I was curious at first, but after chatting with you for a while, I feel like we can make a deal. The woman in red still said the conditions gently, I just heard you talking about the combination of a butterfly and a moth. Are you here? Are you looking for someone to pick and edit the sphenopalatine?


That thing is not very effective. The woman in red shook her head. It can only change the size of your body, but it cannot make your face look like a human. If you use it, you will have to bandage your face in the future.

After listening to the woman in red, Li Shou touched his face.

Although I haven't looked in the mirror yet, I guess I don't look like a human being.

I'm like this. Even my friends may not recognize me, but you can recognize me.

Perceiving breath is just a very basic thing in advanced perception. What do you think, do you want to make a deal?


It's not good to edit the butterfly palate. It's really a waste to use a precious fusion opportunity to get something that has no combat power bonus at all. And it can't keep the human appearance, which is not cost-effective. I can help you find the same type of blood-splitting konjac, Not only can it restore you to your original appearance, but it can also improve your strength.

Here, what do you want?

Do me a favor. Of course, not now... I work in a life bank and pay attention to investment returns. You are a potential stock. I will do you a favor and you will do me a favor in the future. It is very fair and balanced. Is it right?

Yes. Li Shou nodded. He now saw that the woman did not have any ill intentions. As an adventurer, if she had any ill intentions, Li Shou felt that he should be dead. But what is the blood-splitting konjac?

The creatures in the deep sea of ​​the Endless Yuan Sea are far away from here and are difficult to obtain, but my bank happens to have this kind of collateral. The skill of this creature is called 'Flesh and Blood Limit'. It can usually help you restore your original flesh and blood state. But when you explode, it provides greater power.

This skill not only allows you to maintain your human form, but also improves your combat effectiveness. Although you have just come out of the training ground, you should have heard from the instructor that the number of skill fusions is limited, so don't waste it on things that can't increase your combat effectiveness.


The skill of splitting blood konjac is very attractive to Li Shou. It not only allows him to maintain his human appearance, but also improves his explosive power. It sounds like it is thousands of times better than the skill of picking butterfly palate.

After all, Fenggu City is too small, the main world is so big, and there are countless strange creatures.

When it comes to advanced skill fusion, you really can't just look at the surrounding areas.

It's just a high-level creature that no one can find except adventurers. It has no strength and will die suddenly on the first night after leaving the safe zone.

As long as the help you say is reciprocal, that's fine.

Roughly fair, witness to the balanced rules!

make a deal!

Li Shou didn't talk nonsense, he wouldn't suffer a loss in this transaction.

Come on, I don't have the blood-split konjac with me. If it had to be transported from the 'Source of Plague', it would take more than ten days including the transmission time. I'll give this to you. Come back to the Life Bank of Fenggu City to pick it up. Hong Yi The woman gave Li Shou a voucher while speaking, and then left the place in a flash.

Ten days...

Li Shou saw the woman in red leaving, glanced at the oasis, and also left the scene.

In the next ten days or so, he spent most of his time in the first world collecting potions.

In ten days, he visited all the base cities and safe zones of ordinary people and Celestial Dragons, and collected all the virus-enhancing potions that he could collect.

A total of hundreds of copies were obtained with various numbers and functions. But most of them have duplicate functions, and many of them are derived from the same variant. You pick and choose, and the remaining ones are usable, and there are probably more than 100 copies.

But he didn't drink!

After all, he is in such a horrible state now that if he drinks any more, it will be completely inconvenient for him to move.

Even with this appearance, a lot of local negotiations are still carried out by Anben and Xiaowei. If the distortion continues, the room will not be able to fit in it.

During these ten days, in addition to going to the first world, he occasionally visited the second world. It was dark when he acted. From a distance, he saw that nothing happened in the city. Yan Ling'er and others were still safe, so he left. .

Of course, it's unrealistic to completely hide his body shape.

During his next few visits, the Troll Legend had already spread in Tongkang County.

In addition to these two things, he also contacted Juehuang, who had already asked the students that they were unwilling to start the fourth mission in advance.

Nowadays, everyone has a lot of life left, and they all want to enjoy life first.

They are all superpowers on the earth now, and their lives are as enjoyable as they can be.

When bad taste comes, they can pretend to pick up girls and slap them in the face, and when they calm down, they can make money for their families. As long as they don't expose too much and get targeted by relevant agencies, then they are simply lawless.

But Li Shou also knew that they wouldn't be able to enjoy it for long. In the past few days, he had met the middle-aged version of himself again in his dreams. According to him, according to normal development, the earth was about to be invaded.

Li Shou's butterfly effect can affect people around him, but it is difficult to affect such a big event.

Sure enough, two days later, Juehuang found Li Shou in the club.

Something happened to the earth. Let's go back and take a look! When Juehuang found Li Shou, his face was full of disbelief. Even though he had already gone through three missions, he was still acting like this. It showed that the condition of the earth was already very bad.

My current image...

It's okay. The streets are full of people like you. It's completely okay.

Li Shou naturally knew that nothing was wrong, but he still pretended to go back with Juehuang.

Traveling back to his home again, Li Shou squeezed through the door frame before going out of the house.

As soon as he went out this time, he saw the red mist in the sky...

The red mist obscured the sky and the sun, making it difficult for him to see the scenery in the distance.

There is a strange light and rhyme in the mist. When you look at it, you feel confused and like you are falling into a dream.

I found a BOSS, hahaha, I found this! While Li Shou was looking at the red mist in the distance, several children suddenly ran over on the street. Those children were not afraid when they saw him and picked up the BOSS in their hands. The small wooden stick hit his calf.

Li Shou knelt down and took a look, and found that they were several neighbor children whom Li Shou had met before.

It's just that their eyes are red at this time, and they look a little crazy and delirious.

Stop fighting, that BOSS is not something you can defeat at your current level! While Li Shou was still watching a few children, their father chased them from behind, grabbed a few children and ran away. If you kill the BOSS, you will lose levels, so run away, silly boy!

Sure enough, everyone went crazy.

A few days ago, the middle-aged version of himself told him in his dream that this invasion was very terrifying. Until the middle-aged version of himself died, he didn't understand what happened.

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