Natives are not fools.

The people of the Red Lotus Sect are cruel, but not stupid.

After Li Shou's ice storm, both the church members in the inner hall and those who came from other martial arts arenas stood still at a distance.

Those in the back row didn't see what happened, but seeing that the front stopped moving, they all knew they were in trouble.

It's a waste of time if you don't come over and let me kill them one by one. Li Shou controlled the storm and was about to attack everyone, when a few stewards in the inner hall came over.

When they came over, the congregants moved out of their way and seemed to have a high status.

Several people walked not far away from Li Shou. They looked at the ice cubes on the ground and did not dare to take action directly. The leader clasped his fists and asked: Excuse me, this senior master, what is the purpose of coming to our Red Lotus Sect?

You look like you're already in your seventies. Don't call me senior. It's okay to call me master. Since revenge, we must pursue happiness.

Now I can kill him with just one palm, and I haven't even finished my anger. How uncomfortable is that?

There has to be a breakthrough for the Xuanxue Sect's grievances over the past few days.

Anyway, the other party is going to die today, so letting them live a little longer to give yourself some relief is the right thing to do.

What is the purpose of this high...ahem, master coming to make trouble in our Red Lotus Sect?

I'm here to vent my anger on the Xuanxue Sect.

Xuanxue Sect. The old man nodded and glanced at Yuan Yifa next to him. It was obvious that the two of them had met before. When he looked at Yuan Yifa, there was a bit of fierceness in his eyes, Old Yuan, We, the Red Lotus Sect and the Xuanxue Sect, have always been in harmony with each other, so what is your intention in calling people to take revenge and massacre hundreds of my followers?

Hahaha, old man, you want to scare me? Since I'm here today, I'm not afraid of you being scared. Yuan Yifa was very relaxed.

He was careful before offending anyone.

But if he starts to offend, then based on his experience in the world, this matter will never end.

In this case, why should we be cautious?

I'm used to being mean to you, do you really think that I, Old Yuan, am a fool? You guys, you have no morals at all. Damn it, even the villains in the mountains will know it as long as they hand over their belongings. You can't kill them all. Our Xuanxue Sect not only handed over the property, but also handed over the secret book and the mountain gate station, and you are still not satisfied.

Not only are we allowed to send the hundreds of inner disciples we have trained so hard to the front lines, but the outer disciples are treated like pigs and dogs by you. Now my sect leader is still under house arrest by you, and the blood feud in it cannot be washed away by the water of the river. Are you telling me that the water of the well does not offend the water of the river? You dare too!

You... Seeing the look of the old man who usually looked down upon me, the Red Lotus Sect Incense Master immediately became angry and itched his teeth.

Are you happy, Master?

Well, that's right. I took this breath today and died in peace! Yuan Yifa nodded with satisfaction.

Seeing Li Shou and Li Shou chatting like no one else was around, the incense master was so angry that his eyes were splitting. I'm giving you three cents of respect. Do you really think that I, the Red Lotus Sect, have no one?

Well, come on in then! Li Shou took a few steps forward and walked to the incense owner.

This move immediately frightened him and he jumped back violently. He pointed at Li Shou from a distance: Come together and kill him. Whoever kills him, I will report to the elders and let you upgrade your teaching position to three levels in a row. If If you dare to fight, the red lotus punishment will be at your service!

Go on, he is alone, kill him!

No matter how powerful one person is, he is no match for so many of us!

The incense master yelled, and several deputy incense masters also started to encourage.

Under their orders, the frightened inner sect members finally regained some of their courage.

Compared with Li Shou, who was alone, they were more afraid of the powerful Red Lotus Sect's Qiu Hou settling the score.

Being timid will bring disaster to the whole family.

Thinking of these people here, they picked up various weapons and rushed over to kill them.

The Red Lotus Sect has its own training system. These inner sect members are not weak at all. Many of them are close to the level of martial arts masters, and there are even some real martial arts masters among them.

But it's no use.

As close as a martial artist can be, he is no more than an elite soldier from the Qing Kingdom.

In Li Shou's eyes, the only difference between them and the miscellaneous soldiers is that they are faster than the miscellaneous soldiers.

Master, don't you believe that I can defeat thousands of troops by myself? Let me show you this!

Li Shou did not use the storm to kill people this time. Although it was more efficient, it was not satisfying.

He glanced at a bronze statue of the Red Lotus Mother not far from the entrance. Without saying a word, he grabbed the bronze statue's legs and pulled it out from the ground.

This bronze statue is very heavy to hand, weighing several thousand kilograms.

But in Li Shou's hands now, it's just a toy.

He was already strong, but he became even stronger after practicing Earth Movement Kung Fu. The most important thing is that after three missions, he had pure barbarian blood.

This bloodline adds too much to strength.

Zan Gu, a hybrid, has the power of a giant elephant, and Tuko can even transform into a humanoid Gundam.

At this time, Li Shou had a purer bloodline than Tuke. After obtaining this barbarian body, Li Shou always felt that he had endless energy, but he never had the chance to use it. Now the opportunity finally came.

Thousands of kilograms of bronze statues were swung like a stick in his hand, glaring at everything he passed.

As long as the force is strong enough, blunt weapons can produce the best group damage effect!

Moreover, Li Shou has the power of the dual rules of Earth and Storm, so when he swings it, he will not become flying due to the weight of the weapon.

The rules of the earth and storms can give him the most stable steadiness.

He swung the entire Red Lotus Mother like a tiger, and the bronze statue weighing several tons swept across it. Wherever it passed, people would die if they stuck to it, or if they touched it, it would be even more serious if it was hit - including the night. There is no need for fillings in the dumplings!

I've become a humanoid Gundam too! Hahahaha... As we swung through it all the way, how could any of these cult members have the same enemy?

Even if the incense master, a great martial artist, was hit by Li Shou only once, he would be so bloody that he could not die anymore.

The scene was filled with howls of ghosts and wolves.

After a few rounds, even these Red Lotus sect members were frightened even if they were very brave.

Who the hell cares about settling accounts after the fall and Red Lotus Torture at this time? Everyone is running away, just want to survive!

I just want to stay as far away from this demon as possible.

You guys ran away before I had all the fun. Did I let you run away? Li Shou saw the people around him running in all directions, and it was difficult to pursue him, so he simply threw the bronze statue and hit it where the crowd was thickest, and then rode the storm and flew into the sky. Start summoning hurricanes.

He has practiced the Howling Wind Technique to a great level, and now he can control the storm easily.

As his energy and energy were consumed, Li Shou connected himself to the rules of heaven and earth and summoned a large storm on the spot. The only place where the power of the storm did not touch was where Yuan Yifa and Yan Ling'er stayed.

After the whirlwind roared out, all the fleeing believers were swept in. Some staggered around, and some were blown directly into the air.

Hahahaha! Li Shou enjoyed the feeling of happy revenge. After a moment, he tightened his palms, and wind blades began to appear in the storm. The wind blades were wrapped around the storm, just like a sickle and a weasel hurting people. There were screams everywhere, and the crowd was cut into pieces.

After a while, the screams gradually stopped, and the storm changed from the khaki color of flying sand to bright red.

Seeing this, Li Shou stopped the storm and fell from the air. He turned to look at the gatekeeper at the beginning.

What did you just say, that you would all be buried with him?

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