"Eighteenth Ancestor, that was just now..."

call out!

Qi Yutian came to Qi Daolin with shock and confusion, and asked curiously.

The four-color sword light just now made even him, as the emperor, feel extremely frightened.

He had a feeling that if it happened to him, he would definitely die without a burial place.


Emperor Yuantu and Emperor Liuyun, who were watching from a distance, also had traces of shock in their eyes.

The unparalleled power displayed by Qi Daolin and the God of Dayan exceeded their imagination and refreshed their previous understanding.

"That was the main artifact of the natural god system, the Sword of Nature."

After a slight silence.

Qi Daolin replied calmly.

Natural gods?

Hearing this name, Qi Yutian became more and more confused.

He has lived in the land abandoned by the gods for nearly a hundred thousand years, but he has never heard of the natural god system.

"Eighteenth Ancestor, what kind of existence is this so-called natural god system?"

"Why have you never heard of it?"

he asked, summoning his courage.

Others also cast curious eyes on Qi Daolin.

"An ancient divine system in the Immortal World. It does not exist in the Land Abandoned by the Gods. Naturally, you don't know about its existence."

"This emperor never thought that after millions of years, the natural god system is still continuing, and has reached out to the place abandoned by the gods."

"It seems that people from the Immortal Realm have already entered here..."

Qi Daolin narrowed his eyes and said.

Immortality world?

Qi Yutian was shocked!

According to the ancient records of the Changsheng Imperial Clan, this was a vast world beyond the land abandoned by the gods long ago.

"Eighteenth Ancestor, this place abandoned by the gods is just a prison from the old era. Why does the Immortal Realm come here?"

"There is no way of heaven and no rules of heaven and earth here. It is difficult to even give birth to a great emperor. It is of no value at all."

he said confused.

The situation in the God Abandoned Land requires strong people but not strong people, and resources but not resources. He really couldn't figure out why the Immortal Realm had to go to all the trouble to come here.

"What they want is not resources, but the whole world!"

"In the past, because of the struggle between heaven and earth, a war broke out between heaven and earth, causing the world of Shenhuang to fall apart."

"In the end, it became the world of immortality, the land abandoned by gods, and the world of gods."

"For millions of years, people in the Immortal World have tried their best to return to the Divine World."

"Only in this way will the world be complete and more powerful creatures be born."

Qi Daolin said calmly.

I see!

Hearing this, Qi Yutian nodded understandingly.

In the final analysis, it is still to pursue more powerful power.

The broken world of the gods limits the potential and height of living beings. This is true whether it is the world of gods or the world of immortality.

After the creatures in the two realms reach a limit, due to the limitations of the rules of heaven and earth and the origin, their own cultivation power cannot continue to increase.


The world must be completed and the level of the world must be raised.

Only when the level of the world increases, the upper limit will also increase, and the creatures in the world can obtain more powerful power.

After Qi Daolin's suggestion, Qi Yutian immediately understood the reason and the purpose of the Immortality Realm.

They want to unify the world!

"Eighteenth Ancestor, is there a Heavenly Emperor in the Immortal Realm?"


"A long time ago, the limit of a complete divine world was the Supreme Heavenly Emperor."

"That is, the Emperor of Heaven who broke through the extreme realm of Heavenly Dao and cultivated the golden body of Heavenly Dao."

"The Immortal Realm has a total of twenty-three squares of land. The origin of the world is extremely strong, so it is possible for the Emperor of Heaven to be born."

"It's just that when the world collapses, the Emperor of the Immortal Realm will only be the Tenth Heavenly Emperor at most."

"Only by kneading all the land in the thirty-six directions can a creature at the level of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor be born."

"This will give you the opportunity to break your own shackles and become an immortal..."

Become an immortal?

Hearing these two words, Qi Yutian couldn't help but feel a strong longing deep in his heart.

Becoming an immortal is a legend!

at the same time.

It is also the lifelong pursuit of all living beings in the desolate world since ancient times.


Even Qi Daolin had only heard the legend of becoming an immortal.

For many people, immortality is an unattainable dream.

In pursuit of this illusory dream, countless people died on the road to immortality.

"Eighteenth Ancestor, since the Immortal Realm may have reached out to the land abandoned by the gods, do we need to do anything?"


"Before this, this emperor has promised the Qingshan Great God of the Tushan clan to incorporate the entire Immortal Imperial Clan into the Qingshan Divine Kingdom."

"From now on, our Immortal Imperial Clan will worship the Great God Qingshan."


Great God Qingshan?

Should we also believe in incense gods?

Qi Yutian's eyes were filled with shock.

"The Great God of Qingshan is so powerful that it reaches the sky, and his magical powers are extremely vast. I am able to escape from this difficulty because of the great God's gift."

"Qi Yutian, please immediately summon the members of my Changsheng Imperial Clan to organize a grand sacrificial ceremony for the gods."

"At that time, the Great God will open the door to the world, and the people of my Immortal Imperial Clan will be able to get rid of the shackles of this god-forsaken land and go to the outside world."


Although his heart was full of shock and confusion about this sudden news, Qi Yutian did not dare to disobey his ancestor's order.

I just have to be respectful.

"By the way, the strength of the Motian Family and Liuyun Tianzong are barely adequate. From now on, they will be under the command of my Changsheng Imperial Clan."

"In addition, all the creatures in the ancient wilderness must also become the people of the Great God."

"I'll give you half a month to get this done."

"In half a month, we will start worshiping the gods!"

Qi Daolin ordered indifferently.

Say it!

He ignored the reactions of Qi Yutian and others, and disappeared instantly.

"Brother Yuantu, brother Liuyun, look..."

After Qi Dao left, Qi Yutian looked at Emperor Yuantu and Emperor Liuyun Li Xuanyi in the distance.

"Do we have any choice?"


"I thought I had driven away the evil wolf of the God of Dayan, but I didn't expect that another tiger of the Great God of Qingshan came. He was always dead."

"It's just that compared to the God of Dayan, the God of Qingshan may die a little more honorably."

"Besides, you can also leave this ghostly place called the Land Abandoned by the Gods..."

The two looked indifferent.

In his eyes, there was both anger and unwillingness, as well as sadness and helplessness.

At this point, they have no choice at all.

"What do you think?"

"What else can I do? I can only choose a decent way to die."

"Before I die, I want to see the outside world..."

The words fell!

Emperor Yuantu and Emperor Liuyun each controlled the divine light and left the Duantian Mountains.

See this scene.

After Qi Yutian sighed deeply, he also led the remaining clan members towards the Changsheng Imperial Clan.


He wanted to follow Qi Daolin's instructions and start preparing for the God Sacrifice Ceremony to worship the so-called Qingshan God.

Dayan Dynasty!

at this time.

In the ancient temple of Dayan Mountain, the God of Dayan, who is worshiped by the entire land of gods, is kneeling on the ground respectfully.

Above the altar in front of Him, there was a great phantom of a god, appearing out of thin air.

Release the unparalleled majesty and power.

"Unexpectedly, the Immortal Emperor who was exiled and imprisoned in the past is actually still alive."

"Moreover, he also got rid of the shackles of the Burial Land. How did he do it?"

A murmur containing boundless majesty and vast will sounded softly in the temple.


Astonishingly, he is the god whom the God of Dayan worships...

"The Storm God, Qi Daolin of the Immortal Imperial Clan, has returned. There must be a mystery in this."

"Could it be that those ancient races of Heavenly Emperors in the Immortal Realm also came to the land abandoned by the gods?"

Under the altar.

The God of Dayan asked in surprise.

As the master of the entire land of gods and the highest god believed by countless people, at this moment, he was kneeling respectfully at the altar.


The god above the altar is one of the four main gods of the natural god system, the main god of storms.

His divine level has reached the tenth level of the Lord God, which is equivalent to the tenth level of the Emperor of Heaven in the human world.

Before that.

The God of Dayan joined the camp of the natural gods. Driven by the massive incense of the gods, he was promoted to the fifth-level main god.

Otherwise, with only the people and incense of the gods and earth, he will never be able to reach the fifth level of the main god in eternity.

"Storm God, what do we need to do next?"

There was silence for a long time.

The God of Dayan mustered up the courage and asked carefully.


"The land abandoned by the gods has no way of heaven, no rules of heaven and earth, and its origin is seriously lacking, and it cannot bear the power of the Emperor of Heaven."

"Once the Emperor of Heaven comes, this place will inevitably collapse!"

"After millions of years of searching, we in the Immortal World have found a trace of the divine world."

"Moreover, the major gods and the Emperor of Heaven are making every effort to promote the Immortality Realm and go to the Divine Desolate World."

"In ten more years at most, the two worlds will merge."

"At that time, the world's barriers will be reopened, and everything will usher in a new era."

"Qi Daolin is just the Great Emperor of the Tenth Level. When the world merges, it will be his death."

"During this period, you just have to protect the land of the gods, and don't worry about anything else."

A majestic and indifferent voice came down from above the altar.

"Obey the oracle!"

The God of Dayan should be respectful.


After the explanation, the Lord of Storms restrained his power, and everything returned to its original state.

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