"not good!"

Upon noticing the strange black light, Chu Kuangren was immediately frightened.


He just wanted to throw the war spear in his hand, but it was too late. As the black light merged, it instantly turned into an evil force and occupied his soul.

After a shrill scream, Chu Kuangren's soul and consciousness were all swallowed up...

"Hahaha, I have been waiting for three thousand years, and I finally returned today."

"This great method of demon seizing the body is really useful!"


A wild laugh came from Kuang Chu’s mouth.

See this scene!

Whether it was Master Qingming or Tu Qianqiu on the side, their expressions changed drastically.

"Damn it, Madman Chu was taken away!"

"Let's go~"

Master Qingming said in shock.


He turned around suddenly and ran away as fast as he could.


And Tu Qianqiu...

"Hmph, want to leave?"

"Leave everything to me. It is your honor to die in my hands..."

A cold and ferocious voice suddenly sounded.

Hear this!

Master Qingming and Tu Qianqiu were scared to death.


At this moment, after Li Qingyun successfully seized Kuangren Chu's body, the aura around him was rising crazily at a terrifying speed.

But in an instant, we will reach the point of overcoming the tribulation!


His big hand suddenly reached out, and he immediately suppressed Master Qingming and Tu Qianqiu. His eyes also glowed with bloodthirsty light.


Li Qingyun planned to devour them to strengthen himself.


He seemed to have forgotten that there was Lin Wudao among them...

"The Heaven-fixing Spell!"

Just as Li Qingyun was frantically suppressing Master Qingming and Tu Qianqiu, Lin Wudao's strange figure appeared behind him without anyone noticing.

A heaven-fixing spell fell, and Li Qingyun's whole body was instantly imprisoned.

"Who dares to kill me?"

At this time, he realized an extremely strong crisis, so he yelled crazily.


No matter how much he resisted, it was to no avail.

Under the spell of Dingtian, the body and soul are all imprisoned...


A cold voice sounded, and Lin Wudao directly made a Heavenly Dragon hand seal. The extremely powerful power of the Heavenly Dragon directly exploded Chu Kuangren's body.

"Damn it, kid, how dare you ruin my good deeds!"

"I am going to swallow you..."

call out!

An evil black light rushed out from the collapsed body and rushed towards Lin Wudao with lightning speed.

That way.

It seems that he is going to repeat his old tricks again and seize the forest without any means!

See this.

Lin Wudao did not dodge, but instead had a disdainful sneer on his lips...

"You want to take me away?"

"Li Qingyun, you think too highly of yourself!"


As the words fell, an innate divine seed containing boundless magic appeared from the deepest part of the soul, blooming with billions of brilliant divine lights.

Directly suppressed the remnant soul of Li Qingyun!


"This...what the hell is this? Boy, how could you still have such a terrifying thing hidden in your soul, ah..."

The shrill screams sounded like crazy.

Under the illumination of the soul seed, Li Qingyun's remaining soul melted like snow in spring at a speed visible to the naked eye.


His remnant soul power was transformed into wisps of pure soul power and integrated into Lin Wudao's soul.

After a while!

Lin Wudao felt that his soul seemed to be stronger.

Until then.

He just stepped forward to the palace gate and put the black war spear and Li Qingyun's body into the system space...

This scene was clearly seen by Master Qingming and Tu Qianqiu in the distance.


For a moment, the two of them gasped.

"Fan Tianjue...he actually killed that person?"

Tu Qianqiu looked incredulous.

Not just him!

Even Master Qingming was filled with shock at this time.

Regarding 'Fan Tianjue', a strong fear arose in his heart...

It wasn't until a long time later that they dared to approach Lin Wudao.

"Brother Tian Jue, you...you killed that man's remnant soul?"


"Then... what is the origin of that person? After so many years of erosion, he is still alive? Isn't this incredible?"

Tu Qianqiu exclaimed.

Hear this!

Lin Wudao glanced at him indifferently.

"That man was the leader of the Supreme Demon Cult three thousand years ago..."


The leader of the Demon Cult three thousand years ago?

Tu Qianqiu's eyes widened.

After three thousand years, the leader of the Demon Cult is still not dead. It is too terrifying.

"Fortunately, I wasn't greedy just now, otherwise, Madman Chu would be my fate..."

Think of this.

He was filled with panic and fear!

"Let's go!"

"It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. There may be other dangers lurking around. It's better to get the Taichu Purple Qi first and leave as soon as possible..."

Lin Wudao said lightly.



The two had no objections.


Following the route recorded on the Taichu treasure map, the three of them stepped straight into the dilapidated palace. After walking for a long time, they finally arrived at the foot of an ancient sacred mountain.

The sacred mountain is over ten thousand feet high!

Standing underneath, Lin Wudao could clearly feel the ancient atmosphere released.

At a glance, I saw that the sacred mountain seemed to have gone through a shocking battle. The mountain was riddled with holes, and almost no place was intact.

at the same time!

With the sacred mountain as the center, there is an ancient mountain in each of the eight directions around it.

It seems like a big formation has been formed!

"The Purple Qi of Taichu is on the top of the sacred mountain..."

Master Qingming glanced at the treasure map and said excitedly.


"Then the several large mountains around here, plus the sacred mountain at our feet, should form a natural formation."

While talking.

The three of them climbed the sacred mountain step by step.

After a long time, when I arrived at the top of the sacred mountain, an ancient and huge stone tablet came into view.

Due to the erosion of time, the writing on it has long been blurred...

Only two words could be vaguely made out.


In addition, in the sky above the stone tablet, there are three purple auras as thick as a little finger floating around. At a glance, it seems to contain boundless magic and creation.

"Taichu Purple Qi!"

Master Qingming and Tu Qianqiu were extremely excited.

at the same time!

With the feedback from the Eye of God, information about the mysterious purple energy was also presented...

Name: Taichu Purple Qi

Level: Innate Divine Item

Introduction: The ancient great supernatural power used the great formation of Taichu to forcibly plunder the essence of heaven and earth. Every thousand years, he condenses a wisp of Taichu purple energy and integrates it into his own body, which can increase his qualifications a hundred times.

Note: One person can only carry one wisp of Taichu Purple Qi!

"It is indeed a divine thing!"

Lin Wudao's eyes bloomed with a bright light.

"Brother Tian Jue, there should be no danger now, right?"

Tu Qianqiu's eyes were full of passion.

To this!

Lin Wudao looked indifferent and did not respond.

On the contrary, it was Master Qing Ming whose expression was slightly solemn.

"It's too unreasonable for Taichu's purple energy to be placed here like this. There must be something wrong..."


He directly raised his hand and struck him with a palm.


The powerful force seemed to shake the entire sacred mountain.


Master Qingming's seemingly powerful blow was suddenly cut off by an invisible force when it was about to come into contact with the Purple Qi of Taichu.

"There is indeed a problem!"

Seeing this scene, Master Qingming, who was unwilling to give up, tried several more times.


still the same!

His attack was like a mud cow entering the sea, without making any waves at all...

"how so?"

Master Qingming and Tu Qianqiu frowned.

"Don't waste your efforts. With your meager strength, it is impossible to break through the Great Formation of Taichu..."


An extremely dull voice suddenly sounded behind the three of them.


When they turned around, they saw a woman in white with unrivaled beauty and a fairy-like temperament. She didn't know when she appeared behind them.

A pair of indifferent eyes watched them quietly...

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