Being hit by continuous blows, Li Shou was bathed in the fluctuations of Turtle Style Qigong and felt the opponent's impressive attack power.

If it was him before, he would definitely be injured now.

Although you can recover instantly after being injured, this also means breaking your defense.

But now Li Shou has swallowed more than a hundred different mutant viruses. Although not all mutants have defensive properties, even one tenth of them can increase his overall defense power a lot.

Although the flesh and blood limit skill shrinks his attack power, size, strength and other attributes.

However, due to the compression of flesh and blood, his defense power has not been reduced.

Li Shou's current defense is very strong, and he is completely unaffected by the shock wave frontal attack.

After a while, the dust fell, and a ravine was created on the ground. The place where Li Shou was was in a mess, but he was safe and sound.

This scene allows the attacker to directly see through the defense.

The one who was hit did not break his defense, but the one who hit him broke his defense directly.

You... you're not injured? The big Martial Saint took a few steps forward, as if he didn't believe his eyes.

No, but you are indeed much better than the one just now. How old are you? Li Shou continued to collect data.

I... uh, I am one hundred and thirty-five years old. Alas! After a long sigh, the martial saint was like a deflated rubber ball, and his size began to shrink. There are talented people from generation to generation. It seems that I am really It’s time to be eliminated.”

Li Wusheng is really awesome! Hahahaha! The Eighth Prince, who had always been expressionless, finally changed his expression when he saw this. The royal majesty that he had maintained all year round loosened his face and began to put on a real smile.

He laughed and applauded Li Shou, Li Wusheng is even more powerful than the rumors say. With such a tough body like an ancient alien beast, I'm afraid he has awakened the true ancient alien bloodline. He is really, really powerful!

As he spoke, the title of the Eighth Prince changed, Nephew Li Xian looks quite young. Can I ask how old Nephew Li Xian is?

Me? I'm over 17 years old.


Hearing Li Shou's age, the Eighth Prince was speechless.

There is a hurdle between a great martial artist and a martial saint. Even the most talented young geniuses, those who break through to great martial arts in their teens, often stay stuck in this realm for decades.

Even the characters trained by the royal family and the geniuses fed with ancient blood and spirit flesh usually have to be around forty years old before they can break through.

Only those with different blood, and those with extremely high concentration of different blood, are likely to break through in their twenties.

The Eighth Prince thought that Li Shou was young, but he never thought that he was so young.

And the most important thing is that just after breaking through, he can face off against the veteran martial saint. This kind of blood concentration is rare in a century.

Thinking of this, the Eighth Prince winked at the person next to him, and then muttered something. The latter took the order and left. After a while, he brought back a girl in red clothes.

The girl looked to be seventeen or eighteen years old, about the same age as Li Shou. As soon as she arrived, she pouted and asked unhappily: Father, I am practicing in seclusion, why are you here with me?

Introducing a young talent to you. The Eighth Prince smiled and introduced to his daughter: On the stage is our new talent from Southwest Prefecture, Martial Saint Li Shou. Nephew Li Xian, this is my only daughter. Cheng Lingyue.

Hello. Li Shou nodded to her. In his opinion, this was very polite. After all, this is how modern people say hello, but in Cheng Lingyue's opinion, this was a bit treasonous.

Because of my talent, I still made such a gesture when I met this princess. You are a commoner from the frontier, and you really don't know etiquette. The girl jumped onto the martial arts stage as she spoke, I'm going to teach you a lesson today!

Can this be fought? Li Shou looked around and saw that no one was making any move, not even the Eighth Prince said anything. He must have acquiesced.

Cheng Lingyue didn't care about him that much. She taught him a lesson and punched him as soon as she came up.

Li Shou curiously raised his hand to resist, and when his fists and palms met, he was actually beaten back several steps.

At such a young age, Cheng Ling Yue's attack power was much stronger than that of the veteran Martial Saint just now.

Li Shou responded curiously, and found that his opponent was not only powerful in attack, but also in defense. He kicked the opponent in the stomach, and the opponent continued to fight with him without any pain.

Although her fighting skills are not as good as those of the veteran martial arts saints, her thick skin and high output can make up for all shortcomings.

After fighting for more than ten rounds, Li Shou suddenly figured it out.

In a world with extraordinary power, it is impossible for a weak person to become emperor.

Everyone will fight for the resources of a county, and the resources of a dynasty are even more so.

Why do you occupy the few ancient blood, spirit and meat fields?

Why should you distribute the ingredients for the longevity pill?

Why should I give you the best things and still have to work for you even if I advance to become a Martial Saint?

Only with strength!

If you don't have power in the supernatural world, you will be kicked out long ago.

This royal family member should have some kind of different blood, and the level is very high, much more powerful than those different blood geniuses among the people.

The super strong bloodline and the unlimited supply of resources have allowed the royal family to win at the starting line since they were young.

At less than twenty years old, his strength exceeds that of ordinary veteran martial saints.

This data is very important! After Li Shou fought with Cheng Lingyue for a while, he finally started to use all the power of wind control. He took advantage of the opponent's lack of combat experience and looked for an opportunity to roll up the wind with the wind first. The other party then hit her on the waist with a palm, knocking her off the martial arts stage.

I don't accept it, it doesn't count! After getting off the martial arts stage, Cheng Lingyue was not seriously injured. She wanted to jump up and fight again, but the eighth prince raised his hand and pressed him down, Stop messing around!

Although Cheng Lingyue was unruly, she was still a little afraid of the Eighth Prince. She glared at Li Shou fiercely and stopped talking.

My little girl is willful, don't blame nephew Li Xian.

It's okay. Li Shou shook his head, I didn't suffer any loss anyway.

You! Cheng Lingyue still wanted to speak, but was pulled aside by the Eighth Prince. Although my little girl is willful, she is pure-hearted, innocent and cute. She is about the same age as Nephew Li Xian, so we can communicate more on weekdays.

What's the meaning?

We, the royal family, pay most attention to bloodline. In recent years, there have been fewer and fewer people of different bloods in the outside world, and the ancient bloodline has become thinner and thinner. The same is true for the bloodline of the royal family. If we want to maintain the excellence of future generations, we can only cooperate with Li Xian A young talent like my nephew gets married.

The Eighth Prince spoke without any concealment, showing the air of a man who has always been in a high position.

The foundation of the royal family lies in blood and strength. This will not change for thousands of years. Although it is a political marriage, Nephew Li can rest assured that as long as he marries his daughter, he can enjoy the same treatment as the royal family, including ancient blood, spirit, flesh and cultivation resources. Definitely not less.”

Recruiting a son-in-law when we meet, I agree, your daughter will not agree either... Li Shou wanted to say something else. After all, in the TV series he watched, most children were particularly opposed to this type of political marriage.

What's more, Cheng Lingyue still has a unruly character.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Cheng Lingyue took two steps forward and looked up at him: I agree! Maintaining the strength of the royal bloodline is the greatest responsibility of all royal people. Boy, although this princess does not I like your character, but you are indeed very strong, and you are barely worthy of being the princess of this county.”

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