Passing through the new students, Li Shou and others followed Iwaquan into a large room in the office area.

Then Iwaizumi turned around and looked at everyone, Tell me. What's going on?

There were many people who had experienced this mission, and the eighty-eight mouths couldn't hide it anyway, so everyone told what they knew.

As for Li Shou, in addition to concealing his secret, he also smoothed things over in a vague way.

Skill coordination is a good way. No one has used it before, but the initial death rate was too high and no one had the energy to take care of others. Later, this method was not used. Moreover, when fighting for life in the first two games, many students did The relationship is very poor and the cooperation is not very high.”

Iwaizumi nodded, But as long as the relationship is good enough and there is a convincing leader, this method can be passed down. But the most important thing is that the leader must be strong enough!

Speaking of this, Iwaizumi looked at Li Shou meaningfully, Usually in the first two missions, many people fight to the death. How did you expect to have such a good relationship with your classmates? Also, your growth rate is Isn’t it a little faster?”

I have talent. Li Shou said with a serious face, I am what is commonly called a genius.

... Iwaizumi looked at Li Shou's serious expression and suddenly thought of the Crying Fetus incident, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Later, Iwaizumi also learned about the epic reward through conversation.

In the end, this third mission group return event was accepted by her.

Although she was still shocked, she still felt that there were many doubts, and she still thought that even with the combination of skills, so many people should not be able to survive.

But in any case, it was fooled.

You can leave the training camp in the future. After listening, Iwaizumi began to explain the follow-up way out for everyone, After three missions, you will no longer be considered students in this mushroom city. How you want to develop is your business. But , remember to pay attention to the life span, there are many examples of people who have been limited by their life span and eventually died after three missions.

Tasks must be done in advance. Domination of the world cannot be accomplished overnight. You must have a lifespan, or at least time to give it a try.

Of course, outside this training ground, there are ways to gain lifespan without doing tasks.

Outside there are life banks opened by time travellers, various commercial organizations, and teams with team cards that work together to complete tasks. But four-game players can only team up with four-game players, and five-game players can only team up with five-game players. And don’t completely trust those people. Some people are just organizations set up to deceive talents.

Even if it's not an organization that harms others, most of the organizations that can form a team with others without using the original team are garbage and get through the third game by luck. There should be many such people here...

Iwaizumi's words are still so blunt and hurtful.

“After the third mission, life span trading and home time trading are automatically enabled.

Lifespan and return home time are both high-level currencies that can be traded for anything, including props for training, mission reward props, and daily necessities. These lifespans can be traded. But on the contrary, ordinary daily necessities can be exchanged for less than their life span.

Another thing that needs to be reminded is that safe houses outside are still quite expensive. Whether you buy a house or rent a house, you need to consume a certain amount of mushroom coins. Without a safe house, most people would not survive the invasion at night.

It seems like there is consumption everywhere! someone was sighing.

Yes, the best way to earn lifespan is still to do tasks. The fourth game is the domination task. If you dominate a world, there will be a steady supply of lifespan. But when you choose to dominate the world, you still have to be cautious and not be too strong. Don’t be too weak. If you are too strong, you will waste your life in the world and not be able to dominate it. If it is too weak, the returns will be low and there will be no growth...

In the following period, Iwaizumi explained in detail how everyone could survive after the third mission, as well as various rules.

There are many things that even Li Shou is completely unaware of.

She definitely wanted as many people to survive as possible.

After all, the more worlds she dominates, the stronger the power of the mushroom's rules, and her profits will also increase.

After listening to Iwaizumi's explanation, Li Shou thought that he should stop doing those messy things. Most of the people busy outside were weak.

After doing so many messy things, he could barely maintain his lifespan. If he accidentally bumped into a powerful guy when he went out, he would die on the spot.

After all, outside Fenggu City, even during the day, you can occasionally encounter powerful things.

Instead of doing those tiring things that don’t yield high returns, it’s better to directly become the master of the world.

It’s fun, the benefits are high, and you can become stronger.

Li Shou still has a lot to do next.

The first is that he wants to go back and see if there is any potential to be tapped in the second world. After all, Master Yuan Yifa once told him that the world a thousand years ago was also full of masters and rich in materials.

If you can dominate a world that is not strong on the surface but has something inside, the benefits should be good.

Moreover, he has some feelings for the second world, and would be happier being the master of that world.

The second is that he wants to go back to the first world through the deception crystal.

It has been almost a year since the first world virus broke out. The virus has either swept the world or been suppressed. But no matter what, there is a high probability that all humans will not die.

The level of science and technology in that world is similar to that of Earth. It should be possible to develop some improved virus stock solution after such a long time, similar to the human evolved version of T virus. If there were any, Li Shou wanted to go back and get some for himself, and give him a few injections.

Anyway, with his current physique and recovery ability, he can try things that ordinary people can't stand.

What’s more, if you still have time, go back to the third mission world to practice.

He will not choose the third mission world to dominate the world in the short term. After all, the people in the third mission world are too damn strong. He still has 7 years to live. If he is given another 7 years, he will not be able to dominate it.

With his current strength, he wouldn't be able to die there.

If you want to dominate it, you have to take a long-term approach.

There is the fourth and final thing.

The middle-aged version of Li Shou reminded him to be careful of the master of the earth.

Since he is now reminding us, at this point in time, the earth will be in a huge crisis, and it is likely that people from other forces will dominate the earth.

It seems I still have a lot of things to do! Li Shou looked forward to it.

His current strength is very strong. Whether he returns to the first world or the second world, he will definitely be a crushing existence.

After being bullied for so long in the third game, it’s time to feel proud.

I've talked to you enough nonsense today. You can still stay in the dormitory area for one week. Within one week, go find your own place outside and get out!

After Iwaizumi said this, he left the office area.

The classmates present also smiled at each other and left.

The joy of surviving the disaster has not passed yet. After everyone left the office area, some people couldn't wait to go home and have a look.

Li Shou didn't want to go home in a hurry. After talking to his classmates, he pretended to go home, but in fact, he used the earth as a transit point and traveled to the world of the second mission.

This is where he feels the most at home.

Back again!

It’s still the familiar courtyard, still the familiar room.

After being away for half a year, there is no dust in the house.

I promised not to let others into the house. Senior sister should have taken care of it herself.

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