
The power of Ji Dao exploded, and under the horrified gazes of countless people, the body of Yu Tiansi Mythology Daxiu was directly exploded by the black cauldron.

In an instant, the sky turned into bloody powder...


"The ultimate spiritual weapon?"

Feeling the mighty Ji Dao aura rising above the void, all the onlookers took a breath of cold air.

This sudden change shocked them all!


The remaining members of Yutiansi were shocked at first, but then they showed extremely angry eyes.

"who is it!"

"Who dares to be my enemy, Daxia Yutiansi?"

The thundering roar swept across the sunset battlefield.


No one responded!

On the contrary, it was the crazy Taoist. After his brush with death, a ray of hope burst out in his eyes.

"Brother Ren?"

he asked tentatively.


Just as he finished speaking, a strange figure wearing a black cloak suddenly walked out of the void and held the black cauldron in his hand.

Let the terrifying power of extreme power wash over your whole body...

Who is this?

Looking at the mysterious figure that suddenly appeared, everyone present looked shocked.

None of them expected that someone would dare to be an enemy of Yu Tiansi!

"Are you OK?"

A cold and hoarse voice came out faintly.

Hear the words!

The crazy Taoist grinned.

"Can't die!"

"Brother Ren, I didn't expect you to be here on the sunset battlefield? What a fate..."

"Oh, you are really brave!"

"If I had been a little late, I'm afraid you would have died without a burial place."

"Hey, isn't this dead..."

The mad Taoist winked.

To this!

Lin Wudao snorted coldly.

"Leave this place first!"


With a roll of his big hand, he directly picked up the crazy Taoist and disappeared in an instant.


As early as when the crazy Taoist was defeated, Lin Wudao was already ready to take action, secretly using the Origin Stone to evolve a clone.

Just for this moment!

The old madman was the only person he liked. After the trip to Dayan's ancestral land, the two had some friendship. Lin Wudao couldn't just watch his Yutiansi people being killed.


He is still waiting for the crazy Taoist to take him to collect the corpse...


He took action!

"Damn, who is that?"

Seeing Lin Wudao taking the mad Taoist away under their noses, the remaining four angel guardians' expressions became extremely gloomy.

The cooked duck actually flew away!

In this battle, not only did they not kill the mad Taoist, but he killed three mythical cultivators, and one of them was killed by a surprise attack by a Yakuza weapon.

It can be said that it has completely embarrassed Yu Tiansi!

"Boss, how are you?"

The woman in purple came to Mu Tianfeng and expressed concern.


A huge hole had appeared on Mu Tianfeng's chest, and scarlet blood gurgled out like spring water, which looked shocking.

"My injuries are extremely serious!"

"The blow from the mad Taoist just now has already damaged my roots. Although I used the Great Return to Heaven Pill in time to temporarily stabilize the injury, the situation is not optimistic."

"At most, it can only last three days..."

He said extremely weakly.

Hearing this, the woman in purple and others showed signs of anxiety and worry.

"Boss, we will send you back immediately. As long as you return to Yutiansi, you will definitely be able to save your life..."


"Let's catch the crazy Taoist first. This mission is no small matter. Even the emperor is extremely angry. If we fail and return, not only me, but also you will die."

"Hurry up and clear the sky mirror to observe the sunset battlefield. You must find out the traces of the crazy Taoist and the mysterious man, and then kill them."

"This time, either they die or we die..."

Mu Tianfeng urged.

His expression was extremely anxious!

In that case, I was afraid that Mad Taoist and Lin Wudao would escape from the sunset battlefield.

"Okay boss~"

Seeing Mu Tianfeng's urgency, the woman in purple immediately activated the secret technique. In an instant, another shadow of an ancient bronze mirror appeared in her hand.

Its light reflects the void in all directions!


To her disappointment, even if she activated the Shangqing Sky Observing Mirror to its extreme, there was still no trace of the crazy Taoist.

"Could it be that...they have left Sunset Battlefield, right?"

Someone frowned.


"I can feel that the crazy Taoist guy must still be on the sunset battlefield. He should be hiding somewhere so that we can't detect it for the time being."

"Moreover, I can vaguely feel his residual aura..."

A thin man in black said.

I saw his nose constantly smelling the smell, and gradually, he seemed to find something.

"In that direction, chase!"


He raised his hand and pointed due east and shouted.

See it!

The women in purple clothes didn't hesitate at all, and immediately took Mu Tianfeng with them and pursued them as fast as possible.

the other side!

After pulling the mad Taoist into the endless void, Lin Wudao found a random direction and led him quickly away from the place.

"Crazy Taoist, whose grave did you dig up, and why did you let the people of Daxia Yutiansi chase you so crazily?"

"Haha, I just dug the tomb of a Ziyihou..."

A prince?

Lin Wudao was a little surprised!

"The tomb of a mere marquis from the Great Xia Dynasty shouldn't be so crazy, right? Is it possible that this purple-clothed marquis has some other identity?"


"I heard that Zi Yihou seems to be the illegitimate son of Da Xia Zi. He was also a rare genius during his lifetime, but unfortunately he died."

"For this reason, the Emperor of Great Xia buried him grandly and buried him with many treasures."

"Now that I've met you, I have to do something about it..."

The crazy Taoist said with a smile.

I completely forgot that I was almost beaten to death by Yu Tiansi’s men before!

"You are indeed a madman!"

"One day, you will die in a grave, or you will be hunted to death..."

Lin Wudao said coldly.

Hear the words!

The crazy Taoist laughed and didn't care.

For him, digging graves is the greatest pleasure in this life. If he can die in the process of digging graves, it will be considered a worthy death.

"Brother Ren, it's really thanks to you this time."

"Old Taoist, I owe you my life!"

"Well, I don't want your life. Just introduce me to more corpse collection businesses in the future. You know, I like this better..."

"no problem!"

"I have submitted an application to the organization, and there should be a response in a few days. Then I will take you to an exciting place and let you collect the corpses."

The two chatted without saying a word.

"No! Someone is chasing us!"


Lin Wudao seemed to sense something, and his expression changed slightly.

"We are hiding deep in the void, how can Yu Tiansi's people still chase us?"

"Your aura must have been exposed!"

"What should we do?"

The crazy Taoist panicked.

"Don't worry, I have a solution!"


Lin Wudao took off his sky-shielding cloak and threw it to the crazy Taoist.

"This sky-shielding cloak can hide its own aura. Even if the summer comes, it will never detect you. I will lend it to you for the time being."

"I'm going to do something first, and I'll come back to you when it's done..."

A weather cloak?

The crazy Taoist looked curious, and after looking at it, he quickly put it on his body.

"By the way, where shall we meet later?"

"Hualong Pond!"

Lin Wudao's voice came from afar.

Hear the words!

The mad Taoist immediately crushed an invisibility jade talisman, then carefully identified the direction, heading towards the Hualong Pond.

call out!

call out!

call out!

Just as he left, the figures of Mu Tianfeng and others appeared on the spot...

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