As the night gradually fell, Li Shou couldn't see clearly the appearance of the person in the distance, but just looking at the outline and body shape, he seemed to be much larger than the average person.

This is... After all, Cao Fang has lived in Changping County for decades, and he recognized the man at a glance, Tuke, the Earth Splitter!

Do you have a title? In this world, titles are all given by type. Li Shou looked at Cao Fang who looked anxious, Who is this?

A very famous sergeant in Yanwu County, a barbarian from the extremely cold north, a foreigner recruited by the Qing Kingdom. Cao Fang was very familiar with his information and explained bit by bit: The Earth Splitter Tuke, also known as Tuko is a glutton. Barbarians like freedom by nature and are difficult to manage, so they are generally not recruited by the Green Army.

But Tu Ke was a gourmet and liked food that was heavy in oil and spicy. There happened to be a chef in Yanwu County of Qing State whose cooking suited his taste, so he stayed in Yanwu County. The Qing Kingdom gave him a title, but they did not allow him to serve in the army at ordinary times. They only asked him to take action when they encountered trouble.

The Qing Army's offensive had just been interrupted, and this person had arrived now. He should have been nearby before.

It should be the news from Team Qingyi. They know I'm here and probably know my strength. Li Shou thought of the battle that killed President Fang Yi. He had shown extremely strong strength.

That burst of strength was even stronger than what he was in his normal state after hard training.

But even if he knew his strength, the other party still sent Tuko over, which meant that the other party was stronger than him in his explosive state that day.

Sure enough, when Li Shou asked about this man's specific strength, Cao Fang frowned and said: His title is a sixth-level official, but he is much more powerful than ordinary officials. Barbarian people are born with divine power, and some people can adapt to it without practicing. Some kind of command. This person's strength is at least equivalent to that of an average fifth-level doctor...


Li Shou's heart sank when he heard the news.

This Qing Army is really good at crushing with strength.

People who believe in rules don't make false claims.

If you have a master in the city, then I will directly send someone who is more powerful than you.

Li Shou, a man of barbarian blood, had seen Zan Gu, who was thick-skinned and strong, and indeed invincible at the same level.

Li Shou calculated in his mind that even after another two months of hard training, his strength has greatly increased. But he estimated that he was only at the top of level seven or at the bottom of level six. Coupled with the stimulant poison and the blood-boiling secret method, he estimated that he could only be as strong as Natu Ke in a short period of time.

But regardless of the secret method of boiling blood or the stimulant poison, they are all methods of temporary improvement, which will cause weakness and injury afterwards.

Therefore, it is impossible to defeat him in a duel.

We have to rely on our classmates.

After Li Shou made up his mind, he hurriedly finished his meal and then left the city wall.

After returning to Cao Mansion, he discussed tactics with everyone and how to deal with Tu Ke.

At the beginning, some people suggested that the students should serve as warriors to help out on the city wall.

But it was quickly rejected by Li Shou.

He has seen how dangerous the frontal battlefield can be.

The students' physical bodies are too weak. When fighting on the city wall, they are easily injured by crossbow arrows, flaming stones, and poisonous insects in the sky.

After half a day of fighting, more than half of them might be dead.

This is something Li Shou definitely doesn't want to see.

The mission is coming to an end. No one will be willing to die in this place. We have to think of a foolproof plan.

We have our advantages. Although the skills of our classmates are not as far away as the magicians' spells, they are more effective and more powerful. Juehuang analyzed the situation, The most difficult thing to solve now is the barbarian. If we can lead him to a specific place, within our ambush circle, many things will be easier to handle.

But how to lure it here?

If you don't choose to fight on the city wall, then where should you choose to fight?

Everyone discussed the combat strategy for a long time, and finally came up with a rough plan.

Li Shou returned to the city wall to garrison that night, thinking about everyone's final conclusion.

Although it is still dangerous, it seems to be the best way.

Do your best and obey fate!

There were no sneak attacks during the night.

At dawn the next day, the Qing Army continued to gather in front of the formation. Li Shou looked at the square formation and took a deep breath.

As he exhaled, the Qing Army's war drums beat and they began to attack.

The initial process was similar to yesterday. First, the combination of siege agents and soldiers was used to attract firepower, and then came the long-range interference of the alchemists.

But this time, after the alchemist cast his spell, a man riding a giant beast and holding a giant iron rod charged forward.

This time Li Shou finally saw his appearance clearly.

Visually, he is taller than Zan Gu, almost over three meters tall. His arms are thicker than his waist, probably due to the severe cold in the north. The hair on his body is extremely thick, and he looks a bit like a savage.

The mount under his crotch is a rhinoceros-like beast that runs very fast.

When the man rushed over on a beast, he naturally received special care from the Zhou Kingdom's city defenders. The crossbows were aimed at him and fired continuously, but the crossbow arrows fired at him were all blocked by the iron rod stacked with black ore in his hand.

The iron rod was as thick as a tree root and had an odd shape, but it was very hard.

He was able to stop all the bed crossbow bolts, but the beast below suffered.

The bed crossbow in this world is very powerful. The bonus of the mechanism technique and the inlay of the command object make it extremely powerful.

As long as a beast the size of a rhinoceros is shot from the front, even if it has rough skin and thick flesh, it can be shot right through.

After a round of volleys, the beast fell to the ground, and Natu Ke jumped off the beast's back, his speed increased instead of decreasing, and he rushed over quickly.

After arriving at the base of the city wall, he picked up a big stick and hit it on the city wall. The powerful force combined with the power of the rules of the earth directly cracked a small section of the city wall.

The power of this move was much more powerful than the big pendulum of the siege beast yesterday.

Li Shou was on the city wall, staggered by the shock, 'Is this fucking humanoid Gundam? ’

Not allowing him to think too much, Tu Ke quickly jumped onto the city wall after smashing it open, then picked up the iron rod and smashed it.

Wherever his iron rod passed, the bed was broken into pieces, the human body was turned into minced meat, and even the stones on the city wall were smashed into powder.

This kind of visual impact directly frightened the surrounding armies to flee in all directions. No one wanted to get close to the terrifying creature.

But after smashing for a while, the man stopped. He looked at Li Shou, the only one around him who didn't escape, and opened his mouth to reveal a huge set of teeth, You!

how do I?


Are they really here to kill me? Are the informants from the Qingshi Team still there? Li Shou wanted to know the whereabouts of Yan Xia and others.

But what he responded to was an oncoming iron rod, I don't know you!

The iron rod came like the top of a mountain. Li Shou, who had been prepared for it, did not dare to slack off and dodged as the storm surged around him.

Speed, which used to be his weakest point, has now become one of his strongest points. Li Shou dodged the first blow in a flash.

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