No matter, let's try again!

After Li Shou made an impromptu decision, he jumped off the city wall. While he let the strong wind wrap around him and perform short-distance gliding, the storm gathered in his hands. When the wind pressure gathered to a certain level, two hurricanes rushed towards the huge wooden structure. People swept away.

Swish, swish, swish...

The hurricane blew the wooden man, and the sharp energy contained in the wind cut ravines on the wooden man's body. At the same time, the body of the thing began to sway under the storm.

But this thing is too huge after all. The body of more than ten meters is as tall as four or five stories, and the structure is thick and heavy. It is almost impossible to destroy it with one blow.

Hmm... Seeing that the attack was ineffective, a storm swept out of Li Shou, and Yufeng flew into the huge body of the machine wooden man.

The storm in his hand gathered again, and this time he poured cold air into it, aiming at the internal gear structure and attacking continuously.

Every time he made a move, he could shatter gears and wood the size of a person. Li Shou made moves very quickly, firing hundreds of palms in succession within a minute, smashing the internal structure of a giant machine man into a mess.

Then Li Shou rushed all the way against the steel and iron bones, smashed several structures, and then reached the air. He raised his hands high, and under the regular rhythm of the wind, he became one with the flowing air around him.

A huge tornado storm began to gather around him.

As time passed, the wind speed became faster and faster, and the size of the tornado became larger and larger.

After more than ten breaths, a tornado as thick as several people's arms formed in the field, connecting heaven and earth.

After the tornado was formed, it was pushed out by Li Shou, which directly turned the fragmented giant wooden figure upside down. The five-story-high body collapsed and shattered to the ground with a bang.

It's great! After finishing the game, Li Shou looked at his income and found that he had a total of 350 points in his account.

The giant mechanical wooden man is not smart enough to hit me, but it is really a bit tiring to completely destroy it.

Although the use of the power of rules is not like that of inner energy, it requires consumption and replenishment.

But using it on such a large scale also consumes a lot of energy and energy. When it is integrated with the rules, both physical strength and mental energy will be lost.

This mechanical wooden man is so big, and the mechanical skills of this world are extremely sophisticated. The gears are broken and there is a backup compensatory mechanical set. There are also many small tokens embedded in it that use rules to assist the operation. Those who don't know how to do it must completely destroy it. Only then can it lose its function.

This was very draining for Li Shou.

It's more than three hundred points each. In theory, you can collect enough points by brushing seven or eight more points. But this is not a game, and Qing Jun is not a fool...

Li Shou's previous experience told him that it was difficult to earn points in the mission world.

After the Qinghe team found out there was a master, they ran away.

And now Li Shougang had just swiped a mechanism wooden man, which had already attracted the attention of the Qing Army.

Several masters with noble titles in the formation over there rushed over. These people dared to come over after seeing Li Shou's strength. Each of them was considered to have unique skills.

Just when Li Shougang wanted to take a breath, those few people came to control the beasts. The lowest one had the strength of an eighth-level public ride.

Moreover, after they came over, they knew that they were no match for Li Shou, and their main purpose was to contain the attack. At the same time, under the cover of the baffle organizers, the vanguard troops who had reached the root of the city wall also began to lift out the crossbows behind the baffle, and aimed at them. Li Shou was about to shoot, and the warlocks in the distance cast spells on him at a single point.

Other offensive machine beasts also followed, and started shooting kerosene and giant crossbow arrows at his location.

Li Shou didn't want to fall into the siege, so he jumped up and wanted to return to the city wall when the storm gathered.

But as soon as he stood up, his body was tied around the ankles by a strange chain weapon shot from below.

He picked up his weapon and knocked the master away with a palm in the air.

But in such a delay, a crossbow arrow hit his side of the spine.

Ah! The huge inertia brought by the bed crossbow caused his body to fly several meters in the air.

The calf-thick crossbow was much more powerful than modern firearms.

Li Shou's defense was forcibly broken, and the crossbow arrow damaged his spine, causing him to lose control of his lower body for a short time.

Fortunately, within a breath, his damaged spine recovered, and he was able to cut off the chains and escape.

But before he reached the city wall this time, he was hit by a firestone again.

In this rain of arrows and fire oil, even if he wanted to completely avoid it, it was a bit difficult. The most important thing was the interference of the warlock and the restrictions of the master, which made him stretched.

Is this war? An ice storm erupted in his body to extinguish the flames on his body. Li Shou once again fought off several masters and finally escaped and returned to the city wall.

‘It seems quite difficult to gain points on the battlefield. ’

After returning to the city wall, Li Shou still had some lingering fears.

This mission is extremely difficult.

If you don't get points in camp confrontations and just get points by killing natives, it will be too difficult.

Qingjun is both strong and smart.

He can besiege, he can escape, he can call people, he can be organized.

You can kill a few by collecting points, but if you dare to continue, the opponent will either run away, become a super master, or besieged.

And the most important thing is that after finally killing someone of the same level, the points are only two or three hundred, which is not enough to fill the gap between teeth.

The battlefield is particularly dangerous. If Li Shou hadn't had the ability to recover, he might have gained enlightenment just now.

However, he felt lingering fear, but the surrounding Zhou soldiers were boosted by his actions.

Li Shou's performance just now was like a god descending to earth.

A team of tough alchemists under the city, plus several masters in the army, plus mechanical skills and a large number of soldiers, not only returned the whole body and destroyed a siege beast, these brave people were on the city wall, and they were undoubtedly seen by the Zhou soldiers. The hope of defending the city.

People are most afraid of losing hope.

Other cities were conquered in two or three days. The Zhou people were not bronze corpses, so they were naturally afraid.

War pays great attention to morale. When morale is low, the collapse rate is extremely high.

We have experts here, so don't panic! As long as we hold on for a few days and wait for our reinforcements to arrive, it will be this group of Qing people who should run for their lives!

The general who defended the city was also a shrewd man, and his roar once again boosted morale.

And Li Shou also cooperated with him, showing off his power on the city wall. He turned into a storm and went around to check for leaks and fill gaps. As long as the Qing army broke through a gap, he quickly rushed to fill it.

As long as he is not surrounded, even the masters of the Qing Army are no match for him.

Along the way to defend the city, as long as he sees the right opportunity, he will kill those officers with titles to gain points.

After half a day, with the help of Li Shou, Xuangui City successfully defended the Qing Army's wave after wave of offensives.

After dark, the opponent stopped and retreated beyond the range of the bed crossbow.

Nephew Li Xian, he is truly an unparalleled talent. He is so awesome! In the evening, Cao Fang sent someone to deliver food while rainbow farts continued.

Seeing him like that, Li Shou knew who Cao Yi had learned from.

He was about to say a few perfunctory words when he suddenly heard cheers from the Qing Army in the distance.

You still cheer after losing? He stood up curiously and looked from a distance, only to see a man riding a giant beast.

His arrival was what caused the officers to cheer.

The master is here?

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