Don't panic, you may not be dead if you disappear. You can't leave at the contact point, and your sister may not always be here to guard you. In addition to our classmates in the Beggar Clan, there are also many people from other places. After the incident in the Beggar Clan, She might have touched another classmate. If she dies, there will be a body at the scene. If she is captured by Fang Yan’s people, they have just used her as a blackmail, and she will most likely go somewhere else.

Yes! Li Shou's words finally brought Zhao Yiyi back to his senses, She has always had a good relationship with Wang Yanna, maybe she has gone to find her!

That's right, no wonder people say they are so anxious that they lose their wits. You are usually so smart, but now your brain is not as useful as mine.

While Li Shou was talking, Li Tang walked in carrying the president's body.

He has a lot of things on him, which one do you want?

All of them!

Li Shou began to collect the loot as he spoke.

After some searching, Li Shou found several bottles of golden pills on the president's body, a high-level order with strong rule power, a skill book, some golden glitter, and something like an ink cartridge. .

These things can be carried by him, which are either very important or can enhance combat effectiveness.

Although Li Shou didn't know what they were for, he collected them all.

In addition to these items, he also received a balance factor of 2,000 points.

This is his biggest point income since coming to this mission.

After completing the villa mission previously, he had a total income of more than 4,000 points. Later, he killed Qingguo Xisaku and an entire Qingshi team, which brought his points to just over 5,000.

Now I have an extra 2,000 points of income, which brings the task directly to the second half.

Not only Li Shou was happy, but others were even happier.

Especially the other students in Classes 1 and 3, this gave them hope of victory.

Let's go, go find your sister first.

After leaving the place of right and wrong, Li Shou took Zhao Yi one by one to the book pavilion and found Wang Yanna.

Zhao Qiqi was not here, but Wang Yanna provided a crucial piece of information.

I went to pick her up yesterday, but I didn't pick her up, but I heard from a little beggar that another girl came to pick her up first. She said she was quite tall, probably Chen Zihan... It's quite chaotic outside now. I know she After it was safe, I didn’t look for it again.”

Great. After hearing the news, Zhao Yiyi finally regained his consciousness.

I just said it's okay. You guys wait here. I'll go to the medicinal material dealer to have a look. If it doesn't work, everyone should go live in Cao's Mansion. Information is not as important as life. Anyway, the mission is almost over now. After I pick you up, I’ll practice a little more, then find a few people from the Qingyi Team to kill, get some points, and the mission will be almost completed.”


After Li Shou settled Zhao Yiyi, he went out to find Li Tang who was guarding the door, and walked with him through seven or eight kilometers again to the medicinal materials street.

In war years, medicines are naturally strategic materials.

It is also one of the places that the Qinghe team takes care of.

But fortunately, the medicine shop is very close to the county government office, and there are many troops stationed here.

Although the people of the Qinghe team are strong, they don't dare to attack the army head-on. It's relatively safe here.

Li Shou found the largest mansion here according to the address he left before, and then tried to contact it.

Li Tang has been in the Black Turtle City for many years, and as a master, he is very famous.

When the private soldiers guarding the door of the mansion saw him, they politely asked him why he was here. Not long after, Chen Zihan and Zhao Qiqi came out together.

Rich people really cherish their lives! The old man who sells medicinal materials doesn't allow outsiders to enter the house, so he asked me to come out and tell you something. Chen Zihan muttered with some dissatisfaction after going out, but overall he was still in a good mood.

After seeing Li Shou, she pointed to her arm, where the mission points were displayed, You did it, right?


Thinking of you, I can get through this mission again.

Come with me, and take you all to Cao's mansion before Fang Yan's people react!

Okay. Neither Chen Zihan nor Zhao Qiqi hesitated. The mission had reached this point and it was time to shrink.

In the next day, Li Shou brought most of the students from Classes 1 and 3 to Cao Mansion without any danger or obstruction in the process.

Those members of the Qingshi Team seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

They also talked about using these team members to increase points. It seems that the mission is not a game. The people of Qingguo have very good minds. Once a master appears in the city, the Qingguo team will either disappear or send more powerful people. Now it seems that they have left. ……pity.

Although I regret those scores, there is nothing I can do about it.

After picking up his classmates and settling them in Cao Mansion, Li Shou began to practice in seclusion again.

The most important task now is to improve your strength.

This time no one in the Cao Mansion urged him, allowing him to practice with peace of mind.

During the first month of retreat, no one disturbed him.

But starting from the second month, Li Shou could hear the discussions among his classmates every time he went out to eat.

Various gossips from Cao Mansion were passed around the dinner table.

Judging from the news, the Zhou army continued to suffer on the frontal battlefield and was almost unable to withstand it.

So far, this war has gone on for more than two months. As far as ancient wars are concerned, more than two months is not a short time. If it is not an evenly matched battle, it is almost time to decide the winner.

But Li Shou didn't care. He still had no intention of going to the frontal battlefield at this time.

While there was still time, he continued to practice in seclusion.

Then more than half a month passed, and news of the collapse of the Zhou army finally came from the front line, and the important border defense town of Huya Pass was completely breached.

In the following days, news of the fall of several cities in Changping County spread.

There also began to be unrest within the Cao Mansion.

The Cao family has been extremely busy these days. They have begun to organize their property and food, and are planning to move to the interior.

On this day, Li Shou was practicing the Howling Wind Skill.

The second half of this exercise is much more difficult to practice than the first half.

The first half of the practice only lasted about a month, and the second half of the practice added up. It was almost two months of practice, but it was not yet complete.

However, in the past nearly two months, he has still made rapid progress.

Now the ability to control the wind is more than twice as strong as before. Not only is the speed greatly improved again, but most importantly, the second half of the technique has begun to focus on enhancing the attack ability of the wind controler.

Now Li Shou can do a whirlwind charge attack like Qingokuni Shosaku, and he can do it even better.

Dong dong dong...

When Li Shou stretched out his hand and used the rules of wind to summon a whirlwind in his palm, there was a knock on the door.

There is something important again. After extinguishing the whirlwind in his hand, Li Shou opened the door and saw Emperor Jue.

Cao Fang asked you to come over. He said he had something to discuss with you. If nothing unexpected happens, I want to discuss the family's relocation with you.

Then I have to go there. The migration of Cao Mansion is related to the life and death of all his classmates, and Li Shou still cares about it very much.

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