I...ah, I... Faced with Li Shou's inquiry, the gatekeeper showed a standard stunned expression.

The combination of fear and shock left him tongue-tied.

One person picked out the entire Red Lotus Sect stronghold in the county. He had never heard of such strength, let alone seen it.

The scene of Li Shou summoning the storm and carrying the bronze statue to kill everyone was deeply imprinted in his mind like a steel seal, enough for the outer sect's followers to never forget it for the rest of their lives.

He was originally just a gangster on the street who stole from people when he was young. When he grew up, he heard that following the Red Lotus Cult would lead to great success and success, so he joined a few years ago.

It was true that he had been popular for a while, and after Honglian became more powerful, those who looked down on him before, those powerful martial arts masters, and those inner city lords had to be polite when they saw him.

This greatly satisfied his vanity, so now when he sees people outside the sect, he looks arrogant and bossy.

He has been domineering for a long time, and no one has dared to resist for such a long time. I didn't expect that once someone resists, he can be so powerful!

Spare your life, Grandpa Master, please spare your life. I know some secrets of the Red Lotus Sect. For this kind of gangster, dignity is worthless, and loyalty is even more ridiculous. The brainwashing remarks of the Red Lotus Sect have no effect on him. .

Well, this sounds like a sentence, but when it comes to selling out the secrets of the cult to survive, it's usually better for the higher-ups to do it, right? As Li Shou spoke, he reached out and struck out the old man who had been talking to him before. come over.

This was the only person left alive during the storm.

Although the storm is an area-of-effect attack and the single target attack is not strong, being able to survive in it also proves the old man's strength.

But he is still alive, and the old man is now covered in bruises and unable to move.

Do you have anything to say? Regarding the betrayal of the Red Lotus Sect, you two have to choose one of the two. Whoever speaks more will have a chance of survival.

Kill or behead him as you wish.

Be tough. Li Shou didn't try to persuade him, and casually threw him to Yuan Yifa, Master, I just heard what you said, you two seem to have some grudges, you can resolve it.

Haha, my good disciple is not only powerful, but also considerate! After being reminded by Li Shou, Yuan Yifa recovered from the shock.

To say who was most shocked by the scene just now, it was not the gatekeeper or the incense master of the Red Lotus Sect, but Yuan Yifa and Yan Ling'er.

They watched Li Shou grow up.

When Li Shougang became a disciple, although he was not bad, he was only at the level of a martial artist.

In the next few months, he grew from a martial artist to a great martial artist, and then grew to the point where he could easily defeat the best among great martial artists like Qian Hongxu.

But no matter how you put it, the previous part can still be understood and explained. After all, historical records of people of different blood say that they are naturally powerful and advance quickly.

But when they returned this time, Li Shou's performance was completely incomprehensible to the two of them.

The ability to control wind and rain just now is not in the category of ordinary skills at all, and can only be explained as a higher-level ability.

Junior brother, your ability to call the wind just now was mentioned in the script as being able to sense the world of the Martial Saint, right?

Yeah, almost.

Martial Saint... my junior brother is actually a Martial Saint. Yan Linger couldn't believe it.

The realm of the Martial Saint, let alone a small county town.

In the entire southwest state, it is difficult to find one in a state for decades.

Twenty-five years ago, Southwest Prefecture produced a Martial Saint, and he even went to Beijing.

The leader of the Red Lotus Sect is actually a Martial Saint, but he also fled after the internal fighting in the capital failed.

Masters of this level would generally not settle in this borderland.

Hearing that Li Shou admitted that he was a Martial Saint, Yan Ling'er was shocked at first, then happy, and finally a little scared. She felt that the gap between her and Li Shou was getting bigger and bigger. This sense of distance made her unconsciously take a half step back, which was in sharp contrast to her previous cheerful and hot temperament.

What's wrong, Senior Sister, are you feeling distant from me just because I've become stronger? I have a few buddies who will ride on my back and brag no matter how strong I am! You can't be so powerful, can you...

Tch, what are you talking about! After hearing Li Shou's words, Yan Ling'er came to her senses and ran over to hug him again, pressing her chest tightly against his body, just like they were riding together when they first met. appearance.

Not only that, she also asked meaningfully: When will you become an adult?

Almost. It has been about a year since the time travel. Normal high school students are usually fifteen and a half or early sixteen when they first enter high school. However, when Li Shou traveled through time, he had been in high school for more than half a year, and his good friends were all I've handed in several.

I was over sixteen years old at the time, and I am over seventeen now.

I'll be an adult in a few months.

Well, we agreed to let Senior Sister help you for the first time!

First time? Yuan Yifa was unhappy when he heard this, I wasted my money last time? You kid, oh, do you know how expensive it is? I bought the three most expensive restaurants!

Hahaha! Next time, next time... Li Shou laughed, finally feeling relaxed.

During his mission, he was always walking on thin ice, and dangers constantly surrounded him.

From the moment I entered the mission, I danced with death.

In the early stage, Fang Yi's people were able to suppress him, but in the mid-term stage, the indigenous masters brought him endless danger. In the later stage, he was even more frightened when facing the Qing army.

From the first time he fought face to face with No. 5, he began to face death head-on.

In the end, when Tuko is defeated, he will be beaten into a pulp if he is not careful.

It is impossible to say that I am not afraid.

Problems can occur if people are suppressed for too long.

Therefore, after everyone's mission was over, most of them returned to Earth to seek psychological comfort.

And Li Shou came to his second home.

Come on, master and sister, let's go in and take a look. Why don't we see the master? Li Shou picked up the incense master and the gatekeeper and walked in.

After searching through this huge building complex, I finally found Qian Hongxu in a room in the backyard.

She was lying on the table, her clothes were a little disheveled, and her originally burly body now looked limp and weak, and she didn't even have the strength to adjust her clothes.

Master! Yuan Yifa frowned when he saw Qian Hongxu's appearance.

He still has some feelings for Qian Hongxu. The two have been together for a long time, and he can't bear to see the majestic woman in the past now like this.

It's okay, it's just soft poison. As long as you don't swallow it every day, you will get better gradually. Qian Hongxu struggled twice, but couldn't get up. She stared at Li Shou and smiled. : You're a lot bigger. I knew it was your kid here. He made such a big noise and screamed outside. Did you kill them all?

Yeah. You can't get in without killing them all. Li Shou nodded.

Then you have to be careful. The Red Lotus Sect is not a county force, and people will come to take revenge. If you can break in, you will definitely have at least touched the threshold of the Martial Saint, but there will still be many difficulties in the future.

The leader of the Red Lotus Sect, Fang Hui, was originally known as the third martial sage in Zhongzhou. He had been dormant in Southwest State for many years, and now he is even more unfathomable. And I heard that he also found an evil secret realm that could quickly increase his strength. This is one of the reasons why the Red Lotus Sect can develop rapidly.

Although your kid is born with different blood, I have long seen that you are not a thing in the pool, but it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, so it is better to be careful.

Martial Saint is nothing, just this evil secret realm? Hearing this, Li Shou became excited.

He didn't come to this world just for leisure and entertainment.

The most important thing is to find out about the potential of this world.

In the fourth game, when choosing to dominate the world, you can neither choose someone who is too strong nor someone who is too weak.

It's best to be one that's not strong, but has potential.

If the legends of this world are all false, then Li Shou will probably choose another world to be the master. After all, this is related to his growth.

Can you tell me more about the secret realm?

Inside my shoe.


There is a map inside my shoe, which contains the Red Lotus Sect's strongholds. Some of them are marked. Most of the newly built strongholds are in the city. For example, there are many such strongholds in Tongkang County. However, there is one built in In the dense forest, it is not an important transportation route, and it is far away from the city. There are not even villages around. I suspect that the secret place is there.

Li Shou stepped forward and took off Qian Hongxu's shoes, and sure enough he found a piece of leather inside the shoe with many secrets marked on it.

The leader is amazing! He is indeed thick on the outside but subtle on the inside. He is very smart. Even if he is trapped in the enemy's camp, he can get such important information!

Seeing the leather map, the half-dead incense owner on the ground suddenly reacted. He was very angry. Although he was extremely weak, he still cursed loudly: It turns out you stole it and framed it on my brother.

He deserves it. Qian Hongxu obviously had a lot of things happen with this incense owner in the past few months. She looked at him with hatred in her eyes: Can this person be left to me? I will make sure that he cannot survive. I can’t die!”

Whatever you do, I don't care. Li Shou focused all his attention on the map.

This is a map of southwestern states.

There are more than 20 counties in the entire Southwest State, which covers a quite large area.

Looking at the map, almost every county is now occupied by the Red Lotus Sect. Only three or four counties near Zhongzhou have not been conquered.

Tongkang County is located in the middle of Southwest State, not far from anywhere, and very close to the secret realm.

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