The common tactic used by the Qing Kingdom in invasion is to send people from the Qing Dynasty team to attack the rear. Cao Yi explained a few words.

Li Shou thought about it casually and understood.

After all, this world is not the ancient Earth. There are masters here who can compete with one hundred or even one thousand, so the war mode is also different.

In addition to frontal attacks, rear raids by masters are also very important.

After all, these masters are different from normal people. They can live well without supplements, eating and sleeping in the mountains.

They can do many important things when they come behind enemy cities.

Disturbing the city makes it impossible for the city to function normally...

Sneak attack on the transport team on the road, cut off the supply line...

It can also disturb people's hearts and make people flee from here...

These things are very critical. No matter what kind of war it is, as long as it is a long-term war, it will ultimately be about supplies.

If the cities and roads in the rear can operate normally, then supplies will not only be endless, but at least they will be able to supply the front line in a short period of time.

Moreover, the normal life of the people is also very important. Only when they can live normally can all production activities and transportation activities be carried out normally. If you are scared, you can only hide.

More likely to escape from here...

This in itself is one of the Qing Army's combat methods. When the rear becomes an empty city, not only will the pressure on their front line be reduced, but it will also be conducive to their later occupation and control.

Therefore, this battle of masters not only occurs between generals on the front line, but also in the rear.

What about our master?

not enough.

I... Li Shou originally wanted to ask why there was not enough, but he was afraid that being too ignorant would expose the problem like before, and now he was worried about the safety of his classmates, so he could only ask instead: Thank you, brothers Cao Li and Cao Yong. I will definitely repay Taiwan’s help in the future. Where is my brother Huang Jue? Is he okay?

It's okay. I'm in Room C of Xuanzi District in the backyard.


After chatting casually with Cao Li and Cao Yong, Li Shou went to the back house to find Emperor Jue.

In this courtyard, Li Shou not only saw Juehuang, but also dozens of classmates, including more than twenty from classes one and three, and more than twenty from other classes.

Seeing this situation, Li Shou was shocked: Aren't all the other students dead?

No, no, no... the ones I picked up were those who had no safe hiding place for the time being, or whose hiding place was taken over by Qing Guolian. For example, Lao Ma, his restaurant was exposed, so he came over. Some of our classmates have I haven’t taken over the hiding place yet, and there are three cunning rabbit holes, so it may not be absolutely safe here.”

Juehuang's explanation made Li Shou feel relieved a lot.

While the two of them were talking, Ma Nan pushed away the students from other classes.

He was afraid that Li Shou would reveal some secrets.

Although we are all on the same team now, we are not our own people after all, and some secrets cannot be shared.

Is your trip to the capital going well?

Fortunately, it went smoothly, except that I met a Qingguo master on the road and I was almost beaten to death by him, but fortunately I fought back in the end.

I asked why the team points increased by 300 points. Juehuang nodded, That person's strength...

Several times stronger than the Mantis.

It's several times stronger than the Mantis Man, and the income is only a fraction of that of the Mantis Man. It's not worth it every time. Manan was counting the points, It's still more cost-effective to fight between camps, and the income from killing Fang Ant is much higher. .”

Indeed... Let's not talk about it. I know a little about the situation outside. I have a question, why are there not as many masters in Black Turtle City as there are masters in Qing Kingdom? Don't we have the Sage Pavilion? Don't we have gathered many defected rangers?

It is because of the existence of the Sage Pavilion that the Zhou Kingdom is better than the Qing Kingdom in the field of top masters, but ordinary masters are not as good. This time it was Ma Nanzheng who took up the topic, I only found out recently that the top masters were The command objects polluted by the Code of Controlling the People have absorbed the breath of humanity. The stronger the Qing Kingdom, the faster the generals who use it as the command objects will practice.

And even if we don’t talk about the power of the Civil Code, the Qing Kingdom has more masters than the Zhou Kingdom. Do you think all rangers want to be free and unrestrained? In fact, more people want to be a master.

Rather than being free, people would rather have land under their hands and numerous beauties and maidservants. There are people who defected from the Qing Kingdom, but there are more rangers from the surrounding areas who go to the Qing Kingdom. The Qing Kingdom's rewards and punishments are clear regardless of one's origin. Once one has made meritorious service, he is not stingy about rewarding him with a title. Masters are still more ambitious! Human beings are the same everywhere. How many capable people on earth don’t want to get rich?

Ma Nanzheng can always accurately cut into the dark side of human nature, and then express it in plain and easy-to-understand language.


Then Brother Li, what should we do next?

Next, I want to practice in seclusion.

Nowadays, there are many masters outside. Firstly, Li Shou has not figured out the details of the other party. Secondly, he has just obtained the skills and high-level tokens.

There is no time limit for this mission, and improving yourself is the most cost-effective way to complete the mission.

The last time I had to go out for the sake of order, I was almost assassinated by a Qingguo master.

This time I want to use a more secure method to complete the task!

After deciding on the strategy, Li Shou began to implement it that night.

After he asked Juehuang to arrange an independent courtyard for himself, he got into it and couldn't get out.

In the first few days, the people in the Cao Mansion were not surprised.

But after a week, some people could no longer hold themselves back.

Cao Yi went to Huang Jue to ask about Li Shou's arrangements, but he prevaricated him.

Another week has passed.

The war outside has become more intense, and the entire Black Turtle City has become more depressed.

At this time, the chief steward of the Cao Mansion found Cao Muzhi and asked her to persuade Huang Jue.

Huang Lang, Cao Mansion has been slightly short of supplies recently. I know that your brother is very skilled in martial arts. Can you do Cao Mansion a favor? Go to the farm in the town and bring some water. Of course, such an important task is not If he is asked to bear all the burden, he can just be one of the guards...

Well, my brother is practicing in seclusion. Can you take some time off?

Although my martial arts skills are not high, I have practiced martial arts since I was a child, and I understand that the growth of martial arts does not happen overnight. The war is imminent, how can I retreat at this time? Huang Lang, there may be something wrong with this...

Mu Zhi, please trust me once. Juehuang couldn't explain much.


Cao Mu sighed and left here.

After her persuasion failed, a few more days passed.

Bad news comes out of the Cao Mansion...

The grain team that went to deliver supplies outside the city was killed and their supplies were robbed.

Although Cao's mansion is vast, it still has grain stores and wells.

But after all, raising thousands of private soldiers, eating people and chewing horses, consumes a lot of money. If you don't contact the outside world, you won't be able to last long.

Although there are not many masters in Cao Mansion, there are only a few who can actually compete with the Qingguo Qingxi team.

Cao Muzhi's persuasion failed, and this time Cao Yong came over.

Brother Huang Xian, I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to block this door all day long and not let us in. Cao Yong obviously came here with a mission this time, and he turned against him as soon as he came, You dozens of people are in my Cao Mansion every day, we Provide protection and provide food and water, but you won’t be treated unfairly at all, right?”

No. Juehuang shook his head.

Don't talk about the possibility of us becoming relatives. Even diners know the principles of cannibalism and doing things for others. In this crisis, it's inappropriate for you all to be cowards, right?

It's indeed inappropriate. Juehuang nodded, But if you give us some more time, we will definitely repay you twice as much in the future.

It's not that we didn't give you time to rest. Day after day, it seems like it's been almost a month. The enemies are coming to the door. When is your brother going to leave the mountain?

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