After learning the general location of the secret realm, Li Shou wanted to take a look at the situation.

But I still held back.

If he makes such a big fuss in Tongkang County, the Red Lotus Sect will definitely send someone to take revenge.

No matter how many people he kills here, there will always be people from the Red Lotus Sect who can slip through the net in the county and on the streets and report the news. Maybe you're far away and you don't know exactly what happened, but you can still see roughly what happened from a good location.

For example, in the surrounding restaurants, if you climb up and look far away, you can see the whole incident. Even if there is no one above the restaurant, you can still see some storms on the streets. Combined with inquiring, it is not difficult to get the news.

The revenge of the Red Lotus Sect will follow. Firstly, this sect is seizing power, and it is a time when morale is needed. Secondly, it is also very critical. Tongkang County is located in the southwest hinterland, and its location is very critical. If there is a force from another family, then Cooperating with the imperial power of Zhongzhou, it is easy to cooperate inside and outside and perform a disembowelment on the Red Lotus Sect.

Therefore, Li Shou looked at the map and knew that the Red Lotus Sect would most likely come back for revenge, and it would come very quickly.

This time it's either a big army, a real master, or more likely a combination of the two.

The masters who come will most likely be at or close to the Martial Saint level.

‘Just let me see how powerful this martial saint is. ’

After rescuing Qian Hongxu, Li Shou and others searched the Red Lotus Sect.

Their sect is wealthy, but they have plundered a lot of good things from their base, including gold and silver treasures, martial arts secrets, and various elixirs that are not available locally.

Li Shou made a selection and took away the elixirs and secret books that were useful to him.

The secret book he took was a body skill secret book.

The people in this world are not as strong as the people in the third mission world, but it does not mean that the people in this world are stupider than the people in the third world.

The gap in combat power between the two worlds is caused by resources.

There are local specialties in the third world, but the local specialties of this world, blood, spirit and meat, are far less effective - at least in the past thousand years, the effects are far less effective.

But precisely because they cannot pursue the ultimate power, their skills are more delicate and their body movements are more dexterous. In terms of small movements and body control, the ones in this world are better and stronger.

The Secret Technique of Boiling Blood can still play a huge role to this day, and this is also the reason.

The body skill secret book that Li Shou took away is called Chasing the Wind Step. It is a body skill related to the wind. It seems that the rank is not high, and it is placed randomly.

The rank is not high, because people in this world cannot control the wind. It is said that chasing the wind can only make you move more flexibly in the air with the help of the wind, and run faster when you are on the road.

But after Li Shou looked into the details, he found that it matched well with his wind-controlling power, so he chose this one.

After choosing the technique, it’s time to wait for revenge.

Four days later.

Li Shouzheng was standing at the gate of Tongkang County practicing kung fu.

The newly learned body skills can make him more dexterous and faster. After learning the body skills, he found that this thing is indeed very compatible with his wind control power. He knows how to get started with wind control. Naturally, I got started quickly and kept practicing.

In the past four days, he had been practicing at the gate of the city almost all the time.

Qian Hongxu and others hid in the city.

If the other party sends someone of the Semi-Saint or Martial Saint level to take revenge, he won't be afraid of him. But if a relative or friend is assassinated, Li Shou won't be able to bear it.

Fortunately, the Xuanxue Sect has been operating in Tongkang County for many years. Cunning Rabbit has three caves, and this local sect has its own hiding place.

No matter how powerful the Red Lotus Sect is, it is still a foreign sect. It is unrealistic to find the locals who are hiding as soon as they come here.

Therefore, Li Shou has been waiting at the city gate.

He was afraid that the other party would not be able to find him when he came.

This place is conspicuous, empty, and easy to kill without affecting civilians.

After four full days of waiting, four full days of practicing, and barely getting started with Chasing the Wind Step in four days, he heard the rumbling sound of horse hooves.

The army is coming. A moment later, the sound of horse hooves approached, and Li Shou saw the Red Lotus Sect's army.

There were not many people coming, only more than a thousand people, but they all seemed to be elites.

And these people all carry special weapons - various weapons designed to deal with masters.

There were crossbow arrows that glowed green, a giant arm crossbow that was similar to a bed crossbow but could be held by two people, as well as some strange acidic animal secretions, metal catching nets and the like.

Seeing this series of things, Li Shou felt inexplicably kind.

When I fight bosses with my classmates, I like to bring all kinds of things together.

Now the situation has changed, and I have become the boss!

When Li Shou was laughing at himself, someone walked out of the opponent's formation.

The man was quite old and had a shriveled figure, but what attracted Li Shou's attention the most was that he had a pair of scarlet eyes similar to the former red-eyed man.

Old man, what's going on with your eyes? Li Shou looked at the other person standing far in front of the formation and was a little curious, I'm very familiar with your eyes. Can you tell me the origin? They're not from your Red Lotus Sect. Did the person dig up the red-eyed corpse to get some secret? No, no, I checked all over him. Besides, he should be dead when you guys come.

You dare to talk nonsense when you are about to die. The old man took two steps forward with a thin knife as a weapon.

Li Shou saw his reaction and knew that he had guessed wrong.

Since it's not a problem with the corpse, it's a problem with the technique. I'll arrest you later and ask you. Li Shou felt that there was some connection between the red eyes and him.

If you hide in the city and rely on the terrain for cover, you may still be able to compete with the army, but now in this open land, it seems that you have a death wish. Go!

At the old man's order, the Red Lotus Army rode around on galloping horses.

During the encirclement, crossbow arrows were fired. Li Shou didn't even bother to hide, and allowed the poison-quenched crossbow arrows to jingle on his body.

This kinetic energy is far inferior to the crossbow arrow modified by mechanism technology.

Li Shou ignored them and waited until more than a thousand people had gathered around before taking action.

Facing the rain of arrows, acid and nets thrown at him, Li Shou attacked all the way. Naturally, these Red Lotus troops were no match for them.

This time, Li Shou didn't waste any time. He wanted to use the fastest method to kill people. He tore open the net and faced the acid to summon a storm. In the middle of the killing, a red light flashed by his ears, and the red-eye trick reappeared in the world.

The memory of the last time has not been forgotten. This time, Li Shou did not dare to raise his hand and immediately avoided the vital point. At the same time, he blocked the red light with his arm, trying to test the strength of the knife.

With a squeak sound, red light flashed across Li Shou's arm. Li Shou looked down and saw a fleeting gash on the skin of his arm.

In just a moment, the small wound healed.

I have the body of a barbarian to increase my defense again. This can break the defense. It's a very high damage.

Yes. This knife did not cut off Li Shou's arm, and the old man's body began to look like the red eyes it once had, and its functions began to decline.

Why is it so powerful? Even the leader of the church would be injured with this sword! The old man was very surprised.

Because I am above the level of Martial Saint, what level of master are you?

I am from Ding Ding, the third elder of the Red Lotus Sect, and naturally a half-step martial saint.

Half-step Martial Saint. Li Shou nodded.

Young man, you have such strength. You must have found an evil secret realm, right? I am no match for you, but I still have tricks to deal with you!

While the Red Lotus Sect elder was speaking, he actually wiped his own neck with a knife. At the same time, Li Shou saw strange scarlet lines appearing on the bodies of the surrounding Red Lotus soldiers, whether alive or dead, and then fell apart, and their blood gathered in one place. A strange formation formed.

While inside, the next second Li Shou saw that he was in a restaurant.

A place of evil spirits! Li Shou encountered evil spirits many times in this world, and he could tell something was wrong at a glance.

Moreover, the cold air here was much stronger than any evil place he had ever been to.

The invincible evil spirit! Does the Red Lotus Sect actually have this unique skill?

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