Is he still the black fog madman that the advance team talked about when he first came here?

It's not Black Mist, he should be from Mushroom.

After more than a month of reflection and investigation, President Fang Yi can roughly guess Li Shou's identity as long as he is not a fool.

Two of these pieces of information made the president most suspicious.

The first is that the man who fought against No. 6 and the man from Manshu obviously cooperated. He arrived just after the man from Manshu was killed.

The second is the opponent's combat method, which is obviously coordinated by multiple people.

The sonic poison gas matrix made him unable to bear it for even a minute and he had no choice but to run for his life.

Cooperate between camps and add multi-person teams.

This is obviously not a method that people from Black Mist should have.

I never thought that a mushroom person could be such a master? Even with teamwork, it would be terrifying to be able to kill the captain of the Green Army.

That person is powerful, but he is not even as good as No. 5 and No. 6, so there is no need to overestimate him. As I said, he is not powerful in person, but his team skills are very strong. I originally thought that the people from Fungus were in the villa, or doing I'll leave with just one vote, but I didn't expect it to be hidden in this Black Turtle City.

President, what should we do? The three newcomers gathered around.

Now among the people in Fang Yi, there are only a few people left who can do anything.

In the battle of Yunwu Villa, all the middle-level members of the advance team were killed and wounded, and No. 6 and the fortune teller died again. The slaves were trapped in Qing Country. The Fang Ant lineup seemed huge, but now the only ones who can really fight are the president and the fortune teller. No. 2, No. 3, No. 4.

But these three people are also the strongest besides the president.

The FangYi system is hierarchical, with a large amount of previous resources being supplied to the top.

But people themselves are divided into strengths and weaknesses, and the resources cannot be exactly the same. Each game also has different personal reward selection directions, so there are some differences in growth.

Numbers are sorted by strength.

In addition, because there are many people on Fang Yi's side who can survive three games, the inheritance is also very orderly.

In addition to instructing them to cultivate masters in each batch, the instructors will also instruct them to cultivate a strategist and a queen bee in each batch.

The strategist is naturally a fortune teller. The existence of such a person can sort out the context of the mission and assist the team.

As for the Queen Bee, in addition to receiving the same mission reward resources as those masters, all the resources that are beneficial to later growth are also given to him.

When the president first entered the mission, he was just like the vice president.

But he has cultivated and grown along the way, and now there is a slight gap between him and the vice president.

However, after the last life and death crisis, he also understood the importance of strategy.

Since the mushroom people are here, it is very easy to break their formation. It is impossible for all of their people to be powerful, and there is a high probability that only one of them will be powerful. As long as we lure him to appear alone and kill him, others will not attack. Self-destruction. With their skill combination, as long as there are no sharp-edged characters, they can be defeated easily.

Then how to lure him out?

Looking for information, the Qingshi Team has been here for so long. They can always find his hiding place. Even his companions may have exposed their flaws... In this world, the most important thing is to make good use of the natives!

Returned to Cao Mansion that day.

Li Shou immediately became a real distinguished guest.

Cao Yi made a big publicity about what happened outside, firstly to clear Li Shou's name, and secondly, and more importantly, to boost the morale in the mansion.

After all, in the battle with Qingguo in recent days, this side has been completely at a disadvantage.

You can't beat the border, and you can't match the masters.

The soldiers sent to the border were killed and wounded, and the soldiers here could only huddle in the mansion, relying on the mechanism skills and archery towers to be cowardly turtles.

After a long time, everyone feels frustrated.

Now that Li Shou had won a great victory, he also brought food, which naturally inspired everyone.

In addition to hosting banquets, Juehuang's marriage was also put on the agenda.

Not long after, the Cao Mansion's invitation to propose marriage was sent to the courtyard where Juehuang and others lived.

The customs in this world are different from those in ancient times on earth. Both men and women can propose marriage.

This time it was hard for Jue Huang.

He looked at the marriage invitation with a very complicated expression.

But others were not so uncomfortable, especially the big guy like the King of Urine and a few other people who had a good relationship with him. They were as excited as a monkey climbing a tree.

Hahaha, Lao Zhao is getting married!

The first of us!

Yes, yes, first of all, before I came to this world, I thought that it would take more than ten years for us to get married. I didn't expect it to be so soon?

Go away, don't bother, I can't get married. Juehuang objected.

But the classmates were not happy. This time, not only did the big man persuade him, but other students also tried to persuade him.


That's right, Miss Cao is not ugly at all. She is a well-educated lady.

That's right. If we weren't time travellers, it would be impossible for you to marry a girl of this level in reality!

Yes, her family's situation, if converted to our world, must be billionaires, ten times stronger than the Ma Nan family. No, they cannot be compared to billionaires, they are much more powerful than those who are simply rich. , belongs to, has money, land, and soldiers, the place is truly powerful.

Huang Shilang ProMax version!

Stop talking nonsense here, what will happen if we leave? Will we be left a widow if we leave? Juehuang was very irritated.

Li Shou also heard it. The tone of Juehuang's words didn't seem to be particularly against the marriage. He just didn't know how to deal with it in the future.

Maybe I can come to be the master of this world in the future...

This world master? It will be five or even six games later. We can't control the battles between counties. If you want to defeat Shangjun, I don't know when. Don't say stupid things. Anyway, I can't Agree, you can’t delay others. Lao Li, you are too proud to refuse for me tomorrow...

After saying this, Emperor Jue left, leaving the courtyard not knowing why.

Li Shou was helpless.

He could only find Cao Fang, the head of the Cao family, and refused the matter.

But now Li Shou is a little more tactful. He only said that the war is tight now and he wants to wait until the war is over before talking about marriage, which can save enough face for the other party.

This matter also came to an end.

But after that, Li Shou didn't see Cao Muzhi for several days.

She usually brought her servants to deliver meals to everyone, but now only the servants came, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Juehuang has also been a little depressed for the past few days, just like other teenagers who have lost their first love.

But in the mission world, love between children is never the mainstream.

A few days after Ansheng's birthday, when Li Shou was practicing the second half of the Howling Wind Skill in his private courtyard, there was a knock on the door.

He knew that unless something important happened, no one would bother him.

Immediately when I opened the door, I saw King Urine.

Old Li, what's wrong, those damn Qingyi team members are crazy. They have been crazy about picking out beggars' nests recently. They killed a lot of people from the beggars gang...

Aren't Zhao Yiyi and Zhao Qiqi in the Beggar Clan?

Yes, that bunch of bitches have killed a lot of beggars now. If a little beggar hadn't come to report today, we wouldn't know what was going on outside!

No, I have to go out to help, I can't let Zhao Yiyi and the others die!

Is there any conspiracy? Why don't you ask your classmates to come together?

It's too easy for you to die if you go out. I'll call Li Tang and we'll go! As Li Shou spoke, he began to make preparations for the battle.

At this time, not far from Cao's Mansion, No. 2 was hiding in a tree and staring at Cao's Mansion.

The news they got from the Qingyi Team said that there were rumors about the appearance of strange people in the beggar group.

During the internal conflict of the beggar gang, someone tried to stab another beggar to death with a dagger, but was shocked to death by his roar.

The only people who can do this kind of thing, apart from the top masters, are time travellers.

Judging from the information about the previous president's battle, the sonic attackers from the mushrooms are most likely hiding among them.

After they got the news, they alerted the snake and tried to lure the mushroom people out.

If a large number of people come out this time, they will shoot the weak players from a distance and disintegrate their team...

If that master comes, then pull out the opponent's sharp knife!

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