The two of them ran all the way to the city of York. As soon as they entered the edge of the city, they encountered a group of corpses.

The small group of Li Shouli ignored them and went around. Only the large group of corpses could make him stop.

Along the way, Li Shou had learned about the situation from Anben. The larger the group of zombies, the greater the probability of mutants appearing among them.

At this time, Li Shou was in a stadium on the edge of the city. This was supposed to be the place where the sports meeting was held. Now it was dark and a large number of zombies gathered on the runway lawn.

In the dark night, the zombies whose bodies have been transformed by the virus have dots of firefly-like green light in their eyes, accompanied by low roars from time to time, which makes them look particularly terrifying.

It's so scary at night! Anben has never been on a mission at night, especially he has never faced so many zombies. He is now placed on the stand by Li Shou, looking at it through the starlight. It is roughly estimated that there are thousands of zombies below. Zombies.

Is it okay? Xiaowei's performance was even worse. His lips were trembling as he spoke, and his legs became weak unconsciously.

It can be done, don't worry. I said I'd let you go back alive, and I will definitely send you back alive. As he spoke, Li Shou pulled up the welded seat on the stand, broke it off and threw it into the group of corpses below. among.

The loud noise of the chair breaking and the sound of being thrown directly alarmed the corpse group below. Then the corpse group discovered the living person and rushed over crazily. The corpse tide composed of thousands of zombies was accompanied by the unique tearing of the vocal cords of the zombies. The roar filled the night sky with panic.

Li Shou was not afraid of these ordinary zombies, but he still had to protect the two people behind him. He could only protect the two people behind him, raise his arms and get on.

The hard zombie body was as fragile as tofu under his strength and physical hardness, but Li Shou stopped this behavior after smashing more than a dozen zombies with his fists.

First, physical attack efficiency is too slow.

Second, and most importantly, zombies stink so damn much!

The zombie was smashed to pieces with one punch, and his body was stained with body parts and corpse water. The stench made Li Shou completely unbearable.

Nevermind! Originally, he wanted to hide his wind control ability. After all, the strengthening medicines in this world are only physical strengthening caused by viruses, and there is no category of superpowers at all.

But the moment he saw the wet intestines hanging on his shoulders, he decided not to care so much.

Connecting to the rules of wind, Li Shou raised his hand to summon the storm and the wind blade. Standing in the eye of the wind, the tornado around Li Shou was like a super-large meat grinder, tearing apart all the zombies that rushed towards him.

When he was killing zombies, he was also concentrating on staring into the storm, and at the same time sensing the feedback from the wind.

Once something strange appears, he will use wind pressure to push the thing out.

Standing in the eye of the storm, looking at the zombies that were smashed into pieces in the storm, Anben and Xiaowei looked at each other, and at the same time saw incredulity in each other's eyes.

If Li Shou lifted the car and threw it away before, it was still within the scope of what they could understand, but the following things were a bit unreasonable.

Why do people control the wind?

Even if you take all the strengthening potions, you still can't control the wind?

After all, the zombie BOSS himself can’t control the wind!

This is……

Don't ask, I don't know even if you ask. Li Shou interrupted the two of them and continued to focus on cleaning up the zombies.

After fighting for a while, the corpse group was cleaned up and the storm gradually subsided, and a wall of smelly meat as high as a haystack crackled fell around.

Zombies are much easier to kill than humans.

When Li Shou killed the Red Lotus cult members, it still took some effort. After all, people are smart and will run if they can't be beaten. Those who are still conscious will run for their lives in different directions, which makes chasing them a bit troublesome.

But zombies don't.

Just create a storm meat grinder and they will come and die themselves.

There was a bang and the wind pressure pushed away the surrounding pile of corpses. Li Shou looked forward.

There were three zombies there that he didn't kill when he pushed out the storm.

These three are obviously different from other zombies. One of them has particularly developed thigh muscles and is very capable of running and jumping.

There is another one with strange yellow cuticles on his body, and his body is much larger than that of ordinary zombies.

The last one has a particularly big head and a small body. I don’t know what type it is, but judging from its shape, it should be a mutant.

Among the thousands of corpses in the entire stadium, Li Shou singled out these three mutants.

Let Xiaowei start recording now.

Can your camera be used at night?

Yes, you can shoot at night. This is professional equipment. Xiaowei recovered from the shock. She felt that she was going to make a lot of money this time.

She is a newbie, and it is difficult to survive in the apocalypse. She can not have enough to eat for half of a month.

She had a hunch that this mission would allow her to stock up on rations for several months.

Then take a good photo and show off the abilities of these zombies in all directions. Li Shou stepped forward and used himself as bait, once again attracting the attention of several mutants.

Zombies are zombies. Even though Li Shou had shown a fighting power far beyond theirs just now, when they saw a living person, they still rushed over without hesitation.

The first one to come over was the long-legged zombie with the strongest running and jumping ability. His speed was much faster than ordinary zombies, but as soon as he ran over, he was kicked away by Li Shou and hit the railing, breaking his waist bone.

However, after breaking the waist bone, the zombie was still moving back and forth in a weird folded posture.

It's just that the back of his head is now on his heels, and he can't tell Li Shou's position at all, he's just spinning in circles.

The speed is okay, but the body is a bit brittle. As Li Shou spoke, a second zombie came over, and Li Shou used the same strength as before to knock it away.

But the second one was not seriously injured and got up to continue attacking.

This one is defensive. It's not weak in strength, but it's a bit bulky. Then there's the third big-headed zombie. What's it for? Is it just a deformity or does it have special abilities?

The big-headed zombie was the slowest, and it took a long time to arrive in front of Li Shou. As soon as it arrived, Li Shou felt a little dizzy.

This surprised him a bit.

Is it caused by brain wave interference? The virus attacks the brain, causing special brain distortions? This should be worth some money, and the zombie's ability seems to be very useful!

Although this zombie's ability is not strong, Li Shou feels that even he can use it.

When masters compete, one side becomes dizzy, and the balance of victory and defeat immediately tilts - this is a good debuff bonus.

Collect more of this later! Li Shou told Anben.

Okay boss. An Ben had already changed his title at this time, and then tiptoed to Li Shou, Boss, can I take out my gun and shoot them a few times?

What's the meaning?

Your power is not intuitive, and it cannot be shown in the video how strong it is. For example, you knocked over the defensive zombie, but the video capture looks just like that. Only the gun can intuitively show its defensive power.

Well, you do it.

Leave professional matters to professionals.

After Li Shou agreed, Anben took out the gun from his waist and aimed at several zombies and shot each of them.

The first zombie's bullet penetrated three-thirds of the flesh, the second zombie's bullet was blown away, and the third zombie was knocked down by one shot.

It seems that the first zombie is not so fragile.

After watching Anben conduct a series of tests and collect data on the mutants, Li Shou killed all three guys.

Then Anben took out the special collection equipment in the black box and began to collect blood, meat, spinal fluid and brain tissue from the mutant, and then placed them in a low temperature box and an incubator respectively.

After Anben finished collecting, Li Shou and others continued to go deeper.

Having learned from the past, Li Shou no longer hid them. After entering the city, he went to commercial plazas and other open places with a large number of corpses.

The power of wind is best used in open places. Every time he goes to a commercial square, he turns on the storm meat grinder mode.

That makes the job extremely efficient.

Most of the large groups of corpses have several mutants hiding in them, and Li Shou and others have gained a lot every time.

It wasn't until we reached the third commercial street that something unexpected happened.

This size should be BOSS level, right?

What appeared in Li Shou's sight was a giant zombie the size of a truck.

It lay on all fours, its body was a bit like a gorilla, and its body was covered with sarcoma. Even ordinary zombies were not spared wherever it passed.

This giant zombie seemed to be a devourer of protein. All the zombies within its attack range were stuffed into its body and squirmed and devoured.

This is the flesh and blood chariot numbered 78. Boss, this thing is difficult for ordinary armies to deal with. Shall we go?

No. 78, a chariot of flesh and blood? Li Shou had no intention of leaving, staring at the giant monster at the end of the street from a distance.

All the powerful BOSS-level zombies in York City have numbers. The numbering numbers are not sorted according to strength, but according to the order in which they were discovered. I have seen its video information in the base city. This thing is in the Zombie BOSS They are also the most powerful ones, and they once killed a Celestial Dragon military collection team! Boss, although you are powerful, you don’t have to fight with them!

After seeing Li Shou's fighting ability, Anben still had no confidence in him.

It can be seen that this flesh and blood chariot is also famous.

When Li Shou looked at it, the giant zombie was eating other zombies, but as it ate, its nose twitched and it spotted Li Shou and others in the distance.

It seemed to prefer human flesh to zombies. After discovering Li Shou and others, it immediately pounced on them.

It's over! Anben and Xiaowei were so frightened that they turned around and hid behind the bunker.

Li Shou took a few steps forward and waited for it to arrive.

Due to its huge size, the ground on the street trembled slightly when the flesh and blood chariot ran. Moreover, despite its large size, this thing was extremely dexterous. When it rushed over, it was surprisingly dexterous in the face of the hurricane summoned by Li Shou to block the road. He jumped up, took advantage of the surrounding tall buildings, and dodged the attack like a cat while stabbing at him diagonally.

Ouch? Li Shou was shocked by its operation and jumped up out of curiosity, punching his opponent on the forehead with all his strength.

However, the size difference between the two sides was too great. Li Shou's punch pierced the monster's forehead like a mosquito's mouth. Although it was as deep as the arm, the damage it could cause was really limited.

And just as he pulled out his arm, the next second he was slapped away by the big slap of the flesh and blood chariot, and he crashed into the commercial building next to him.

The flesh and blood chariot was so powerful that Li Shou crashed through two walls and a stone pillar before he could stabilize himself.

As soon as he stood up, the wall of the mall was smashed through, and the huge body of the flesh and blood chariot squeezed in.

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