old man fought together.

The old man is very powerful. Not only does he have deep inner energy and hundreds of years of skill, but most importantly, he is also powerful.

Li Shou's normal strength was more than twice that of the old man.

If you don't kneel, you must have the capital not to kneel! The old man suppressed Li Shou and attacked again, If you don't kneel, I will beat you until you do. The imperial power has lasted for thousands of years, and there is still someone who dares to challenge it?

Thousands of years? Ha, a world with extraordinary power is really unfair to the people... Li Shou sighed while releasing part of the power bounded by flesh and blood, and his body began to expand.

In the ancient history of the earth, dynasties generally did not last more than three hundred years.

Moreover, most dynasties in the early and mid-term did not squeeze the common people into the doomsday scene everywhere like outside.

Once it reaches that point, approaching the critical point of the doomsday scene, the force of large-scale resistance will be formed.

But not here.

Ordinary people?

How many can defeat a martial artist?

How many martial arts masters can defeat a great martial arts master?

An ordinary martial saint can withstand thousands of armies.

The royal family is not only the pinnacle of power, but also holds the lifeblood of the Martial Saint.

The power of the royal family and the people is extremely unbalanced. No matter how hard the upper levels try, as long as the power is in their hands, the lower levels cannot successfully resist.

Thousand-year dynasty?

If nothing unexpected happens, it is possible to create a ten thousand year dynasty.

Li Shou was thinking a lot in his mind, and his body gradually expanded to about 1.9 meters. After liberating the barbarian bloodline, his body's strength increased by more than twenty times.

The surge of power that filled his body made Li Shou very comfortable.

Without further liberating the boundaries of flesh and blood, Li Shou punched the old man. His strength increased dozens of times, and the old man flew dozens of meters away, spitting out a mouthful of blood on the ground.

Power fascinates me! Li Shou slowly walked towards the old man, Do you have any other options? Let me see the true strength of the royal family!

Yellow-mouthed kid! As the old man spoke, another mouthful of blood spurted out, and he crushed something on his body, and then some kind of rhythm began to form in the entire Tianxia Palace.

Under this rhythm, the old man immediately recovered from his injuries, and then counterattacked Li Shou again at more than twice the speed.

When they fought again, Li Shou felt that the opponent's strength had increased several times in an instant. Although he was still no match for him, he was no longer without any ability to resist.

What kind of ancient formation is this? Li Shou kicked the old man away again and asked: Besides increasing strength and recovery ability, is there any other effect? ​​You can't activate all the formations. Now, let me see its power!

Li Shou teased the old man, trying to force out the full power of the royal family.

But it ultimately failed.

The old man's authority to activate the formation seemed to only be so high. No matter how he fought, the opponent never became stronger.

Under his iron fist weighing tens of tons, every time the old man was hit, it was like being hit by a large truck that was fully loaded and driving at the highest speed. Every time the old man was hit, he could fly dozens of meters away.

Even with the formation bonus, he only carried it one or twenty times before lying on the ground motionless.

That's not okay! Li Shou crushed the old man's head with his foot and turned to look at the emperor. Since you have fallen out, let's do it to the end. Cheng Lingyue!

Ah? Cheng Lingyue turned around in fright when she heard Li Shou's cry.

The scene just now, whether it was Li Shou's behavior or fighting prowess, left her speechless.

The emperor's bodyguard is his uncle, who is also one of the famous masters in the imperial city.

Under normal conditions, one person can fight against several Martial Saints. With the blessing of the Tianxia Palace Formation, the ordinary Martial Saints are not Jihe's enemies at all, but now they are being played to death.

The man looked like he still had a lot of energy left.

Go back to the courtyard and call my brothers over, especially the one named Ma Nanzheng! Eighth Prince, if you want to take over the imperial power, then seal this hall. In just a moment, I should be able to End the battle. Whether it’s a message blockade or something else, it’s up to you.”

As Li Shou spoke, he slowly walked towards the emperor.

But the latter was not too panicked. Instead, he looked at Li Shou and said with a smile: Li Wusheng is really a person who is rare to meet in thousands of years. The concentration of the alien blood is as thick as that of the ancient people. You are indeed Have the capital not to kneel down.

I came here today because I am interested in your blood and want to marry the princess to you. The guard's action is also to test the strength of your bloodline. It seems that you are stronger than you think. Instead of joining Lao Bana, it is better to get closer to the few people directly. This is the way to understand the current affairs.

Then try your strength first!

Li Shou didn't like this emperor, firstly because of his arrogant attitude, and most importantly because he had a strong evil spirit and looked neither human nor ghostly.

And he has a habit of generally not offending people, but once a conflict starts, he will completely offend people to death. Otherwise, when we cooperate in the future, we will always feel like we have a thorn in our backs, fearing that the other party will stab us in the back.

Instead of worrying all the time after cooperation, it is better to kill him on the spot and let Ma Nanzheng use the art of change to replace the emperor!

Thinking of this, Li Shou flew directly and punched the emperor.

The other party did not call for help, nor did he call for guards or other martial saints, nor did he call for soldiers from Tianxia Palace.

He just waited there calmly, stretched out his palm, and received Li Shou's punch.

He was testing Li Shou's strength, and so was Li Shou.

The first round ended in a draw between the two sides.

Young man, it's still too late to regret now. The emperor continued to persuade him in a leisurely manner.

But Li Shou was too lazy to talk nonsense to him.

This emperor doesn't know what kind of weird skills he has practiced, and his combat effectiveness is different from other people's.

Li Shou didn't dare to ask for help and directly activated the secret method of boiling blood.

With the blessing of the secret method of boiling blood, his strength soared again, and he punched the emperor one after another, making the entire hall tremble.

Ignorant of current affairs! My patience is almost exhausted... As the emperor spoke, he activated the Tianxia Palace Formation to bless his body. At the same time, the evil spirit on his body began to spread. After a while, the entire hall, including the main hall, The huge area outside was polluted by the evil spirit.

The gray-white mist blocked the sunlight above the head, and then the entire hall fell into a strange space.

This formation is very similar to that of the Red Lotus Sect. What is your relationship with Fang Hui, the leader of the Red Lotus Sect?

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