In the mountains.

dark night.

Ruined temple.

This scene and atmosphere are perfect for telling ghost stories.

Facing this strange scene, everyone present had different moods.

Li Nian'an was indifferent - as a martial saint, and a veteran martial saint at that, he had seen a lot of evil spirits in his life. He is so strong that even if he encounters an unbeatable evil spirit, he can still wait until dawn for the evil spirit to retreat automatically.

The only thing he was a little afraid of was the evil spirit summoned by the formation. Not only was that kind of thing invincible, but it also existed for a long time. It could stay for a few days, or trap people for ten and a half months. He couldn't bear such a long period of high-intensity fighting. The mill was also worn to death by evil spirits.

And except for him, the students in Classes 1 and 3 were generally more fearful.

After all, everyone has never experienced this kind of battle, and their character has not been tempered enough. They have been fighting and supporting all the way here, and they have never entered the evil place. At this time, facing the dark and ruined temple, a few people looked at each other.

It was Wang Yanna who spoke first, I'm a little scared, I felt like I was in a horror movie.

What a fright, we are so powerful now, this evil spirit can't defeat us! Although King Urine said this, his voice was still trembling.

The worst performer on the scene was Wang Yifei. He was naturally timid, and his fainting sheep traits made him even more delirious.

I don't care, I'll follow Brother Li. Wang Yanna grabbed one of Li Shou's arms as she spoke, which made Yan Linger feel a little unhappy.

She calmly put her body between the two of them, and comforted Wang Yanna with a green tea look on her face, Don't be afraid, sister. If you pull him like this, it will affect his performance. If you are afraid, just stand in the middle of the crowd.

Oh, thank you.

Let's go and see what level he is. It's best to be powerful so that I can raise him. Li Shou, who has never even been in love, doesn't understand the intrigue between women. He is now focused on cultivating immortals. , excitedly led the team forward and entered the ruined temple.

As soon as he opened the door of the ruined temple, Li Shou saw a group of villagers surrounding a young man and woman.

The girl is wearing a fur robe and is gorgeously dressed.

The boy was dressed in rags and was a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old.

But the villagers were all strong and strong, not like ordinary villagers, but like servants of the landlord's family.

Miss, I want you to go back! This kid is a poor man and is not worthy of you.

When Li Shou entered, several villagers were trying to persuade the young lady.

The elopement plot! Li Shou turned to look at a few people, Do you want to watch it? If not, I will kill them.

Look... have a look. Wang Yanna is the kind of girl who is both timid and curious.

If you want to watch a ghost movie, you have to cover your eyes to watch it.

Okay, but if we come here it will affect the plot. Li Shou is an old customer of Xie Xiu. As expected, before he finished speaking, several villagers gathered around him.

What do you do?

We were passing by. Li Shou looked down at the villagers. Their faces were blue and green, and the whites of their eyes were huge. They looked like they were not alive at first glance. However, he was not afraid and pointed at the scene, You are busy with your work. They will be busy in a while. Let’s talk after it’s over.”

Then be more honest...

While they were talking evilly, several villagers over there started to catch the young lady and wanted to take her back.

Then her little sweetheart naturally stopped her, and while several people were pulling, a package fell out of the young lady's arms. The package fell to the ground with a sound of metal colliding, and then a gold bar rolled out of it.

This gold is so conspicuous in this dark temple.

The golden light is reflected by the light of the torch, reflecting an attractive light.

This... Several servants and villagers had never seen such a large piece of gold, and they were stunned on the spot.

Why is there gold? Wang Yanna asked.

Modern society is too stupid to think that we can transfer money through the bank? Ma Nanzheng explained: In ancient times, when a young lady from a wealthy family eloped, she was not allowed to take some gold and silver with her, otherwise how would she live in the future? I never thought you were so stupid before. Today What's wrong?

The main thing is that I'm so scared that I can't think anymore... Wang Yanna shrank back to Li Shou as she spoke.

The scene in the field continues...

After a while, a servant picked up the gold nugget on the ground. After looking at it for a while, his expression became greedy and twisted, his face wrinkled together, and his evil face became more obvious.

After reading it, he stuffed the gold into his clothes.

Then another villager stopped him.

Third brother, are you crazy? This belongs to the master's family.

Brother, I have never seen such big gold in my life!

Then you have to give it back. Are you willing to die?

I won't give it. This gold is enough for us to buy a big house in this place, buy fertile land, and live a good life. Brother, do you want to work as a long-term laborer for the rest of your life?

This... The villager who blocked him hesitated, but he turned to look at the other villagers.

Obviously these people are servants and long-term workers, and most of them are colleagues, not very close.

But when faced with the temptation of gold, everyone behaved surprisingly unanimously.

Another person silently stepped forward to open the package. As expected, there was still a lot of gold and silver inside.

Together, these things are enough for everyone to get a piece of.

Then everyone’s eyes started to become wandering...

Let's break up. Someone finally spoke first.

How do you explain it if we break up?

There is no need to explain. There are so many people who came out to look for Miss. They have been searching for several days. Only we found her. If you don't tell me or I don't tell, no one will know that Miss is here.

But those people at the door know, and so do they! A villager pointed at the young couple.

Then get rid of them all... give each of us a knife, and no one can even think about taking it out.

Then you come first.

Okay! The man picked up the hatchet that he needed to cut branches when walking on the mountain road. He aimed it at the man and struck the girl with a knife. When he was about to chop the young lady, he was stopped by another villager.

Don't waste it! The lady is so beautiful. It used to be a sin to even look at her. Now we can enjoy her. People like us will never be able to enjoy her status and appearance.

As he spoke, the village man pounced on him.

The next plot is a bit unsightly.

Both Yan Ling'er and Wang Yanna said they didn't want to read it...

Okay, I can't wait for a long time. Senior Li Nian'an, please first let me see the strength of the Sword Master.

Little brother, please go first. Li Nian'an obviously also wanted to see Li Shou's strength.

Let's go together then.


As Li Nian'an nodded, the big sword behind his back moved, and a bolt of white light shot out in the air. Wherever the white light passed, the necks of all the villagers were cut off, and their heads flew into the sky.

But they did not die after losing their heads. They picked up the heads on the ground one by one, and no matter whose heads they belonged to, they put them on themselves. While putting the heads on, they rushed towards everyone.

At this time, Li Shou stepped forward. He summoned a storm to gather all the evil spirits together. He originally wanted to step forward and tear them apart, but then he realized that he no longer had the power of the barbarians. His strength had been greatly reduced and he was no longer suitable for use. Such a rough fighting method.

Then the whirlwind was increased, smashing several evil spirits to pieces on the spot.

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