Low-level shooters use aiming methods.

Intermediate shooters rely on anticipation.

Advanced shooter, do you know what you rely on?

King Urine slowly put the poisonous arrow coated with bacterial fluid into the catheter under his arm, leaving only the arrowhead exposed.

Rely on what? The manufacturer of the bacterial solution was a boy with acne on his face, named Zhang Qiangbo.

He usually has a good relationship with King Urine, after all, they have similar hobbies.

Zhang Qiangbo is also in the back row. He likes to squeeze pimples most on weekdays. He likes to see the pimple pustules burst and the pus spurt out. He is similar to the smell of the king of urine.

Advanced shooters rely on feeling. The moment you take action, you will know whether you can pee on that fly.

I know, I've had this feeling when I was playing basketball and shooting.

Yes, keep an eye on it!

The air bag behind King Urine began to inflate as he spoke, and he was not in a hurry to shoot. After all, the first shot was the most important in a sneak attack, and the most important thing was that the opponent's skin was thick and thick. If the air bag was not inflated enough, he would not be able to shoot through the opponent's body. skin.

King Urine's air bag continued to inflate, from the size of a balloon to the size of half a person, and finally the size was larger than himself. He kept pressurizing himself, and at the same time kept an eye on the giant creature that was moving at high speed in the field and constantly chasing Li Shou.




King Urine saw that the huge figure always swayed when moving due to the damage to the vagus nerve.

And with his mind sinking into this shaking moment, he shot his first arrow of the day based on his feeling.

Watch it!

With a swish sound, he released the air inlet of the duct, and under strong pressure, the flying arrow shot out like a bullet.

The arrow flew over a distance of hundreds of meters, and then just hit Tuko, who was staggering while moving at high speed.

After the arrow barely broke through Tu Ke's tough skin, it almost lost its momentum. The arrow only penetrated half a finger deep into the flesh and lost its momentum.

This small arrowhead, coupled with the fact that it penetrated half a finger deep into the flesh, was the same as a mosquito bite for Tuko's body type.

In the fierce battle, under the interference of sound waves, he didn't even feel the pain and simply ignored it.

Did you see? Brother's strength! King Urine started to brag when he saw the hit, One more shot, let that fat boy know how powerful I am.

Tch, it's just good luck. Zhang Qiangbo handed him a poisonous arrow again, I will obey you if you get hit by another one.


King Urine installed the arrow and charged it up again. This time he narrowed his eyes and searched for the feeling in his heart again.

With a swish sound, the arrow was launched, hitting Tuke for the second time.

did you see!

He's too big. I can hit him if he wants me. Although Zhang Qiangbo was convinced, the young man would never admit that his brother was better than him. He's just a big guy. He can still hit a smaller one next time. If you hit me, I will obey you!

Okay, let me show you my brother's strength in the next mission!

The two urine kings kept talking nonsense, and their hands did not stop for a moment, constantly shooting out bacterial and poisonous arrows.

At the same time, people in other rooms opposite the martial arts arena began to prepare.

When will the toxin be released?

Didn't I say yesterday that it depends on the situation? Don't release it immediately, otherwise you are afraid that your opponent will escape.

Look at Li Shou's signal!

On the court, Tu Ke felt something was wrong the more he played, and the shock wave appeared for a while, which caused a lot of interference to him.

But the opponent seemed not to be affected at all, with no heavy bleeding from his eyes or ears.

And after coming to this battle, Tu Ke found that the opponent's dodge ability had increased several times. He tried every means, but he seemed to be almost unable to hit the opponent.

The most important thing is that as the battle progressed, Tu Ke began to feel weak in his body.

After a long battle, he felt that something was not good.

Haha, what's wrong? Where was the courage just now? Li Shou dodged while using strong winds to wrap the cold poisonous gas around his opponent, and at the same time verbally provoked him to prevent him from escaping.

After seeing that Tu Ke was eroded by cold poison and bacteria and began to slow down, Li Shou raised his other hand to signal.

Upon seeing his signal, poisonous gas began to drift from several areas around the martial arts arena.

After the poisonous gas dispersed, Li Shou stretched out his hand to control the wind, letting the whirlwind wrap up the poisonous gas and blow it all towards Tu Ke.

After being enveloped in the poisonous mist, Tu Xing's power dropped again.

At this time, he was suffering from too many negative conditions: blurred vision, damaged hearing, damaged vagus nerve, ice, bacteria, and the most disgusting superposition of various toxins, which made it difficult for him to breathe and paralyzed his whole body. Uncontrolled muscles…

After being superimposed by so many negative states, Tu Ke's strength finally dropped to the same level as Li Shou.

Li Shou knew that his chance to kill the opponent had come.

He first activated the secret method of boiling blood to increase his strength and speed, and then relied on the eyes of the Kui Mu Vulture to avoid all Tuco's attacks. When he got close to his opponent, he began to attack the opponent's vital points crazily.

The cold ice poison palm and Li Shou's own strong strength caused Tuke to be defeated in succession. After a few rounds, he was even blinded in one eye.

But Tu Ke also started to work hard.

He roared, and strange fluctuations began to appear on his body, and then his control over the Laws of the Earth strengthened several times.

All the bluestone floors in the martial arts arena began to levitate, split into countless pieces in the air, and collided with Li Shou.

This kind of indiscriminate attack was almost impossible to avoid, and Li Shou flew into the air to no avail.

Even with the eyes of the Kui Mu Vulture, he could not dodge all the attacks and was immediately hit by countless stones.

Then Natu Ke erupted again. This time, what rose into the air was sand from the ground. The sand was mixed with rocks, and it enveloped him like a wave. The gravity of the ground also increased instantly, dragging Li Shou down.

When Li Shou was in danger, he swallowed all the stimulant poisons, and his body turned into a storm, trying to break through the shackles of this sand wave.

But after the explosion, Tu Ke was covered in blood, and his speed was more than a minute faster than before. He pursued him, swung his iron rod, and fought with Li Shou in the muddy home field.

No one outside the venue could see clearly what was happening inside, and only heard multiple loud noises coming from inside.

But the loud noise lasted only for a short time...

When the waves of mud and sand subsided, two figures appeared.

The older one was standing there, the younger one was lying in the sand, both of them motionless.

Old Li? King Urine's heart trembled when he saw this scene, but then he saw the giant fell down, while the little one stood up from the sand.

Li Shou covered his chest and gestured around: He's not dead, don't worry.

After Li Shou signaled, he walked up to Tu Ke. After some inspection, he was confirmed to be dead. Then he felt weak and sat down on the ground.

This opponent was so strong that he wasn't even killed by himself in the end.

It was because he exploded with secret skills and died suddenly because he couldn't bear the backlash.

That Tu Ke's secret skill should be similar to the Secret Technique of Boiling Blood. When it explodes, it will cause great damage to yourself. It is impossible to use it unless you fight hard.

But there was no need to fight hard when he had the upper hand at the beginning. By the time he tried to fight hard, too many toxins had accumulated in his body.

The explosion caused poisonous gas to attack his heart, and he killed himself.

Li Shou had just taken a few breaths, and half a minute after Tu Ke died, the settlement information came out. Tu Ke alone had brought nearly 3,000 points of income, and everyone directly received the return information.

[In this mission, the accumulated income exceeds 10,000 balance factors. Do you want to return? 】

[If you do not return, rewards will accumulate until the balance factor reaches 20,000 points and will be activated again. 】

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