While Li Shou was still chatting with classmates from other classes, a space of light flashed out again, and then Wang Yanna came out.

Wang Yanna came out again and attracted everyone's attention.

Even Li Shou couldn't help but look at it several times.

She is not ugly to begin with. She has a round face, a good figure, and a warm and cheerful personality. She has always been quite popular among her classmates.

But it can't be compared to now.

There seems to be a certain rhythm in Wang Yanna's body now, which unconsciously makes people want to get close to her and show their friendly side to her.

The charm skill is super enhanced... King Urine hung on Li Shou's back and said, It would be better if this skill was given to Chen Zihan.

While talking, Chen Zihan also came out.

Li Shou quickly asked her curiously: Did you choose stimulants or cessation of fighting?

He also wants to try the effect of stimulants and boiling blood to see if it can break his recovery ability!

The talent to stop fighting. If you take stimulants, then... Chen Zihan couldn't continue.

After all, I was a proud student council president before, so it would be okay to become an assistant. It would be too shameful to choose a secretory talent again.

It's a pity. Maybe the stimulant talent will improve the team's combat effectiveness even more.

While the two were talking, the last few classmates who had not come out also came back.

Everyone basically came out before Li Shou. After all, most people don't have a wide range of choices. Many people have only been fused once and have no other abilities. Super talents have no choice at all.

Li Shou also asked about those students in Classes 1 and 3 who had not completed the integration.

The epic reward given to them by the fungus will be replaced by the settlement of the next mission, but the settlement income will be halved.

When everyone arrived, the 88-person team went back in great force.

The first time I came back, a bunch of instructors greeted me. The second time, only one person came. This third time, not even a single person came. The impatient Zhao Yinuo walked aside, We came back alive for the third time. Why don’t we greet you with loud gongs, drums and firecrackers?”

The third mission is so long. If you're greedy, you might not be able to come back for a few years. Who would stay here and wait. It's not like the first mission, which ended in a few days.

That's right. Besides, I'm afraid you'll run away after the first mission is over. These three missions are over. Anyone with a normal IQ knows that there's no place to go except the training ground when you come back.

Tch, I think that Iwaizumi's dominatrix didn't even think that we could come back alive. Scare her when we go back!

Yes, yes, the team with the highest survival rate in more than three hundred years was the Ming Dynasty more than three hundred years ago, right? Go back and scare her to death!

As for the team from more than three hundred years ago, there is a high probability that it was not our Fenggu City. We are the first in history!

Okay, okay, wait and see her expression when we get back.

Since everyone was in a good mood after the disaster, it was easy to talk and laugh along the way.

When they turned back, the door to the training ground happened to be open, and a few people caught the guard's attention as soon as they entered.

You are... eh, no, you are not from this batch! After all, Li Shou and others have been training at the training ground for a long time, so they all look familiar to each other.

You are from the batch of Zhanzhou No. 8 Middle School! How could it be you? Didn't you go to the third mission?

Yeah, it's over!

Ah? Many of the guards were people who had passed the third mission. Looking at the nearly 100 people who had survived, his eyes almost popped out of his head, Are you all?

if not?

Impossible, absolutely impossible! The guard refused to believe it.

He was baptized by the third mission, and his school had a large number of students at that time. More than ten years ago, most of the schools had enrollments starting at 5,000.

There were more than 600 people in his school who survived the second mission, but after the third mission, only two people were left.

One of them is him.

I remember when you were training for the second and third missions, there were only more than 100 people? And then you survived... ten, twenty, thirty... close to 100? I don't believe it...

Then how did we appear here?

Do you have any props that can help you turn back halfway? The guard would rather believe in non-existent props than believe that so many people could survive in the third game.

What's the noise over there? In the training ground, Iwaizumi was training new students. When he heard the noise at the door, he strode over.

Then, she saw Li Shou at a glance, and then saw the hundred and ten people behind him.

This time, even the usually fierce Iwaizumi was stunned.

What's going on? Iwaquan walked up to Li Shou and pinched his cheek, Is this your kid?

Even if I change, you have trained those people for more than two months, don't you remember them?

Hmm... Iwaizumi stood in front of the crowd and pondered for a while, then suddenly punched Li Shou on the chin.

Iwaizumi is someone who can survive in the dark, and his combat prowess is comparable to that of an ordinary adventurer.

This punch directly knocked Li Shou flying seven or eight stories high. Even the Insect Armor's Golden Clothes Defense Technique and the barbarian bloodline could not withstand this punch.

His jaw immediately cracked, but it only cracked for a moment, and he recovered as before.

In mid-air, Li Shou subconsciously used the storm to float in place, and cursed below: Are you sick?

This strength? Iwaizumi frowned slightly, as if she didn't believe it. She also jumped up and started to hit Li Shou continuously.

Iwaizumi's strength far exceeds that of Tuco. If Tuco is a humanoid Gundam, then Iwaizumi is a standard Saiyan.

At first, she didn't dare to use force when she hit Li Shou, but the more she hit, the more frightened she became, and the force of her blows became heavier and heavier. However, no matter how heavy the punch was, as long as Li Shou was not killed by one punch, he would be full of health instantly. resurrection.

What kind of ability is this that I have never seen before? After a beating, Iwaquan kicked Li Shou back to the ground.

With a bang sound, the huge impact caused his body to make a hole in the ground.

This kick also silenced everyone.

Everyone knew that this dominatrix was powerful, but only Li Shou had ever seen her take action.

When I saw it now, I was shocked.

I originally wanted to show off to her, but she ended up pretending first.

Keep your voice down...don't let her hear you.

But it seems that the effect of our pretense has been achieved. Look at her expression, hey hey hey.

After Iwaizumi kicked Li Shou down, he saw him stand up from the hole unscathed the next second, with a strange look on his face.

This time she was silent for a full two or three minutes before speaking again.

Tell me how you did it. First of all, how did you do it so well? This is not the strength of ordinary Sanba people. Also, tell me later, how did you group survive so many times! Iwaizumi spoke. He waved to everyone, Let's go in and talk!

Following Iwaquan into the training ground, Li Shou saw another group of newcomers coming inside.

This batch is not Li Shuixian’s batch, it’s from another school.

After all, they have been away for about half a year, so it is normal for new people to come.

These people don't look weak physically. They should have gone through the first mission. It's when they are unruly that the former red eyes dared to attack the instructor after the first mission.

And now, this group of people all saw the high-altitude Saiyan battle just now.

Their expressions were extremely dull.

Li Shou could also understand that if he had not been reminded by the dream and saw Iwaizumi's strength just after the first game, he would have to reposition the entire world's power system.

When most people first came here, they thought it was just a world that had traveled to a simple radiation apocalypse.

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