Ancient blood spirit flesh and longevity pills? Li Shou had only been hanging out in border counties before, and had never been in contact with the core of power of the dynasty. Naturally, he didn't know about such high-end things.

It's something that can enhance your cultivation and increase your longevity. Those things are only in the hands of the royal family. Why do all martial saints basically go to the imperial city after advancing? This is the reason... Li Nian'an explained.

Martial Saints may have different personalities, but their pursuit of martial arts and longevity is the same for all.

Li Shou nodded to express his understanding - if he were an indigenous martial sage, he would also go to the court to worship him.

But now...

He also wanted to go, but it was to check on the enemy's situation.

This decadent dynasty must be changed. What means should be used to change it, and how drastic means should be used to change it, first depends on the degree of corruption of the opponent, and secondly, it also depends on the opponent's strength.

Then since Brother Li said so, I want to take a look.

Then I will be your introducer... Li Nian'an frowned after hearing Li Shou's words. It was obvious that he also came with a mission.

Nowadays, the southwest region is in chaos, with constant disasters and wars. The imperial court needs a nail like him.

After confirming that Li Shou would go back with him, Li Nian'an never mentioned the death of those soldiers again.

In a hierarchical world, superiors, especially their superiors, will never feel too much about the sacrifices of those below.

Those people are dead when they die.

If those people exchanged the words of the newly promoted Martial Saint Ying Chaotang, then they would have deserved their death.

Compared with the dead people, Li Nianan paid more attention to the skeleton soldiers next to him.

Brother Li Shou, what kind of evil technique are these skeletons? I have never seen them before.

At this time, the skeleton soldiers were not far away from him, controlled by King Urine from hurting anyone, but it was really strange to see such things standing on the street.

This is my brother's ancient secret method...

Oh, the ancient secret method. Speaking of this, Li Nian'an stopped asking.

The cultivation techniques of various sects and families are always secrets among secrets. If you inquire about them, you will become enemies, and if you take a peek, you will become enemies.

What's more, it's an ancient secret method.

In the next period of time, Li Shou chatted with Li Nian'an for a while, and finally asked for the Xuanxue Sect's location back.

This station itself belongs to the Xuanxue Sect, and it was snatched back by Li Shou from the Red Lotus Sect, so it was justified.

After returning to the station, Li Nian'an also took the opportunity to win over Li Shou again and set a return date before leaving.

After all the outsiders had left, Li Shou and his brothers returned to the original location of the Xuanxue Sect and began to discuss the next specific plan.

Alas, I have finally returned to my home after being kicked out for several months. Yuan Yifa was the most emotional after entering the house.

He has been in the Xuanxue Sect the longest and has grown up in the sect since childhood.

Although the martial arts camp was later expanded, the address has never changed. Taking back the camp now feels like taking back home.

It's useless for us to fight life or death, it's not as good as Elder Li's words. Qian Hongxu also sighed.

In the county town, she is the number one person.

But within the dynasty, she was just the leader of a small sect in a small border town.

Sword Master Li Nian'an didn't even look at her when he spoke just now, and he didn't ask her opinion at all when he decided on the location.

This is the tragedy of little people.

It's okay, our sect will definitely play an important role in the dynasty in the future! Li Shou comforted the two of them and began to decide on a strategy.

Next, we will split into two groups. I will go to the Imperial City to explore the way, and you will develop the base here. Before I fall out with the people in the Imperial City, the biggest danger you will face is the people from the Red Lotus Sect.

I just thought about it, with Chen Zihan here, even if the Red Lotus Sect army attacks, they will be able to retreat. As for ordinary masters, even those at the Martial Saint level, they should be safe with Zhao Yinuo and everyone here. As long as the army can be retreated and the masters alone cannot form a formation, we will be safe.

What formation?

The formation that summons evil spirits is very powerful. It should be much more powerful than ordinary martial saints. But don't worry, you have to have a large army and masters to do it. With Chen Zihan, it will be fine. Now let's talk about going to the imperial city. Who can Want to go?”

I want to go to the Imperial City with you to have a look. King Urin suggested first.

Later, several classmates also wanted to go to the Imperial City.

Li Shou also saw that most of these people were not here for the mission, but wanted to travel.

After all, they have been in this county for a long time, and they haven't had time to see the world outside that they want to dominate.

Speaking of which, this is everyone’s territory from now on.

On your own property, you definitely have to go shopping.

You can discuss it yourself. Zhao Yinuo and Chen Zihan are going to stay anyway, and Ma Nan must follow because they will change. Others are free to...

Then I want to go too. Yan Ling'er tugged on Li Shou's clothes, I won't cause any trouble to you.

Okay! Li Shou nodded, Anyway, there won't be a conflict as soon as we leave. The initiative lies with us!

One day later, everyone had a discussion. Some people wanted to leave, while others did not want to take risks.

The ones who finally decided to go to the Imperial City were Da Man, Jue Huang, Wang Yanna, Pi Wang, Wang Yifei, Ma Nanzheng, Guo Pengfei, as well as Li Shou and Yan Ling'er.

Wang Yifei was originally timid and didn't want to follow him.

However, he had the ability of fainting sheep to predict danger, and he felt that he would be useful in the past, so he followed him.

Zhao Yiyi became more conservative after the last sister rescue incident and stayed in place to develop the base with his team of good students.

After deciding on the number of people traveling, Li Shou took these people to find Li Nian'an. After the two parties discussed it, they immediately set off on the road.

After leaving Tongkang County, a group of experts did not have carriages or rides, so they just went on their way in person.

When they were in Tongkang County, they still took the county road.

When they were about to leave Tongkang County, many soldiers from the Red Lotus Sect appeared at the county road checkpoint to guard the checkpoint.

The entire southwest region has almost become the territory of these Red Lotus cubs. Looking at the checkpoint in the distance, Li Nianan turned around and asked: Brother Li Shou, should we rush through, or should we take a detour up the mountain? What to say on the mountain? , evil spirits breed, and there are many evil spirits. If you break through the card, these believers will definitely be alarmed.

Take the mountain road! Li Shou was determined.

First, he didn't want to alarm the people of the Red Lotus Sect and let them know in advance that he had left Tongkang County and bring danger to his companions.

Second, I also want to try the exercises.

He spent a lot of money to buy a technique for cultivating immortals. In the past ten days, whenever he had free time, he studied its contents.

After studying the whole article, he also discovered that this technique was said to be external incarnation, but it was more like a method of raising ghosts.

The content of the exercise teaches how to collect the evil spirit into the magic weapon, and then use special sacrificial techniques to connect your own mind with the evil spirit's mind, and finally be controlled by yourself.

If you want to develop this thing, you must first collect an evil spirit seed, and then slowly nourish it with the cold and cold energy.

Li Shou had wanted to try it for a long time. He had been working on potions before and had no chance. How could he let it go this time?

Okay, little brother, since you said so, let's go up the mountain. Li Nian'an didn't object, and immediately calibrated the direction and went into the nearby forest.

After another long day of traveling, Li Shou's team did not encounter any evil spirits during the whole day.

But as soon as the night fell, Wang Yifei sensed it first. After he issued the warning, a dark ruined temple appeared in front of them.

The thing was not there just now, but suddenly appeared, and everyone immediately understood what was going on.

Hey hey hey, here we go again. Li Shou was particularly excited this time.

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