Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 159 Super Distortion, all potions are used together

It's quite powerful. In terms of strength, he's much stronger than me. Li Shou got up from the ground.

That blow directly broke several of his bones and caused chaos in his internal organs.

But these injuries were fleeting, and he had recovered as before before he got up.

The defensive ability that I was most proud of in the past is not that outstanding now. I hope those potions can help me make up for this regret.

Along the way, Li Shou gradually formed his own fighting style. He really enjoyed the feeling of others beating him without breaking his defense.

But now that he was breaking defenses one after another, he was very unhappy.

When Li Shou got up, the flesh and blood chariot had already entered the mall.

Although the roof of the shopping mall was high, the flesh and blood chariot was still a little unable to use its hands and feet after getting in. It smashed through the ceiling with its head and stretched out its hand in an attempt to grab Li Shou.

Facing this large monster, Li Shou also gave up the purely physical combat method and directly penetrated his body with Qi while activating the Boiling Blood Secret Technique to give his opponent enough respect.

After flying forward to avoid the palm of the flesh and blood chariot, Li Shou summoned an ice storm, aimed at its hand, and swept it out.

After the storm swept out, the wind blade cut the arm of the giant zombie, but the flesh on the wound healed with squirming.

Although his recovery ability is not as abnormal as that of Li Shou, he is obviously a rough-skinned and thick-bodied guy with strong recovery ability.

Same type. I know how to fight this type.

Li Shou poured the inner energy of Sanjiu Han Gong into the storm, and then continuously blew it at the wrists of the flesh and blood chariot.

The cold air doubled in power under the strong wind, and after a while, the flesh and blood chariot's arms began to freeze.

This thing is not weak in strength, but because it has no IQ, it can only display four or five points of its full strength in a fight.

He took the initiative to get into the mall, not only limiting his mobility, but also not knowing how to dodge - even if he had evolved to the BOSS level, he was still the same as the zombies outside, only knowing how to pounce and attack wildly.

The flesh and blood chariot slapped Li Shou crazily, but he turned into a storm and dodged one after another. After the opponent's wrist was completely attacked by the cold air, he compressed the storm to the extreme in his palm, and then struck it with all his strength.


As the cyclone exploded, there was a crisp sound in the shopping mall.

The sound was like a huge ice skate being broken with bare hands, crunching and crisp.

With this crisp sound, the flesh chariot's wrist was broken directly, and this time there were no more flesh tentacles growing at the fracture, and one of its hands was completely disabled.

Oh, that works!

After knowing that it was feasible, Li Shouzheng wanted to use the same trick on the neck of the flesh and blood chariot, but suddenly he thought that the other two people were still outside.

There are all zombies outside now, so I'm not afraid, but those two are in danger.

If you say you want to ensure the safety of others, you must do it.

Li Shou dodged another attack and then crashed through the window and flew out.

Sure enough, the loud noise here has attracted nearby zombies.

These brainless guys don't care whether there is a BOSS here or not, they have already gathered around them.

Seeing Li Shou soaring into the sky, he summoned a storm with one hand to block the group of corpses, and used the air of ice with the other hand to blow the pursuing flesh and blood chariot.

This guy's combat effectiveness and flexibility are indeed much higher outside.

But Li Shou is not afraid of him either.

After clearing the corpse group, he fought with this monster. Anyway, as long as the opponent couldn't kill him with one blow, Li Shou was not afraid at all.

Borrowing strength from the rooftops in mid-air, the storm and cold air kept freezing the neck of the flesh and blood chariot.

He thought he could kill the giant monster in this way, but he didn't expect that the opponent had other skills.

Halfway through the battle, the sarcomas on the flesh and blood chariot suddenly burst open. Some sarcomas sprouted tentacles, some spewed out poisonous mist, and some spewed out acid.

Li Shou didn't check for a while and said.

He was first splashed with acid on his body. The BOSS-level strong acid directly corroded his skin and muscles. Although he recovered quickly, the remaining acid would continue to cause burning attacks.

Then the tentacles and poisonous mist arrived at the same time.

The tentacles were extremely tough. After Li Shou cut off a few of them, he was still entangled with more than a dozen disgusting things. Then, under the combined influence of poisonous mist and acid, he was pulled into a sarcoma by a flesh-and-blood chariot.

These sarcomas should be where the giant zombie digests food. As soon as Li Shou entered, his body was wrapped in a large amount of stomach acid.

The skin starts to melt…

‘It’s pretty awesome! ’ Li Shou was soaked in stomach acid, and his whole body was squeezed by sarcoma.

A complete set of operations including binding, adding poisonous mist, adding gastric acid, and adding sarcoma restraint.

If another person came over, he would definitely not be able to escape.

It's just that Li Shou's strongest recovery ability is his strength. His secret method of boiling blood is operating to the extreme, and his body suddenly exerts force in all directions. The powerful force directly tears the flesh wall, and the stomach acid and venom are also very powerful due to his recovery ability. Powerless.

After escaping, Li Shou continued to rise into the air and once again summoned an ice storm to attack the neck of the flesh and blood chariot.

And this time Li Shou was more careful and was not attacked by his opponent again.

ten minutes later.

The big zombie's neck was completely eroded by ice. Li Shou stepped forward and punched out, piercing its throat and pouring the storm into its neck.

The tornadoes in the sky also came one after another, twisting the neck of the giant zombie with a click like twisting the bottle cap inside and outside.

After the huge zombie's head fell, its body stiffened for a while, and then collapsed. A large amount of blood mixed with ice filled half the street.

Damn, it's really hard to kill! After finishing the work, Li Shou called over Anben and his two men who were hiding at the end of the street.

At this time, the two of them were numb.

They had been in shock all night. They had accepted this surreal situation, and now even if Li Shou told them that he was Superman, they would still believe it.

Wading through the blood that reached his ankles, Anben quickly completed the collection work.

This is already a titled BOSS. No matter what, you can get back a lot of food, right?

That's for sure. Even that base city has never confiscated such high-end things!

Since it's enough, let's leave!

Having collected enough money, Li Shou took the two of them back without wasting any time.

It was night when they left, that is, eight or nine o'clock, and it was two o'clock in the morning when they turned back.

The pharmacy within the institute has been closed.

But Yasumoto, who returned to the base city, still knocked on their door.

Big business is coming, open the door, open the door!

Oh, how annoying! I knocked on the door in the middle of the night, and I thought a zombie wave was coming. Damn it!

People in the apocalypse also get angry when they wake up. Amidst Yasumoto's knock on the door, the salesperson from before opened the door, and then looked at a few people impatiently, Hey, didn't you just say you would come to buy it tomorrow morning? ? I’ll get whatever you want, and I still have to sleep!”

No, let's sell things first and then buy things. Anben handed over the video and the cryogenic box.

Well, okay, let me see what kind of big business can disturb my sleep...

Yawning, the saleswoman turned on the video. Her eyes were still sleepy at first, but as the video played, she became more attentive.

She watched the video for a while, then looked at Li Shou, but hesitated to speak.

After repeating this cycle for more than a dozen times, she finally couldn't hold it any longer.

Wait, I'll call someone!

Li Shou thought he would call the person in charge of the research institute, but he didn't expect that after about ten minutes, the entire base city lit up with the hum of the diesel generator.

Normally, this kind of battle would only occur when a zombie wave came, but this time it alarmed everyone.

Soon a large number of unknown people gathered.

There seemed to be 20,000 to 30,000 survivors in the entire base city, and they were all confused and asking what happened.

But no one paid any attention to them.

Afterwards, some armed soldiers drove the crowd over and, led by a leader, invited Li Shou and others into the research institute.

You...Hello, I am the person in charge of the base city in the mountains, Fulaishan. Are you the person in the video? The person in charge of the base city is a virus enhancer. The muscles and bones on his body are obviously distorted. It's also different from normal people.

Don't get close to me. I exchange things for food and then buy potions. It's as simple as that. I know what you mean, but we are not the same person. Seeing a master trying to win over him is what a normal person would think in the end of the world, but Li Shou didn't want to waste time, Now give me the medicine and the surplus food. Let's deal fairly and don't create extraneous problems.

Hmm... Okay then. When Fulaishan saw what Li Shou said, he was very smart and didn't talk nonsense.

After a while, he arranged for people to deliver all the medicines, a lot of biscuits and some frozen meat. After explaining some methods of using the medicines to Li Shou, he took the people away.

After giving some food to Anben and the others, Li Shou cleared everyone away, leaving him alone in the room.

Then he thought for a while, curiously picked up the virus potion, and poured it into his mouth like Zeng Tule did.

The medicine enters the throat...

The zombie virus infects faster than the flu virus, and the same is true for this castrated version.

Within a few minutes of taking the first bottle of potion, Li Shou's body began to react violently. As his body became hot, soreness also followed, but the pain was quickly repaired by his recovery power.

The pain arises and subsides, subsides and arises again...

The virus attack was fierce, and he responded quickly.

Not long after, his body began to become stronger due to the transformation of the virus, and his muscles and bones were transformed at the same time. After a while, the pain in his body stopped, and Li Shou felt that he was stronger.

The effect can only be said to be okay! Li Shou felt it for a while and found that there was no problem. He picked up a bottle of potion and poured it into his mouth.

His body also reacted again. After this change, he obviously felt that his hearing had become much stronger.

This works great!

Feeling that it was not enough, Li Shou spent the next period of time pouring bottle after bottle of potion into his mouth.

After filling the fifth bottle, Li Shou's body finally showed a distortion reaction. His muscles began to deform, his joints began to enlarge, and some horny substances grew on his skin.

But overall it's still within the acceptable range.

Looking at the twenty different potions left, Li Shou hesitated for a while.

If he continues to eat it, his body will definitely have a greater distortion reaction. After all, there are too many potions left, including BOSS-level drugs.

Should you choose to become stronger, or should you choose to stay human?

Li Shou hesitated for a long time between becoming stronger and maintaining his image. After all, distortion is not only ugly, but may even lose the human image in the end.

Without his human form, what would Yan Linger think of him?

Now that he's back on Earth, what do passers-by A, B, B, and D think of him?

Losing his human appearance will cause huge troubles in his life.



Fuck it! I just want to become stronger! Gritting his teeth and making a decision, Li Shou swallowed all the remaining twenty bottles of potion in one go.

Various mutant viruses from different variants were at work in his body at the same time, and Li Shou's cells began to tear and grow crazily.

His body began to grow larger and larger, and his muscles and bones began to become completely deformed.

During the crazy growth process, Li Shou felt extremely hungry. Fortunately, there was a large amount of grain and meat next to him. Li Shou pounced on it and began to eat crazily.

And as he eats, his growth rate speeds up again...


The painful distortion lasted for several hours.

At dawn, a giant nearly 4 meters tall and with muscles like alloy appeared in the research institute.

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