This evil spirit is not very strong.

Of the evil spirits summoned by the Red Lotus Sect last time, many of the companion evil spirits were at the level of the eighth level public vehicle. The last main evil spirit was even more powerful. It could be said that it was at the fifth or sixth level of the third world. It also had many spells and was difficult to guard against.

But these things in front of me...

Even the great martial arts master can deal with it. Li Shou lost interest in an instant.

The scenes that followed were also crushed all the way.

It didn't take long for him to reach the final scene.

It was in a farmyard. Several farmers had changed into the clothes of rich families and were a few years older.

On this day, the group of people gathered together again, as they seemed to do several times every year.

Didn't you run away?

How can it be……


Even a person with low moral standards like Ma Nanzheng couldn't help complaining, Brother Li, is this plot related to reality?

It should be the same plot as reality. The Evil Place records the process of the emergence of evil spirits...

Then don't kill them first, okay? I want to see what happens in the end.


Li Shou also wanted to see it.

Suddenly the noisy sound of horse hooves came from the village.

A group of defeated soldiers who came from nowhere rushed into the village.

In history, many soldiers and deserters from defeated armies were more cruel than horse bandits.

The same goes for these guys who throw away their armor.

When they rushed into the village, they killed everyone they saw. Then after seeing the largest courtyard, they rushed in under the leadership of the leader.

The noise of this group of bandits coming in alerted several people in the woodshed in the backyard. Several people came out to check, and happened to bump into the people who had just rushed in.

Who are you? Before the first villager could finish speaking, he was killed with a knife.

Search and find out all the valuable things! Those who are left alive, whoever spits out the most things will be left alive!

Several bandits went inside and searched, and found some property, and also found the tied up young lady.

Although the young lady has been tortured for several years, she can still see her beauty, and the gangsters wanted to do something immediately.

The little girl is willing to follow a few adults and serve them every day! All she wants is to let me kill these people. By the way, the little girl also knows where their belongings are hidden.

Okay! The bandit didn't care so much, he immediately agreed and gave the lady a knife.

After that, there was a scene of slicing the enemy with his hands - starting from below, the former eldest lady cut the bodies of several people bit by bit, venting the hatred for many years...

Fortunately, it has a happy ending, otherwise I would have died of frustration!

I finally feel better. What about you?

IM about the same.

Li Shou and others didn't want to watch the rest of the plot, so they stepped forward to clean up the evil spirits in this last scene.

After completing the cleanup of the evil place, Li Shouyuan turned to the Immortal Technique formula and immediately felt a trace of cold power passing away. He seized this fleeting opportunity, took out the magic weapon like a bronze incense burner that he had prepared long ago, and began to store the Yin power.

After a while, a wisp of cold white smoke entered his incense burner.

But it only stayed for a moment and then disappeared.

Fuck! Failed! It was so hard!

Li Shou originally wanted to try the water, but failed immediately.

This failure also awakened Li Shou.

In the previous mission, he practiced so quickly and could get started with any technique he got. This was not because he was a genius, but mainly because of the help of the power of the induction rule of people facing Yin Kui.

In fact, it is reasonable to obtain the skills normally and not be able to get started, or encounter a bottleneck when you first get started, and then your progress will be slow.

Li Shou was not born with a nine-yin body, so it was naturally difficult to find a way to cultivate evil spirits.

take it easy……

After solving this evil place, everyone continued on their way.

In the next four days, they walked through the mountains and forests day and night, and naturally encountered evil spirits twice more, but with Li Shou and the Sword Master, the evil spirits could not stop them.

After two more battles, Li Shou finally succeeded in receiving an evil spirit in the incense burner. However, after raising it for a period of time, because it was not raised well, the yin energy dispersed, and the evil spirit died again.

But Li Shou also figured out some tricks.

Four days later they arrived at the border of Zhongzhou.

After arriving in Zhongzhou, they took to the county road. The evil spirits blocking the road had long been cleared by Zhongzhou masters, allowing them to pass unimpeded.

After another two days, the team finally arrived at the capital city - Kyushu Tiandu.

Entering the imperial city with the Sword Master, Li Shou saw the grandeur around him.

Along the way, he saw on the way that Zhongzhou was richer than Southwest State.

Although it is still a disaster year, compared with the way society operates in Southwest Prefecture, which is on the verge of apocalypse, the people of Zhongzhou can be considered relatively miserable, but still bearable at best.

Li Shou originally thought that these smells of poverty would become lighter and weaker as he approached the capital.

But I didn't expect that the closer we got to the capital, the poorer the people would become. With a radius of 200 kilometers around the capital, the poverty level of the people was already close to that of Southwest Prefecture.

But as soon as you enter the city, the fire is cooking oil, and the scene of a prosperous age is like a world of ice and fire inside and outside.

Why are the people on the fringes of Zhongzhou better off, but not those around Tiandu?

It is close to the border of Southwest State. In order to prevent the people there from joining the Red Lotus Sect, the taxation is more lenient to them. This sentence explained by Li Nian'an made Li Shouru struck by lightning.

‘The Red Lotus Sect is not a good thing, and the government is not a good thing either, but after the confrontation, it actually benefited some people and coincided with the way of balance? ’

Li Shou had mixed feelings in his heart, and he had no intention of looking at the gorgeous otherworldly buildings around him.

The team followed the Sword Master to the Tianxia Palace in the inner city of the imperial city.

The imperial city is divided into eighteen squares in the outer city and Tianxia Palace in the inner city.

The structure of Tianxia Palace is a bit like Bauhinia City, but it is larger than Bauhinia City. The royal family's offices and residences are all here and it is heavily guarded.

Li Shou not only saw a large number of golden armored troops along the way, but also felt the power of some kind of rules after entering, as if there was a large formation operating within it.

Along the way, Li Nian'an also revealed his purpose of going to Tongkang County.

He just went to win over Li Shou. The Red Lotus Sect was developing too fast, and the hinterland of Southwest State needed a nail in the imperial court.

Of course, the imperial court would not let anyone's efforts be in vain. If Li Shou was willing to be the thorn in the hinterland of Red Lotus, he would not only get the fiefdom, but also the ancient blood, soul, flesh and life-extending pills.

He also has advantages as a recommender.

Therefore, he wanted to do business as soon as he came back.

Li Shou himself wanted to come to the Imperial City to explore the way. The two hit it off immediately and did not stop for a moment. After arriving in Tiandu, they went directly to the Tianxia Palace.

After entering Detianxia Palace, the team arrived at the entrance of a giant palace. After Li Nianan informed the guards, he led people in.

They came to the palace and waited for a while. Not long after, a middle-aged man of unknown age wearing a python robe walked in surrounded by a group of followers.

As soon as he entered, Li Nian'an raised his hands and saluted, Eighth Prince, fortunately you have fulfilled your destiny. I have brought you the new Martial Saint of Southwest Prefecture.

Yes. The Eighth Prince nodded, his eyes swept over everyone, and finally landed on Li Shou, Are you the new Martial Saint in the Southwest?

Yes, my name is Li Shou.

I heard from military intelligence that you single-handedly wiped out the Honglian rebellion in a county in Tongkang County, and escaped from the evil formation. Is this possible?

Yes, yes. Li Shou nodded.

Then is Li Wusheng willing to verify it?

How to verify?

I called everyone to offer sacrifices and test Li Sheng's strength. I don't mean to disrespect you. The supply of blood, soul, flesh and blood is also based on strength. No one will complain about this distribution. Moreover, I also want to appoint Li Sheng. The Holy Spirit has a heavy responsibility, and I also want to see if you are worthy of it.

Okay, come on. Li Shou nodded.

He has long wanted to face off against someone at the level of a Martial Saint.

These days, he and Li Nian'an have also taken action together, but because the opponent is too weak, they still can't tell the difference.

Let a group of martial saints test his depth?

Naturally, he would not miss this opportunity.

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