After the completion of Howling Wind, Li Shou was inevitably a little complacent.

I don't know what level of strength I am now. In normal state, I must have the strength of a seventh-level official doctor, maybe it is close to a sixth-level official doctor.

Level six is ​​almost the highest level of strength for an ordinary officer in a county.

Take Changping County as an example. Officially, only the Taixingwu of the border army can reach the sixth level of strength. Locally, only the director of Lianhuawu and a few Taishang elders have this level of strength.

No matter how high you are, you either have to be in a larger county, a larger sect, or you have to be a person who serves in a real military town, or in the capital court.

But no matter what, with level seven strength, one can be considered a master even in this world.

Don't be too complacent. When Zhou's reinforcements are in place, Qing will definitely provide matching strength. There will definitely be powerful masters competing for the rear and Huya Pass.

I have finished practicing Howling Wind Kung Fu, and I still have the second half of Earth Movement Kung Fu. Although the Huangsha Ling that comes with the Earth Elemental Kung Fu is not as advanced as the Gale Wind Ling, it is still no problem to make some improvements.

Thinking of this, Li Shou didn't dare to delay. He could get stronger as little as possible, so he went back to seclusion for two days.

On the third day, the Qing Army finally came over.

Li Shou's cultivation process was interrupted that day, and he also knew that it was time for the mission to come to an end.

After opening the door and understanding the situation, he came to the meeting hall of Cao Mansion.

Along the way, he also saw that there were a lot fewer soldiers in the Cao Mansion. They should have been deployed to the city defense in advance in the past two days.

After Li Shou came, Cao Fang also greeted him personally.

Nephew Li Xian, those young troops have finally arrived. We must at least hold on until the reinforcements arrive! Cao Fang's life and fortune have been tied up in these few days, and he looks very anxious.

Well, I will definitely help. You don't need to tell me about tactics or anything like that. Just tell me what I need to do, right?

Guard the city gate. The Qing Army is so powerful that they claim to build a city in one day. Their offensive on the first day must be the most violent. I just ask my nephew to help with it. Even if the city is finally broken, it will have to be on the outer city wall. Delay for a few more days.”

I'll try.

After the two exchanged basic information, Cao Fang also took Li Shou out of the Cao Mansion and went to the city defense.

When standing on the city wall and looking down, Li Shou experienced for the first time the style of the frontal battlefield in this world.

The Qing Army was ready.

The soldiers and horses of the Qing Army attacking the city seemed densely packed, and within the square formation were soldiers composed of bronze corpses.

In front of the military formation, there were some officers with noble titles. Li Shou couldn't understand the specific rank, but they were all riding strange beasts, looking majestic.

In front of the formation, in addition to officers, there was also a strange group of alchemists. These people were dressed in different styles, which was a bit out of tune with the uniformity of the Qing Army sergeants. The number of people is not very large, but everyone knows that this group of people is a huge threat.

Then, between the military formations, there are wooden figures composed of large-scale mechanical techniques.

The small wooden figures are three or four meters high, and the large ones are more than ten meters high.

There are those with a solid structure that is easy to hit the city gate, there are also those that are thin and tall that are easy to climb the city wall, and there are also those with thick bodies and large metal pendulums for smashing walls. They seem to have different functions.

On the Zhou side, there are also special bed crossbows composed of various mechanisms on the city wall, and the oil and soldiers used to defend the city are also waiting in readiness.

However, these county soldiers, horses, and government soldiers were obviously a little timid, and were far less fearless than the Qingguo army.

Good nephew...

Needless to say, I will do my best later.

After waiting for a long time at the city gate, the Qing Army in the distance finally made all preparations and then began to attack Black Turtle City.

The first batch of attackers were some specially made machine men. Those machine men had thick baffles on their bodies, and a large number of soldiers were protected behind the baffles.

After they slowly advanced to the range of Black Turtle City's bed crossbow, the first wave of attacks began here.

The bed crossbow is very powerful.

The range of the bed crossbow in the Song Dynasty could reach three to five hundred strides, and the effective range could reach one thousand meters. Moreover, due to the large mass of the crossbow arrows, the overall lethality of the bed crossbow exceeded that of a sniper rifle.

And the ones in this world are even more powerful. With the bonus of mechanism skills, the bed crossbows are larger and more precise. A row of city defense bed crossbows can be fired in unison, casually killing people thousands of meters away.

The huge crossbow arrows hit those machine men, which was too much for those huge guys.

And not only that, the bed crossbows here also have different shapes. There is the bed crossbow with a strange structure, which can also shoot ignition stones, which is the nemesis of the mechanism technique.

A row of volleys of firestones can ignite several mechanical wooden figures.

In the first battle, it seemed that the defenders had the upper hand.

But soon, the Qing Army soldiers began to perform spells outside the range of the bed crossbow.

Some of the alchemists took out baskets and released poisonous insects on the spot, some began to chant incantations, and some performed strange sacrificial dances on the spot, each showing their magical powers for a while.

And as the alchemist began to perform magic, the defenders on the wall here were not having it so easy.

The scene was filled with strong winds, flying sand and rocks, and poisonous insects also gathered in the air. After the black poisonous insects flew in, they kept biting the soldiers. Every soldier who was bitten had huge pustules on his body, and then he became dizzy and lost combat effectiveness.

And the spell didn't stop there. A large number of soldiers were also mentally attacked. They acted as if they were drunk. The ground on the city wall also began to tremble under the interference of the spell...

My dear nephew, can you break into the enemy's formation and get rid of all these alchemists? As long as you get rid of those alchemists, everything will be...

I won't go. Although this is what a master in the military should do, it is not Li Shou's style to let him take risks alone.

He ignored Cao Fang next to him and continued to wait for the opportunity to take action.

After a while, in the sky full of yellow sand, those agents with baffles had arrived in front of the formation, and then launched some Qing Army soldiers onto the city wall.

Seeing that the time had come, Li Shou quickly let the storm sweep over his body and began his performance.

He transformed into a strong wind on the city wall, and his body disappeared in a flash. Wherever the strong wind passed, all the poisonous insects were crushed, and the ordinary soldiers of the Qing Army were also cut into several sections. For a moment, the section of the city wall where he was, The Qing army was wiped out in an instant.


There are so few points. Li Shou hovered in the air.

He remembered that during the battle at Qingwu Villa, a soldier gave him a balance point.

But those who can lurk here are elite soldiers.

Nowadays, ordinary soldiers like this can only be given a few points after killing many of them, which is not cost-effective at all.

At this moment, a huge machine man more than ten meters tall came over from behind the yellow sand. He picked up a huge metal pendulum and smashed it against the city wall.

The huge body and the power of inertia directly smashed a huge gap in the city wall.

Is there any point in killing this thing?

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