Brother Cao, don't be anxious. Give me some time. When my brother comes out of seclusion, we don't need you to call us. We will deal with those people from the Qing Army and Qing Shi Team.

How many days are some? Cao Yi was impatient, If you make people wait, there must be a deadline, right?

Well, I can't make the decision on this. Please be patient...

Humph, after ten days, if your brother has not come out of seclusion, we will still be friends, but you also know that Cao Mansion is in short supply of food and grass recently. You and Brother You can still stay in Cao Mansion to eat, but those of your friends We won’t entertain them. If we let dozens of them eat and drink for free for a month, we’ve done our best to show hospitality to our landlords!”

Cao Yi said these words and left. Emperor Jue had no choice but to send him off respectfully.

When Cao Yong walked away, Ma Nanzheng and King Urin ducked out of the courtyard.

This guy is very disciplined in his work. The truth makes us speechless and makes us feel oppressed. Even if we are kicked out in the end, we won't be resented. As expected of someone from a big family, things should be done according to the rules. Ma Nanzheng commented, and then asked: Do you two know when Brother Li will be released from seclusion? I think I can't stand it anymore...

have no idea.

I don't know when Lao Li will be released from seclusion. Damn, this pressure is too much. King Urine shook his head, This time I have realized the truth of cannibalism.

Alas... Juehuang felt even more aggrieved.

These days, he has to deal with other people's coercion and inducement, telling facts and reasoning, and he can't stand it anymore.

I asked Brother Li yesterday when I was delivering food. He said he would wait until he reaches a certain level of wind control. He didn't know how long it would take, but it shouldn't be very slow. If something happens, don't worry. It's a big deal. I'll beg Miss Cao for a few more days of grace... Go back, we also have to practice kung fu, Lao Li also gave us kung fu and tokens, so we can improve a little bit.

Speaking of Miss Cao, what do you think, Lao Zhao? I think that girl is okay with you. I remember you never had a relationship in school, right? King Urine and Jue Huang were more familiar with each other and asked about everything: This is your first love. Right? How do you feel? Are you just doing the mission or are you already in love? What if we leave? Hey, don't leave, why don't you say anything? Hey!

The ten-day deadline is coming soon.

Before Cao Yi arrived this time, Emperor Jue called Cao Muzhi.

Help me again, for the last time. In the past two days, I went to my brother's place to deliver food, but he didn't open the door. I think I have reached the final stage of my cultivation, and I really don't want to disturb him. If my friends are driven away, they will live outside. It won't be long. Juehuang lowered his face again, lost his dignity, and begged Cao Muzhi.

But this time even Cao Muzhi couldn't help him.

This is the order given by my father himself. I really have no choice. Moreover, the Cao Mansion is currently facing a serious food shortage. In addition, the war on the front line is unfavorable, and most of the soldiers sent there were killed or injured. My father is angry, if I dare to say anything again If so, I might not even be able to protect myself.”

While Cao Muzhi was speaking, Cao Yong came again.

He came from a distance and shouted: The agreed ten-day period has come. Now I will personally take your friend out of the house!

... Juehuang wanted to say something else, but looking at the battle, he knew he couldn't stand it anymore. He sighed to himself and wanted to call Li Shou, when a loud noise suddenly came from the courtyard behind him.

Then a storm blew out in the courtyard, causing sand and gravel to fly all over the sky.

After a while, the sand and gravel fell to the ground, and someone came riding the wind and landed on the spot - it was Li Shou who had been in seclusion for many days.

This time he was in retreat for more than a month, and because he had to catch up, he only rested for an hour every day. Except for the ten minutes spent eating and dealing with groceries, he practiced almost non-stop.

The retreat time of just over a month is equivalent to four or five years of cultivation for others.

The hard work paid off, and he finally completed the first half of the Howling Wind Technique.

At this time, Li Shou has mastered the power of wind control. Not only is his speed much faster, his body skills have become more flexible, he can also control the wind to hover in the air, and he can also glide in the air for short distances. His body skills are completely different from those in the past. language.

Aiya, Brother Li, you are finally out of seclusion! Cao Yong is worthy of being the clerk of the Cao Mansion, and he has to intervene in every good and bad thing.

He does things without offending people to death, and he can also achieve results. The most important thing is that as a member of a large family, he has a rare ability to change his face.

The face that was solemn just a moment ago suddenly turned into a smile as soon as he saw Li Shou, and he never mentioned anything about driving people away again.

Oh, you've made us, the people of Cao's Mansion, miserable. Brother Li, to tell you the truth, these days, those Qing Army men have been riding on us, shitting and peeing, blocking the door of Cao's Mansion and killing people all day long. . If we weren’t heavily guarded here, I think they would have entered the mansion long ago to carry out the killing!”

The Cao Mansion is heavily guarded, with countless watchtowers and traps inside. They can't get in...

But there is indeed a shortage of food. Now that there have been years of war, our Cao Mansion is also prepared. We had secret food storage locations in the farms, forests and cellars around Xuangui City. Can you please ask Brother Li to come out? Come on, help my Cao family transport some food?

That's definitely no problem! Your Cao Mansion has helped us so much, so we should treat each other with courtesy! Li Shou had just come out of seclusion and wanted to try his skills.

And since they haven't been out for so long, they don't know what kind of trouble Fang Yi and Hei Wu's people have caused.

The most important thing is that for killing the masters of the Qing Army, he would have received points in return.

‘It’s been more than a month, it’s time to go out and take a look. ’

Cao Mansion has been besieged for more than a month and is very short of food.

The most feared thing during the war was the lack of food that affected the soldiers' confidence.

After Li Shou left the customs this time, Cao Fang, the head of the Cao family, received him personally. After a banquet, he arranged tasks.

Since the previous food shipments all failed, the people arranged by the Cao family to travel this time were all experts.

Li Tang, the chief instructor of the Cao Mansion's soldiers, personally led the team. Cao Li, the eldest son of the Cao Mansion, and Cao Yong, the fifth son of the Cao Mansion, also accompanied the team. Later, a group of instructors joined the soldiers.

This time a total of more than 60 people were dispatched.

Although the number is not large, they are all elite.

Before Li Shou left, he asked his classmates for some more of Chen Zihan's secretion fluid for use in battle.

After making sure that everything was fully prepared, he followed the people from the grain transport team out of the tunnel at the back door of Cao's Mansion at night, and left Cao's Mansion in the appearance of an ordinary citizen.

But even though they were so careful, when they left Cao's Mansion, they were still discovered by those under surveillance from the Qingxi Team.

Go and inform others that people from the Cao Mansion have come out. Once they are far away from the Cao Mansion and away from the archery tower, kill them all on the spot!

Yes, sir!

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