Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 94 The leader of the Demon Cult three thousand years ago!

"Hey, he actually disappeared..."

The man in black frowned.

Because of his talent, his sense of smell is extremely sharp and he can distinguish the subtle smells remaining in the air. He has always been successful.


He also relied on his keen sense of smell to track all the way here.


When he arrived at his destination, he was shocked to find that the remaining breath of the crazy Taoist in the air had disappeared out of thin air, and no trace could be traced again.

As a result, everyone including Mu Tianfeng and others looked very gloomy...

If they can't find the crazy Taoist, their mission will not be completed!

If you fail to complete the task, there will be only one end.

That is, die!

"Yun Zheng, if you search carefully again, are you sure you can't find the breath of the crazy Taoist?"

Mu Tianfeng said weakly.

Hear this!

The man in black named Yun Zheng carefully sensed his surroundings again, but to his disappointment, he still found nothing.

"Before, I could still clearly feel the residual aura of the crazy Taoist, but after arriving here, the aura of the crazy Taoist suddenly disappeared out of thin air."

"It seems that he must have used some kind of magical item to cover up his aura..."

Yun Zheng's face looked very ugly.

"What should we do?"

"Zi Yan, try using a clear sky viewing mirror. Can you find any trace of the crazy Taoist?"

"I tried and couldn't find it."

The woman in purple shook her head and sighed.

Upon hearing this, the hearts of everyone present suddenly sank.

"Boss, what should we do next? Keeping like a headless fly is not the answer. Now the Shangqing Sky Observing Mirror and Yunzheng's sense of smell are no longer working."

"It's just a waste of time and energy to continue searching like this."

"Besides, since the crazy Taoist has escaped, he will definitely not show up. This time we are afraid that we will return in vain..."

One of them said in a deep voice.


Mu Tianfeng frowned tightly, with anger and unwillingness floating in his eyes.

They almost killed the crazy Taoist!


At the last critical moment, a cloaked man suddenly appeared, disrupting all plans, causing all the cooked ducks to fly away.

Mu Tianfeng felt extremely frightened at the thought of not being able to explain to the chief minister and the emperor after returning.

This is related to their lives!

"If we just go back to Yutiansi to regain our lives, we will definitely have a dead end. Instead of going back and waiting to die, it is better to search for more in this sunset battlefield."

"Yun Zheng said just now that the crazy Taoist's aura disappeared when we came here. So, he must be in the nearby area."

"Besides, he must have used invisibility!"

"In this way, as long as we keep looking up at the clear sky mirror to reflect the void, we will definitely be able to find traces of the crazy Taoist. After all, invisibility also has a time limit."

"Once the mad Taoist reveals his true identity, we can find him..."

Mu Tianfeng pondered.


As soon as these words came out, everyone's spirits were lifted!

They actually forgot about this. Invisibility cannot be maintained for a long time. Once the crazy Taoist cannot hold on, his flaws will inevitably be exposed.

When the time comes, there will be nothing to hide from.

"Zi Yan, I'll have to work hard for you next..."


"As long as the mad Taoist is still on Sunset Battlefield, I will never let him go."

Zi Yan said coldly.


Everyone started to search carefully, centered on the place where they stood.

Lin Wudao didn't know much about their behavior.


He has returned to the place where he fought before.

"Hey, where are the corpses of those angel warriors?"

I thought about coming back to collect the body.

Unexpectedly, when he raised his eyes and scanned the ground around him, the bodies of the three mythical cultivators who had been killed by the mad Taoist had disappeared.

This makes Lin Wudao very regretful...

"Brother Fan, don't even think about the body of the Angel Controller."

"Although those people from Yu Tiansi did not take them away, there are many powerful people in the Mahayana and Celestial realms at the scene. How can it be our turn to take advantage of the corpse of Mythology Daxiu?"

"It has been taken away long ago..."

At this time.

Master Qingming's chuckle rang out.


"That's a mythical overhaul. If we get their corpses, we will definitely find a lot of good things in them. Oh, what a pity..."

He sighed deeply.

It feels like I’ve missed out on hundreds of millions in vain!

"Okay, don't sigh."

"Now, the three giants of Kyushu have all gone to the Hualong Pond. It's business to quickly get the Purple Qi of the Beginning recorded on the treasure map while no one is thinking of us."

"This sunset battlefield can only last for half a month. We must hurry up."

"Oh, I hope I don't encounter any accidents on the way..."

Master Qingming frowned.

He felt that this sunset battlefield was full of horrors. If he was not careful, he might die without a burial place.


Tu Qianqiu and Chu Kuangren on the side also agreed with this proposal.

"In that case, let's go."


Several people drove a spirit boat and began to move forward according to the route recorded on the Taichu treasure map.

During this period!

Lin Wudao deliberately fell behind. Taking advantage of their inattention, he took out the corpse map, which already showed a clear route.

However, what surprised Lin Wudao was that the route shown on the corpse map was almost the same as their route...

"Could it be that Li Qingyun, the leader of the Supreme Demon Sect three thousand years ago, was buried in the place where Taichu Zi Qi was?"

"Or did he die just to find the Purple Qi of the Absolute Beginning?"

Lin Wudao thought secretly.


"Three thousand years ago, the human race and the barbarian race had a shocking battle on the Sunset Battlefield. Li Qingyun should have participated at that time. Maybe it was just a coincidence."

He shook his head, suppressing the suspicion in his heart.

Next up!

A group of four people drove the spirit boat, and along the way they saw the desolate land, as well as large tracts of ruins, completely decayed bones, broken weapons and so on.

Everywhere you look, there is an aura of desolation and desolation!


After half a day's driving, everyone came to an ancient ruins. Through its outline, they could vaguely see a magnificent palace.

All around are ruins, and the ground is covered with decaying corpses...

"Look there!"


Tu Qianqiu exclaimed, raised his hand and pointed into the distance.


Looking in the direction he was pointing, I saw a pitch-black war spear above the ancient palace gate, nailing the body of a middle-aged man to death.

Although a long time has passed, his body is still intact, without any signs of decay...

"Demon Cult Leader Li Qingyun!"

Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes.

He did not expect that he would accidentally find Li Qingyun's body on the way to find Taichu Ziqi.

“You’re in the late stage of Cave Heaven Realm, and you actually died here?”

"Besides, there is something strange about Li Qingyun's body..."

He did not immediately come forward to collect the body.

Through the feedback from the eyes of the gods, he saw something else.


Just because Lin Wudao didn't take action didn't mean that others didn't have ideas.

call out!

Just as he was looking at Li Qingyun's body, Chu Kuangren beside him suddenly burst into laughter.

"This corpse has not decayed for so long. There must be big treasures in it."

"Let me see what it is..."

While talking.

Chu Kuangren dodged and came to the palace gate. With greed in his eyes, he pulled out the war spear stuck in Li Qingyun's body.

"Don't touch him..."

Master Qingming yelled.

His intuition told him that the body was very dangerous.


It's already too late!


Just when Chu Kuangren pulled out the black war spear, suddenly, a strange black light rushed out of the corpse and merged into his body.

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