Li Shou felt Lord Huiling's attitude, thought about his rumors and personality, and finally told the truth: I feel that it is very likely that the Qing Kingdom will eventually dominate the world.

Yeah. Hui Lingjun was silent for a while after listening to Li Shou's words.

But Li Shou could see that he was not angry, but thinking about something.

After a while, he drank another glass of fruit wine and asked, Why do you say that?

In fact, Li Shou couldn't tell why. After all, this is a rule of thumb. In the history of the earth, countries like Qing Country have basically won in the end.

But he cannot talk about history or experience.

Moreover, Li Shou himself was not very knowledgeable, and making nonsense would only have the opposite effect.

I don't know anything else, but the order camp is naturally conducive to concentrating resources... Although our Zhou country has more people and is richer, no one is willing to fight on the battlefield. It is too difficult to win.

Order is naturally conducive to the concentration of resources. Hui Lingjun didn't listen to the second half of the sentence, because he knew the situation in his country a hundred times better than Li Shou. He was just thinking about the first sentence, Order, concentration...then what are we? ?”

“We prefer balance.”

Oh. Hui Lingjun nodded.

Balance is conducive to all-round development. People who are proficient in business can become businessmen, those who are proficient in numerology can do mathematical calculations, and those who are proficient in mechanism art can also come up with some new inventions, but in a short period of time, they will have no effect on the war.

That's true. People who are incompatible with heaven and earth may have something in common with us...

Hui Lingjun seemed to have known the shortcomings of Zhou's political system for a long time, but he had no intention of making changes.

Why not imitate the Qing State, even if it is partially done? The Zhou State is richer and can mobilize more resources.

Qingguo's method will eventually lead to dryness and everyone will become a stagnant creature.

Part of it, I mean part of it, not all of it.

That would be like the disease of scabies. People's desire for power is like the itch of scabies. It's okay to endure it for a while, but eventually you can't help scratching. Once you start scratching and breaking the skin, it's only a matter of time before the scabies spreads all over the body, and even It won't take long, a few decades will be enough to spread the color throughout the Zhou Kingdom...

Even if the scabies is cured by then, it will still reappear from time to time. I cannot be the one who introduces scabies. Although the road to balance is difficult, you can achieve it only by persevering despite the difficulties.

After saying this, Hui Lingjun left the scene.

Just like when he came, Li Shou didn't know how he came, and he didn't see clearly how he left.

You're walking so fast, I even asked you to send a master to help! Hui Lingjun has countless masters under his command, and the Xianshi Pavilion is a gathering place for knights all over the world.

Any expert could help Li Shou a lot, but he disappeared before he could speak.


When he turned to look at where the other party was sitting, Li Shou saw an extra volume here.

The book seems to be a command object, but it is not a command object of heaven, but a command object of humanity.

Thunder and lightning are the way of heaven, and the seven emotions and six desires, joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are the way of humanity.

The tears of the weepers are the magic weapon of humanity, the Code of Controlling the People is the decree of humanity, and the scrolls left by Lord Huiling are the same.

Notes of Wuwei? Li Shou opened the book. The characters on it were densely packed and obscure, fluttering back and forth on the page. But if you look closely, these characters seemed to be combined into two words - fairness.

There is nothing but fairness.

Li Shou didn't know what Hui Lingjun's purpose was for leaving it to him. After looking at it for a while, he didn't realize anything more, but he still put it away solemnly.

Later in the night, Li Shou continued to practice.

After all, he can outdo others by practicing for dozens of days in one day, and it is still the kind of dozens of days without cultivation bottleneck.

After tens of days of hard training, by the time it dawned the next day, Li Shou had already mastered the Howling Wind Technique.

He tried it on the spot, and now when he ran, the wind resistance disappeared, and the wind was no longer a resistance but a driving force. This alone increased his absolute speed by more than 20%.

I'll practice later when I get back... After jumping twice on the spot, Li Shou packed up his luggage and turned back the way he came.

It took more than three days to get here and just over two days to get back.

In addition to becoming more familiar with the route, the increase in speed also allowed Li Shou to move through the forest faster.

By the time Li Shou returned to Black Turtle City, he had been away for nearly a week.

Just one week has passed, and Black Turtle City has lost its former liveliness.

It was just after dusk when Li Shou went back. This was supposed to be a busy time for the night market, but now the street was almost a quiet street with very few pedestrians.

Li Shou wanted to go to Xiaoyaoju to ask what happened to Ma Nanzheng, but when he arrived, he found that the restaurant had been closed and Ma Nanzheng himself was nowhere to be found.

In desperation, he had no choice but to go to Cao Mansion again, but this time he was attacked on the street before anyone arrived.

A masked man holding a sword fell from the surrounding roof and struck Li Shou on the head with a sword.

He dodged and fought with the masked man.

The newcomer's combat power is not weak, and is on par with his overall strength. It would have been difficult for Li Shou to deal with it a week ago, but now his speed has increased by nearly 30%, and his dexterity has also been greatly improved.

Relying on the increased speed, he closed the distance and fought with the opponent.

As long as he can fight hand to hand, no one at the same level can be his opponent.

Li Shou had rough skin, thick flesh, great strength, and a hand with cold poisonous gas. After more than ten rounds of close combat, the man's body was covered with frost, and then his body became weaker and weaker, and he gradually began to fail.

Just when Li Shou was about to kill the man within ten moves, the man suddenly let out a sharp roar, and then the same roar echoed not far away.

Li Shou knew that he had companions, and with one against three he would be in great danger.

Li Shou, who didn't want to make the same mistake again, gave up on the enemy, looked for an opportunity to shoot away the opponent's weapon, and then ran towards Cao Mansion.

He turned around while running for his life, and sure enough, he saw three masters not far away, flying over walls and chasing after them at extremely fast speeds.

But when he arrived around Cao Mansion, the three stopped chasing him.

The crossbows on the towering archery tower of Cao Mansion, as well as the strict mechanism skills and the private soldiers guarding them, made them daunted.

Judging from their reactions, Li Shou knew that they were from the Qing Kingdom.

I also understand that the Cao Mansion has not fallen yet.

So when he arrived, he shouted loudly: Open the door, I am Huang Jue's friend, I am Cao Yi's friend!

As Li Shou shouted, he stood in a slightly brighter place so that the people on the arrow tower could see him clearly.

After a while, a voice came from inside: Master Li, it is inconvenient to open the door. You can jump over the wall and enter. The guards will not fire arrows!

Is it this far? You don't even dare to open the door? Li Shou muttered as he climbed over the wall and entered.

As soon as they entered, they saw Cao Yi and his eldest brother Cao Li.

Li Shou saw the two of them and asked quickly: What's going on? Why are the streets full of masters from the Qing Kingdom?

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