Just as Li Shougang dodged his opponent's first attack, Tu Ke pursued him.

He wielded a big stick and pursued like a mad warrior.

Although the opponent was huge in size, his overall speed was only a little slower than Li Shou. Every time he hit the stick, Li Shou was able to avoid it by a hair's breadth.

You can see that Li Shou couldn't be attacked directly, so he hit his feet from top to bottom. Every time he hit, gravel flew.

Under the influence of the rules of the earth, the rubble that flew out from the city collapsed, and all the bullets were shot at Li Shou, directly hitting him unsteady in the air.

You must know that Tu Ke's power is huge, and with the bonus of the rules of the earth, these flying gravels and stones are also very powerful. If it is an ordinary seventh or eighth level master, he will be hit by such high-speed stones. In the collapse, you will be injured even if you don't die.

But what Li Shou is most proud of is his defense and recovery methods. When a stone hits him, it is directly smashed into powder, but he only feels no pain.

But even so, Tuco's goal has been achieved.

After being hit in the air, Li Shou's speed inevitably slowed down.

He was now like a high-speed car hitting a rock. Not only was his speed suddenly reduced, but his body was also shaken in all directions.

Tu Ke seized this opportunity, jumped up, and hit Li Shou's body with a stick.


The hard black iron club hit Li Shou's hard body. Driven by the super huge strength and the size difference, he flew out like a baseball.

In mid-air, Li Shou once again experienced the feeling of dying.

Ahem... He couldn't help but cough twice, almost coughing out his lungs.

As a level 5 master, Tu Ke's own level is far different from Li Shou's. Moreover, he is also a power player, and his attack power is among the best among level 5 players.

Li Shou was proud of his defensive ability, but there was actually a huge gap in level between his opponent's attack power.

Just this stick not only broke his insect armor defense, but also broke hundreds of bones throughout his body, and even caused his internal organs to bleed profusely.

If this blow had been three or four points harder, Li Shou felt like he would have died on the spot.

He stretched out his hand in the air to pull out the ribs that were pierced into his lungs and correct their position. Li Shou restored his body functions while controlling the height of the storm.

He no longer wanted to challenge Tu Ke in a one-on-one fight, not even a single move.

Who knew if the other party had used all his strength in that blow just now, and he didn't even know if the other party had any secret skills to increase his strength. It was enough to use two moves to let the other party know that he had found the right target. It would be impossible to hit him again.

After Li Shou rose into the air, he let the storm surround him and float in the air. After slowly recovering from his injuries, he controlled the storm and flew towards Black Turtle City.

Yes, after practicing the second half of the Howling Wind Technique, Li Shou gained the ability to fly in the wind over short distances.

It is said to be flying by the wind. In fact, it means controlling the rules of the wind, relying on the strong wind to blow your body, and flying purely by the power of the wind.

This kind of flying still consumes a lot of energy and energy and cannot be used for a long time.

Li Shou knew this, and Tu Ke, who was experienced in combat, knew it even better.

He calibrated Li Shou's figure on the ground and chased him all the way into the city.

A master of this level is not afraid of getting deep into the enemy's army. Firstly, no one dares to stop him. Secondly, even if he is trapped in a battle formation, he can rush out.

What's more, the Qing army is still attacking the city, and the soldiers of Zhou must guard the city wall. It is impossible to allocate many people to surround him.

As long as he is not surrounded by a large army and shoots from all directions with a bed crossbow, a master of his level is not afraid of going deep behind enemy lines.

Hahaha, let's see how long you can fly! Tu Ke chased below, grabbing things on the road and throwing them into the air.

Li Shou avoided the attacks of these debris and flew all the way to Cao's mansion.

At this time, most of Cao's soldiers had gone to the city wall to guard the outer city, but there were still 700 people left to guard inside.

However, these remaining soldiers could not stop Tu Ke at all. He broke through the wall and rushed in.

Then he followed Li Shou to the martial arts arena.

After arriving here, Li Shou stopped flying and hovered in mid-air.

And Tuke didn't kill those private soldiers, but took the time to wait there with the stick in hand.

Why did you stop? Have you chosen your burial place? Tu Ke raised his head and teased Li Shou, Come down quickly, I have to go back to eat after the beating!

Then you'll have to wait.

What, are you planning to fly to exhaustion?

No, no, no, I mean, you have to wait until the next life to eat this meal...

Before Li Shou finished speaking, a strange oscillating sound wave suddenly erupted in the field.

This shock wave converged from all around to the middle of the martial arts arena, superimposed at the same frequency, causing the sand and gravel on the site to tremble rapidly as if boiling.

Although Tuke was thick-skinned and highly skilled, his eyes and eardrums could not withstand this level of attack. His vision began to blur and his hearing was damaged.

Is there an alchemist in ambush? Tu Ke picked up the big stick and tried to look for the alchemist.

There were many houses and hiding places around the martial arts arena. He looked around, but still found no one.

And just when he wanted to go and look for it, Li Shou, who had not fallen down for a long time, finally swooped down.

Your opponent is here!

Hahaha, it doesn't matter if I kill you first! In the shock wave, Tu Ke waved his stick again and attacked Li Shou.

He still smashed the big stick on the ground as it was, relying on the sand and gravel shot out from the ground to interfere with Li Shou's speed, and then took the opportunity to attack head-on.

But after flying this time, Li Shou's dodge became more leisurely. Not only could he avoid the attack of the big stick in advance, but he could also completely dodge the shot of sand and gravel.

This is impossible! Tu Ke was shocked. The flying sand and stones covered a huge area. Li Shou and Li Shou were at about the same speed, so it was impossible to avoid them all. Am I dazzled?

Tu Ke tried to continue attacking, but still failed.

Moreover, the shock wave continued, and his vagus nerve was damaged. The more he beat, the more dizzy he felt, and he felt like he was drunk.

Stop for a while. After dodging a few more attacks, Li Shou raised his right arm, and the shock waves around him stopped abruptly.

Shockwave doesn't distinguish between friend and foe, and he can't stand it anymore.

However, the pause of the shock wave only lasted for about seven or eight seconds, and then it struck again.

At this time, Tuke had not replied yet, but Li Shou was already fine.

Yes, this is their tactic.

Tu Ke may be very powerful. He practices earth-type skills. Not only is his attack power much higher than Li Shou's, but his defense is also not weaker than Li Shou's. But no matter how powerful he is, his recovery ability cannot be stronger than Li Shou's.

Killing this opponent bit by bit was the strategy everyone formulated last night.

And the tactics don't stop there.

In a house near the martial arts arena, King Urine urged: Stop applying bacterial fluid to the arrows. I will be in trouble before others are poisoned.

Don't worry, just erase the arrow. But can you hit it, he's so fast?

Nonsense, do you know what shooting is?

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