If you want to fight hard, you have to do it early!

Especially when you want to defeat the weak with the strong.

This is the experience Li Shou summed up in the last battle.

When the Boiling Blood Secret Technique and the stimulants began to take effect in his body, he kept a close eye on the few people rushing over.

Then the target was chosen as the president.

Among the people who came, Li Shou believed that the president was the biggest threat to him.

Compared to native masters, time travel masters always have more and more complex skills.

Moreover, there are many props on the president, which will definitely have unexpected effects.

The most important thing is that this person's skills are very annoying. He can control gravity, which is a team battle artifact.

Under the influence of his gravity, Li Shou's normal speed will downshift back to the original level.

He must take advantage of the fact that he is not taking drugs and his gravity power has not reached its maximum yet, so he must solve it first.

After the stimulant accelerated the whole body under the action of the secret method of boiling blood, Li Shou felt a lightness on his body. The one or two thousand kilograms of gravity was nothing to him in his current state.

But his double burst could only last for a short period of time. If he didn't make any achievements during this period, he would be dead.

The weakness after the outbreak will make him fall into extreme passivity and eventually die.

‘You only have one chance, you must succeed with one strike! ’ Li Shou clenched his fists.

The effect of boiling blood plus toxin stimulants is powerful.

In the past, when Li Shou was several times weaker than Qing Guo Xizuo, the power he unleashed after double squeezing his body allowed him to directly make up for the gap with his opponent, and even suppress his opponent in a short time.

And Li Shou's strength has been greatly improved now. His individual strength is already stronger than that of Fang Yi, but the power he unleashed...

No. 2, go to his back. No. 3, attack from the flank. Don't let him escape. The president controlled the golden light while approaching Li Shou.

The task seemed simple to him.

Everything is done very carefully.

After all, the opponent's combat effectiveness shown previously was not even as good as No. 5, and there were several who were better than No. 5 alone.

Oh, what do you mean by duel? You still have to be careful when doing tasks and crush them with absolute advantage. The president was proud of his progress and maturity, and then when he raised his hand again, his eyes blurred.

The strong wind roared, and a figure appeared in front of him.

Huh? What? The president was stunned and flew out in the next moment.

The moment he flew out, he saw a big hole in his chest, and then his consciousness began to blur, but before he died, countless thoughts flashed through him...

'what happened? ’

‘What just happened, was I hit? ’

'Why is he so fast all of a sudden? ’

'I still have a lot of trump cards that are useless...'

‘My strength has improved and I have new skills! ’

'None of my props have been used. After saving for so long, I still have a lot of inventory, as well as high-end items...'

‘Am I going to die like this? ’

‘I’m so unwilling, I’m so unwilling! ’

'If you give me another chance...'

The president's last thought was that if he was given another chance, he would definitely win and survive.

But that’s how fighting is, that’s how fighting is.

No one will take their time.

No one will be like Hot Blood Comics, who will improve their strength step by step, and finally have a peak PK showdown with you in the Imperial City.

Many times, a gap in information and an explosion can determine the outcome in the blink of an eye.

In the mission world, there are no ifs and no chances to come back.

It's useless no matter how many cards you have, but if you die, you are dead!

Great! Li Shou was overjoyed when he killed his opponent with one blow. Then, while the remaining power of the explosion was still there, he rushed towards No. 3 who was closest to him.

But there is only one surprise.

The president died in front of him, and everyone reacted.

Moreover, No. 3 and the president are in different directions, so it will take time to go back and forth.

The combat power that Li Shou had just exploded was far beyond their previous understanding. No. 3 was shocked when he saw the figure flashing over, and the person who used the skill disappeared with a swish sound.

At the same time, No. 2 and No. 4 also turned back to where they were, and even those from the Qingyi Team stopped surrounding them.

Seeing this, Li Shou quickly stopped operating the secret method of boiling blood.

Under double pressure, blood spurted from his mouth after just a few blows last time, and his internal organs almost burst and he died.

There were so many enemies this time. Although he was confident of killing three or four people on the spot by continuing to use his skills, he could only wait for death after that.

He is here to do a mission, not to exchange lives with others.

Why are you so powerful? Seeing Li Shou also stopped in place, No. 2 was filled with fear. The other party just wanted to challenge him to a duel. If he really dueled to a duel, it would not be the president but the president who would die. By myself.

What? Are you scared? Keep going! Li Shou took a few steps forward, and then everyone around him stepped back again.

Li Shougang's sudden burst of fighting power was far beyond their level.

His strength at that moment had reached the strength of a sixth-level official in the Qingguo Army. That was the strength of the most powerful person in Yanwu County, and it was far beyond what they could compare with.

Now that the information gap between Fang Yi and others has been made up, they have fallen into another information misunderstanding.

Have you always been so strong? Have you been hiding your strength?


Not necessarily, maybe it's some kind of explosive skill. No. 4 analyzed from a distance: Maybe he's not that powerful.

Although he said this, he did not step forward again.

Everyone cherishes their lives.

Especially time travellers.

If you step forward now, there is a high probability that you will be beaten to death.

Even if Li Shou uses explosive skills, no one knows how many times he can explode. At this time, whoever hits first will die.

Just as everyone in the Qing Kingdom was hesitating, Li Tang arrived just at this moment and became the last straw that overwhelmed them.

Retreat! Even the natives didn't insist this time, and the natives were not stupid. Now forced by the situation, everyone fled in all directions.

Li Shou breathed a sigh of relief when he saw everyone running away, and then a strong feeling of weakness swept through his body.

This stimulant poison is very effective, but the side effects are too strong. If those people don't escape, it's still unclear who will die.

I'm late! Li Tang apologized after arriving, I couldn't help much.

You have already been of great help. If I don't say anything anymore, go and get the body. Don't leave any fragments on the body. I'll go and see what's going on inside the house...

After Li Shou confirmed that there was no danger around him, he ran to the slaughterhouse and found Zhao Yiyi, who was sitting on the ground in despair.

what happened?

My sister is gone... Zhao Yiyi changed his usual calmness. At this time, he showed a very fragile side. He looked at Li Shou unfocused, She is gone.

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