Li Shou was in Cao's mansion and used the Cao family's intelligence system to confirm the accuracy of the news soon.

Worried about the safety of Zhao Yiyi and others, he set off after contacting Li Tang.

Li Tang had a very Qing character, and he was a bloody man with clear grudges. Li Shou saved his life last time, but this time he followed directly regardless of the danger and other people's dissuasion.

You really came with me, thank you so much. When leaving Cao Mansion, Li Shou thanked Li Tang again.

With him here, he can at least hold back an eighth-level public transport expert.

This is a big help.

If it weren't for you when I was transporting food, I would most likely have died on the spot. I'm no match for that guy Cheng Ji. Pay it back one time, it's fair.

Fair... Li Shou heard this word again.

This word seems to have a strong meaning in everyone's heart.

After the two people left Cao's Mansion, they quickly rushed to an intelligence point of the Beggar Clan, which was where Zhao Yiyi was previously.

This is a shed where horse feed is processed.

There were dozens of beggars gathered inside—there were many small dens like this in the city.

They can help during the day and beg and steal at night.

With years of war, many people have lost their homes, defected, fled, and lost their land.

In fact, even in modern society in peaceful times, many people have lost their homes. The homeless may not seem to be many on weekdays, but they have their own activity trajectories.

After Li Shou arrived, he found Zhao Yiyi.

Fortunately, you're fine. After seeing Zhao Yiyi, Li Shou asked, Where are the others? Why don't you go to Cao Mansion?

Before the people from the Qingyi Team came to kill the Beggar Clan, it was not necessarily safe to go to Cao's Mansion in this fodder yard. After the Qingyi Team came to kill people, if you go there, the dangers on the road will be even greater. The children are okay, they won't Attention, my lord, anyone who goes to Cao Mansion now is in great danger...

Yes. Li Shou thought of the scene when he first returned to Black Turtle City.

As soon as they approached Cao Mansion, they were discovered by the Qingshi Team.

Cao's Mansion is an important combat target of the Qing Army, and there are always ambushes from the Qing Army's masters around it.

In contrast, because there are not enough experts, the probability of being attacked in other places is not particularly high.

After all, we are doing rear destruction, so we must prioritize it.

What about the rest?

They have been dispersed to various places for a long time. I stayed here because I was afraid that my people would not be able to find me. It is easier for people to hide and get information when they are dispersed, and it is not easy for them to be picked up at once.

Okay. Li Shou nodded, In that case, I will find a way to take the classmates back first.

Before he finished speaking, a member of the Beggar Clan rushed in to report the news.

Something happened at the slaughterhouse in the west of the city! It's still those people from the Qingshi Team!

The slaughterhouse in the west of the city? Zhao Yiyi frowned when he heard the name of the place, My sister is there!

You have to go there quickly! I'll go by myself, you just stay here...


Zhao Yiyi was resolute, and Li Shou stopped being stubborn. He grabbed him and asked him to show the way, and ran all the way to the west of the city.

Li Shou was very fast now, and the houses on both sides of the road couldn't stop his pace at all. He just glided on the roofs all the way on his way.

His current speed is similar to a cheetah's sprint. It only takes five or six seconds to cover 100 meters and less than a minute to cover one kilometer.

Six or seven minutes later, he followed the instructions and arrived at the slaughterhouse in the west of the city, but the place was already filled with blood.

The two members of the Qingyi Team were busy killing people. After Li Shou arrived, he threw Zhao Yi to the ground and hurried forward to help.

With just two palms, two members of the Qingxi Team were eliminated.

That's wrong! Li Shou felt something was wrong after he dealt with the two of them.

These two are too weak.

Although his strength has greatly increased now, ordinary members of the Qinghe team still have to have the strength of a tenth-level Zuo Shuchang, which is not something that can be solved so easily.

The strength of these two people is at best the elite of the Qing Army. Of course, it is more than enough to kill a member of the Beggar Clan, but they are not even a single enemy against Li Shou.

Everything is wrong here, go find your sister and leave quickly!

Leave? Is it a little late?

Before Li Shou finished speaking, a person appeared on the roof of the courtyard.

This man, Li Shou, was unfamiliar to him, but judging from his age, it was not difficult to tell that he was Fang Yi.

What's your number?

number 2.

Haha, he is almost the most powerful person in Fang Yi, right? Did you set up this trap? You must save someone if you hit him. You can do this conspiracy, but you don't know how strong he is?

Hahaha, how dare you be so arrogant when you come here with just two people? I heard that your strength is much different from that of No. 5 and No. 6! You didn't bring anyone from your team here this time, so let me see why you are so arrogant.

Really? Since you are No. 2, do you dare to come down and challenge me?

Haha, why should I challenge you to a duel? Before No. 2 finished speaking, several more people appeared on the walls surrounding the slaughterhouse.

Li Shou glanced at it and saw that there were eight new people in total. In addition to the president he had met, there were two young faces and five middle-aged people.

Needless to say, the middle-aged people should be from the real youth team.

A group of five people is just the right size.

As for the other two, Li Shou calculated that if nothing else happened, they would be No. 3 and No. 4.

What's the point of ambushing me with such a large formation? Are you so afraid of me? Li Shou mocked and delayed for time while calculating the combat effectiveness of both sides.

The only serious combatants on his side were him and Li Tang.

Because Li Tang was not as fast as him, it would probably take a few minutes to get here.

In their normal state, they can be regarded as two eighth-level public transport level combatants...

A native captain on the opposite side counts as one.

Then there are four level 10 team members, which adds up to half...

Finally, there are the Fang ants.

Li Shou was a little unsure of the opponent's strength. After all, the president had many props on him.

Then No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 Li Shou has not seen them take action, but it is certain that they are more powerful than the previous two assassins. At that time, No. 6 plus the president was no match for Zhuang Fei, but that did not include props or the strength gap between No. 2 and No. 6.

Therefore, based on a rough calculation, Fang Yi and the two of them together can calculate the power of a common ride. Four of them tied together are equivalent to two eighth-level common rides.

‘It’s not easy to fight, but it’s not impossible. ’

After Li Shou calculated his combat power, he continued to challenge No. 2 loudly, Aren't you powerful? I don't have any help here. Do you dare to have a one-on-one man-to-man battle? You are so much stronger than me. I can't even do No. 5. Even worse, if you, No. 2, want to act like a turtle and shrink down, it will make people laugh.

Ha. No. 2 was a little angry when Li Shou said that. They were all young people and couldn't bear the words.

But just when he got angry, the president who had suffered a loss spoke up, The mission is important, let's go together, kill him quickly! This is the enemy camp after all, and we won't be able to bear it when the army comes soon! Don't waste time, go!

After saying this, the president didn't give No. 2 a chance to fight alone and jumped in first.

When he jumped down, everyone jumped down too.

Before No. 4's footsteps even touched the ground, he threw an arrow in the air.

The flying arrow flew straight towards Li Shou's throat as soon as he got out of his hand. As soon as he dodged, the flying arrow turned around and flew towards Li Shou again.

Li Shou still wanted to hide, but a golden light suddenly appeared on his body, and the gravity increased ten times. He was no longer so dexterous, so he could only avoid the vital point and let the flying arrow pierce his shoulder.

The first impact of the flying arrow only broke through his insect armor defense, but then the thing rotated at high speed like an electric drill in the air, directly drilling a hole in his body.

Be unexpected! The experience of the last battle was still fresh in his mind. Li Shou did not dare to delay. Before the opponent came over, he endured the pain and directly took out the small bamboo tube, crushed it, swallowed the stimulant, and at the same time slapped the big points all over his body.

He wanted to create an information gap. The other party didn't know about his stimulants, nor had he seen the secret method of boiling blood, nor did he know that his strength had been greatly improved.

Under the triple information gap, it will definitely bring unexpected effects to the other party!

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