Li Shou, a very excellent balance maker. The number of balance factors created this time has reached 63% of the team, and the number of balance factors created is 6,300.

Add? What does add mean? Oh, by the way! Li Shou remembered that after killing Tu Ke in the end, he got nearly 3,000 points. In total, in addition to the 10,000 points needed to complete the task, they also had a surplus of nearly 3,000 points. 1,000 points, unexpectedly, it was included.

Let's see what the reward is!

In Li Shou's expectation, Fungus spoke again:

Choose one of the following rewards.

Di Xing Gong has been practiced for 40 years.

40 years of practice in the Howling Wind Technique.

Lightning Lightning Breathing Technique has been practiced for 40 years.

Lotus Sword Sutra 40 years of practice.

40 years of practice in Jingtao Gong.


After looking at the previous rewards, Li Shou felt slightly disappointed.

Although the third world's special method of practicing the power of rules resulted in the combat effectiveness of 40 years of cultivation far exceeding the 60 years of skill in the second world.

Take Tuke as an example, he may not have 40 years of cultivation.

But if you put him in Tongkang County in the second world, he would be a crushing existence, and there is no comparison with the local martial arts masters who have decades of skill.

This is true even if the barbarian power bonus is removed.

So overall, the single reward for this mission is much higher than the previous mission.

But Li Shou still wouldn't choose these...

After all, 40 years of cultivation of rule power is a great bonus to others. For him, returning to the third mission world and practicing for another half a year will make him stronger than this - after all, the rewards of the previous 10 years of cultivation have been lost. In this way, ten years of cultivation is equivalent to more than one month of cultivation.

These skill selections are either those I have played against, or have been practiced or seen in The Court of Sages. Then the last task is to choose three from more than one. This time it is just one from more than one. It should only be completed with us. It’s related to a mission.”

For the previous mission, Li Shou and others had to complete the mission 6 times before it came out. This time, it came out only once, and they could only choose one more.

Li Shou continued to look and finally saw the option he wanted below.

Barbarian bloodline, this bloodline allows your body to have the same talents as the northern barbarians, with stronger compliance with the rules of the earth, stronger strength, stronger recovery ability, faster speed, and stronger resistance. Ability...

This is what Li Shou wants most among the things he has come into contact with during his mission.

Maybe others won't choose this reward. After all, 40 years of cultivation would not only require years of practice for others, but most importantly, others may no longer have the conditions to practice.

The third game is over. As long as you don't choose Dominate the World when choosing it, it will be very difficult to go back.

Without the tools to assist in training, even if you practice outside for 40 years, it will be useless.

But for Li Shou, this is a multiple-choice question.

I choose the barbarian bloodline!

When Li Shou made his choice, white mist swept through his body again.

Wrapped in the white mist, Li Shou felt that his body was being transformed again.

The blood replacement made his bones crackle and become bigger and tougher, and his muscles and internal organs were also transformed at the same time.

This time the white mist package lasted far less time than the epic reward time.

After a moment, the white mist dissipated, and Li Shou looked at his body.

The first thing I felt was that he had grown a lot in height, about 20 centimeters. Before, he was over 1.7 meters tall, but now he was over 1.9 meters tall. The exact height could not be measured visually.

In addition, the muscle fibers have also changed. Each muscle looks thicker and has spiral stripes coiled on it, which looks weird and beautiful.

Then there are the joints. When you clench your fist, the joints become more protruding and the bones become much thicker.

After selecting the rewards, the settlement of this mission is completely completed.

After completing the settlement, Li Shou was thrown out of the white mist space as usual. When he regained his vision, he had already arrived at the mushroom area of ​​the main world.

When Li Shou came out this time, most of his classmates had also come out. Everyone was smiling and very excited.

When Li Shou came out, he saw everyone exchanging something, and some people were running around in place, seemingly testing their new abilities.

What is your epic reward? Does everyone have it?

They are all there, they are all there! We have them all in our class.

What's yours?

Toxin talent, epic level enhancement. Where's yours?

Danger warning talent.

Li Shou took a look and saw that the ones speaking were classmates from his class. One was Wang Zheng, who had chosen the toxin talent previously, and the other was Wang Yifei.

It seems that the epic level enhancement is based on one's own talent. Li Shou thought of his talent options.

Hey, who's coming out again?

Everyone was discussing, and when they saw someone appearing, they turned around to look. When they saw Li Shou at first, everyone was stunned and felt that they had never seen him before. When they looked at his face intently, it took them a long time to recognize him.

Li Shou?

Brother Li?

My God, what is this enhancement for?

Why has it changed?

Students from Classes 1 and 3 gathered around, and King Urine even jumped on Li Shou's back and squeezed his deltoid muscles, Old Li, what did you do to strengthen yourself? How did you become so mature?

Barbarian bloodline, are you handsome?'s so cool, how can it grow bigger?

And you?

Ten years of cultivation plus shooting talent plus ten years of cultivation...

Oh! Li Shou nodded and understood. The first ten years of cultivation was a team reward, and the second was an individual reward. King Urine's personal contribution was not as great as his, so naturally the 40 years of cultivation were reduced to ten years.

But that's not what Li Shou is interested in. He is interested in shooting talent.

How does this shooting talent feel after the bonus?

Everything can be shot... As long as you are within my shooting range, no one can escape. King Urine was about to perform as he spoke, You run away and I will shoot you, as long as you are within my shooting range. , no matter how fast you go, I can shoot you, do you believe it?

Believe it. Li Shou nodded to express his belief.

While Li Shou was chatting with King Urine, survivors from other classes came over to thank Li Shou.

The first person to come was a senior girl who seemed to be quite educated. As she came, many people gathered.

Thank you for taking us through this mission.

“Thank you so much!”

Yes, without you, we would all be dead.

The third game is too difficult. It is completely impossible for us to pass on our own.

I guess they were all killed a few days ago and turned into square ants' scores.

We can't get through without meeting Fang Yi. We can't defeat the people of Qing Country...

It's difficult, unless you join the army and have great luck along the way. You can steal chickens successfully every time, but that's no different from winning a lottery ticket.


Thank you so much anyway!

It's okay, it's okay... Li Shouzheng was about to say a few words of courtesy, but the King of Urine stopped and said, What about us, should we just thank him? Without the rest of us in Classes One and Three, we wouldn't be able to survive.

Yes, thank you to everyone in your class! Everyone also understands that from the first game against No. 5, the team strength of classes one and three is extremely important, and in the last game against the Giants, it depends even more on the team.

That's pretty much it! King Urine raised his head proudly.

What talents did you choose? Li Shou was curious about what talent options Fungus would give to those students in other classes who were fully developed and took the elite warrior route.

But the answer was beyond his expectation, and it was also reasonable.

We don't have epic rewards. It's probably because the points are calculated as a team. Our team has almost no contribution. It's already very good to be included in the team rewards and complete the mission. If we give more, it will be unbalanced.

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