After hearing Li Shou's promise, the Eighth Prince sent someone to invite him.

In a short time, a group of eleven worshippers were led into the hall. This number was much more than Li Shou thought.

I remember Master said that our entire Southwest Prefecture produced a Martial Saint twenty-five years ago. In this way, the world is divided into nine states. If each state produced a Martial Saint every 25 years, the average would be close to Only one comes out every three years. Why do you have so many Martial Saints here?

Li Shou asked as he thought of it.

Anyway, he is here to inquire about information, and he is not afraid of others turning their backs.

Hahaha, the life span of the Martial Saint is much longer than that of ordinary people. If it were not for the Red Lotus Rebellion, it would be difficult to lose. Plus with the help of the Life Extension Pill, the number of people would naturally increase over time. And there is one in more than 20 years. This is what you said in Southwest State. Zhongzhou has more sects, more cultivation resources, and a larger population. It cannot be generalized.

Moreover, many of the martial saints here were trained by the royal family themselves, using ancient blood, spirit, flesh, and learning ancient techniques, which cannot be generalized.

Oh, that's right. Li Shou nodded, How long can the Martial Saint live?

Without taking the Life-Extension Pill, the lifespan can reach 170 years. If you take the Life-Extension Pill, your life span can reach 200 years. If you have meritorious service and take a large amount of the Life-Extension Pill, your life span can reach 300 years.

Oh oh oh, I understand. Come on, let's test the gap between me and other Martial Saints first!

Li Wusheng is a happy person. The Eighth Prince nodded, and then led everyone to the martial arts arena.

Since Li Wusheng is from Southwest Prefecture, and I have heard about the incident of Wusheng appearing in Southwest Prefecture twenty-five years ago, then the person you mentioned happens to be among the worshipers I called for. Since we are all familiar with each other, Zheng Jiezhen, You come to the first game first.”

Yes, Your Majesty.

A young-looking man walked out of the field and jumped onto the stage.

Li Shou also jumped onto the platform paved with large bluestones and looked at his opponent.

You became a Martial Saint twenty-five years ago. How old are you now?

I broke through to become a great martial artist at the age of nineteen, and then stayed in the realm of great martial artist for thirty-three years. I became a martial arts saint at the age of fifty-two. I am 77 years old this year.

Well, he's already 77! He looks like he's in his twenties or thirties. Is this the effect of the longevity pill or the effect of being promoted to a Martial Saint?

Both. Please!

He didn't want to talk to Li Shou more.

After all, Li Shou didn't seem to understand anything. He was from Southwest State. He must have just advanced to Martial Saint, and his realm was not yet stable.

He remembered that he looked like this when he first came to the capital.

People who have just advanced to the level of Martial Saint are arrogant and do not know how high the sky is, thinking that they are the best in the world.

But little did he know that the water in the Imperial City was deep. He was a legend in Southwest State, but in the Imperial City, he was just an ordinary worshipper.

Junior, look at it!

Please! Li Shou didn't understand Zheng Jie's thoughts. After cupping his fists, he waited for his opponent to attack.

Zheng Jie also took the lead in attacking as he wished.

He used his body skills to take one step forward, and after three steps he was in front of Li Shou, aiming at Li Shou's chest and hitting him with a palm.

Li Shou noticed that after Zheng Jie took action, the entire palm turned completely black. It should be a skill like Iron Sand Palm that he was practicing.

And the biggest difference from the Great Martial Master is that when this Martial Saint takes action, it seems to be able to induce some power of heaven and earth as a bonus. With one palm push, there is a sound of wind in the field.

He was very curious about Wu Sheng's attack power, so he didn't dodge and took the blow forcefully.

With a bang, the wind stopped, and the two of them stood on the spot.

This scene made the Eighth Prince frown, while Yan Linger looked worried.

As for the other people in Class 1 and 3, they had no expression.

Junior brother, will everything be okay? Although Yan Ling'er knew that Li Shou had advanced to Martial Saint.

But she is a native after all and can only think according to the way of thinking of her own world.

After all, Zheng Jie is a legend in the entire southwest state. She has heard stories and legends about him since she was a child. His achievements were once sung in scripts by people in teahouses.

And even if he is also a Martial Saint, the opponent has advanced for so many years, and Li Shou has just advanced.

Of course she was worried.

Sister Ling'er, don't be afraid, this person doesn't look very powerful. Wang Yanna comforted him.

Sure enough, after a moment, Zheng Jie jumped away in disbelief. He looked at his palms and then at Li Shou's chest, feeling speechless for a moment.

‘Well, it’s pretty much what I expected. The attack power is close to level eight, but it’s not even close. ’ Li Shou compared him with Qing Guo Xizuo in the previous world and came to a conclusion.

‘Try something else. ’

Thinking of this, Li Shou took the initiative. Instead of summoning a storm, he used his native techniques to attack. The Three-Nine Cold Kung Fu, the Golden Clothes Kung Fu, and the Five Poison Toad Kung Fu were all aimed at Zheng Jie.

But his opponent is very flexible and has more dexterity and movement skills. Zheng Jie is even better than Qing Guo Xizuo.

After fighting for a while without hitting his opponent, Li Shou then summoned a storm to accelerate, caught up with his movement, and knocked him off the stage with a punch.

Good! The Eighth Prince was the first to cheer, He is indeed a man who can emerge from the Red Lotus Evil Formation. Every generation in Southwest State is getting stronger!

Process! Li Shou clasped his fists like the masters he watched on TV when he was a child, and then asked aloud: Are there any more powerful ones? Since the Martial Saint can live for two to three hundred years, there should be a big gap between them. Bar?

There can be several times the gap between martial masters, but the gap between martial saints should be even greater.

In order to find out more information and obtain more comprehensive data on the combat power of the Martial Saint, Li Shou even pretended to be a villain and deliberately showed a provocative look.

Come up here with someone who can fight! Is there no one in the imperial city?

Junior, stop being so arrogant! Sure enough, under Li Shou's provocation, someone with a bad temper quickly took the bait.

This time the person who came up was a Martial Saint who looked to be about fifty years old.

He should be practicing strength-type exercises, and his physique looks very strong.

How old are you?

Stop talking nonsense! As the man spoke, anger filled his body and he directly attacked Li Shou.

Before the others arrived, he aimed a punch at Li Shou from a distance, and the inner energy spurted out in the air, triggering the power of heaven and earth to form a cyclonic air explosion, which directly hit Li Shou's head.

With a bang, Li Shou was hit and took a few steps back. He commented: The power is not bad! This time it is okay.

Huh? Seeing that the opponent he punched was unharmed, the newcomer was a little surprised, Hard Kung Fu Martial Saint? Then I'll hit you until you break the Kung Fu!

The man shouted loudly, causing the power of heaven and earth to pour into his body, causing his body to expand. With the inner energy running wildly, he aimed dozens of punches at Li Shou in the air.

Dozens of Qi blasts caused the scene to be filled with sand and gravel, and the hard bluestone slabs were shattered into rubbish.

This wasn't the end yet. After dozens of punches, the Martial Saint's hands were filled with luck, the power of heaven and earth, and inner energy condensed in his hands. A huge cyclone appeared. Then he pushed out with a palm and the scene suddenly appeared like dragons roaring and tigers roaring. Voice.

Then a huge air wave aimed at Li Shou and hit him directly...

King Urine was a little excited when he saw this scene. He pulled Huang Jue and asked, Does it look like the Turtle School Qigong?

A bit. Juehuang nodded.

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