This... After the transformation was completed, Li Shou looked down at his current image.

The body shape looks a bit like the Tyrant in Resident Evil, but he is taller than the Tyrant, and the texture of the muscles and the texture of the horny armor on the skin are much tougher than the Tyrant. The silver muscle lines have a weird beauty of strength. , kind of like a titanium muscle.”

After Li Shou lowered his head, he raised his head again.

Fortunately, the room in the institute has a high ceiling. If the ceiling on Earth was less than 3 meters on average, it would have to be broken through at once.

After seeing the image, Li Shou began to feel the power.

He clenched his fists, and a huge crunching sound came from the friction between the cuticles of his skin. From a rough experience, Li Shou felt that his strength had more than doubled.

And not only strength, but also various body functions such as defense speed perception ability have been comprehensively improved.

This is much faster than practicing.

Although Li Shou's own body functions are powerful, the improvement brought by each mutant virus is very limited.

Some can increase strength by half, some can increase defense by half, some can improve hearing, and some are even useless at all.

But there are too many potions to stop it!

Each one increased by half a percent, and after drinking twenty-five potions, his physical strength more than doubled.

And after the body becomes huge, although it is a little inconvenient to fight in some special scenes, overall, the larger the body, the more effective it can be in combat.

The most important thing is that the perception of the biggest shortcomings has made great progress.

Of the twenty-five mutants, two were apparently specialized in hearing and smelling.

Li Shou discovered during last night's battle that some zombies are very capable of finding food and living people, and their sense of smell and hearing have obviously been enhanced.

The mutants were even more powerful. Li Shou now took a deep breath and could smell the smell of humans outside.

The soldiers hadn't left last night, and even the smell of rust in the air told him that some heavy weapons were aimed at this place.

That's right. The success rate of the potion is not high, and there is even a risk of corpse transformation. They left last night because they were frightened by my threat. It is impossible not to make backup preparations.

After the transformation, this was the first time Li Shou felt the inconvenience caused by his current body.

With his current image, if he dares to go out, without saying a word, the other party will directly greet him with rockets.

It's the same if you go to other base cities. You'll just be treated like a zombie BOSS. Before anyone arrives, you'll be greeted by heavy artillery.

But Li Shou really wanted to become stronger.

These more than twenty potions more than doubled his physical strength. There must be different potions in other base cities.

There are more versions of the Tianlong people, and there are even some secretly hidden versions. After collecting these things, how strong can he become?

This is a huge profit.

Although he cultivates quickly, with his current strength, even if he returns to the third mission world and practices in seclusion for a year, his overall strength will at most double.

When I practiced the Howling Wind Technique, I spent a total of more than three months in seclusion, not counting the time spent searching for the command objects and techniques.

There are not many ways to obtain top-level tokens. He can't ask for the tokens in The Pavilion of Magi one by one, right?

Others will not agree.

If you ask for it by force, people in the third world are not vegetarians.

The most important thing is that after he obtained the barbarian bloodline and epic recovery, his strongest thing was his body.

The next two Howling Wind Skills level skills may not necessarily be as strong as the current physical strength that has more than doubled the overall combat power.

And it takes time.

With this time, he swallowed the potion, and it would be the same - or even safer - to practice again.

After all, as one becomes stronger, one's ability to find commanding skills also becomes stronger. This in itself is complementary to each other.

The medicine in the first world is an endless supply of gold. It would be a waste if you don't use it.

Zombie viruses are constantly evolving.

Mutants are constantly being produced, and the level of medicine will be getting higher and higher.

Every time you come back, you can see new mutations and new potions.

How could Li Shou resist using this hugely profitable and continuous improvement path?

It can't be done. All the worlds discovered by Li Shou will eventually become his back garden.

Every garden will bear different fruits, so there is no reason not to eat them.

Let's go back first! Putting the Jade Slips and other cultivation resources exchanged yesterday in the palm of his hand, Li Shou directly broke through the wall, and then jumped into the base city as quickly as possible before all the soldiers could react. The dangerous cliff next to it left directly.

The soldiers guarding the surrounding area only saw a huge silver flash, and the thing disappeared.


What passed?

Looks like he looks like a zombie. He must have turned into a zombie. Look, there is a big hole in the wall...

It's not a zombie, it's a zombie. Why didn't it attack us?

No one saw it clearly, so they could only discuss it in various directions.

In addition to the garrison soldiers, there were also Anben and Xiaowei standing guard outside.

They became rich overnight and obtained a large amount of food.

But people's hearts are always complicated.

After getting the food, they were afraid that they would not be able to keep so many things, and they also wanted to continue to follow Li Shou.

After all, you can't let go of your hugged thigh easily.

At this time, they also saw the silver light disappear in a flash.

Unlike the garrison soldiers, they followed Li Shou all night, and they knew many scenes that were not captured in the video.

Regarding this supernatural human being, they didn’t think he would turn into a zombie: “The weirdo boss has become stronger again, but he seems a little less like a normal person.”

what should we do?

I can't help it. I guess it's inconvenient for him to go out and negotiate in this image. He may need our help in the future. Let's stay in the base city for now. We have to guard the food anyway. If he comes back and needs us, we'll talk about it!


After leaving the base city in the mountains, Li Shou found a small group of zombies on the mountain. After dealing with them smoothly, he picked some clothes from the zombies and tore them into strips of cloth to wrap himself up.

After doing all this, he squatted on the ground holding his knees, activated the crystal, and returned to his home on earth.

Even if his body was curled up together, when he returned to Earth, Li Shou's huge body instantly filled the entire bedroom.

It's so inconvenient. Li Shou originally wanted to ask about Jue Huang's progress, but it was really inconvenient to go out with this image, so he returned to the main world.

The place we left was the Traveler Club, and it was naturally still here when we came back.

At this time, it was already dawn in the main world.

Li Shou's huge size naturally attracted the attention of some time travellers.

But everyone just took a second look and became accustomed to it.

Most of the people who can come here are veterans. What haven't you seen before?

Each mission world is different, and the enhancements given by mushrooms are strongly related to the content of the mission world. Giant World, God World, Colossus World, Monster World, etc. have different enhancements related to the increase in body size. It's very little.

There are not many people with physical deformations.

If nothing else, the Mantis Man in the second world of Square Ant doesn't look like a human being.

This is still the case in the second game world. For these old fritters who have a higher degree of strengthening and can survive longer, having an odd body shape is naturally nothing to worry about.

It's just that most of them still maintain their human appearance. The most important reason is that their weird body shapes make it difficult to get things done in many mission worlds.

If it is difficult to gain human trust, the task will naturally be more difficult to accomplish.

Li Shou also wanted to change back to a human form when he came back.

He remembered that in the Encyclopedia of Species, there was a thing called Sphenopalatine, which had the ability to change its shape.

This skill is different from Ma Nanzheng's. It is a subtle change, from one person to another. The body shape between people is similar.

Ma Nanzheng's skills belong to refined training.

The skill of Weaving Butterfly Palate greatly changes the size of the body. When it scares natural enemies, it will become very large. When it hides and sleeps, it can shrink in size and crawl into the gaps between rocks.

There are many species around Fenggu City, and there are some weird skills that Li Shou never thought he could use when he saw them, but the reality is always stranger than expected.

‘Now you can perform three fusions, let’s try this skill first. ’ Li Shou left the club with thoughts, and then ran out of the city under the strange eyes of the indigenous people.

Caiwei Butterfly likes to live in the trees, and the surrounding area of ​​Fenggu City is a bit like a desert. He ran for dozens of kilometers before he found an oasis.

I remember the picture of that thing in the encyclopedia. It looked a bit like a combination of a butterfly and a moth, very fancy. Li Shou muttered and wanted to enter the oasis.

But as soon as he entered the trees, a voice sounded behind him.

Are you looking for an editor?

Ah? Who! Li Shou turned around and jumped away, looking down and seeing a woman in red clothes.

He remembered that this woman was the only adventurer he saw at the club two days ago.

Unexpectedly, he followed me.

What are you following me for?

It's okay, I'm just curious. The woman in red approached Li Shou with a smile, and Li Shou felt a little stressed.

Adventurers are all very strong.

Even with Iwaizumi's strength, it's nothing among adventurers.

Li Shou is naturally no match for this woman - this can be judged most intuitively from the fact that she can follow him quietly.

Don't be afraid, I'm really just curious. The woman in red walked up to Li Shou, used her fingers to dig at the alloy muscles exposed in the gap between the bandages on Li Shou's thighs, and then said with a smile: I've been doing this in the club these days. I have been listening to people discussing that there is a new team that, under the leadership of a certain person, survived three games with many people. This is a bizarre thing. I have never seen it happen here in our mushrooms in all my life. This kind of thing makes me a little curious.

After you came that day, I knew that the leader of that team was you. Oh oh oh, don’t be surprised. As an adventurer, my perception is stronger than you think. I can see the props you hold in your hands. Sorry, sometimes I don’t eavesdrop on other people’s conversations intentionally, but I can’t help it if my perception is too strong.

what you up to?

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