"Qi Yutian, the Immortal Imperial Clan, pays homage to the Eighteenth Ancestor!"


Feeling the pull from his blood and the strong throbbing deep in his soul, Qi Yutian immediately knelt down on the ground with an extremely respectful attitude.


He bowed heavily towards Qi Daolin.

at this time!

There was strong surprise and excitement in his eyes. He simply could not imagine that Qi Daolin could come back after millions of years.

This is a great blessing for their Immortal Imperial Clan.

According to the oldest records in the Imperial Clan, the Eighteenth Patriarch Qi Daolin was a powerful being at the Heavenly Emperor level.

Now that he has returned, the Immortal Imperial Clan will inevitably be revitalized, and it will be possible to repeat its former glory and glory.

More importantly.

With Qi Daolin, the powerful Emperor of Heaven, as their backer, their ancient wilderness no longer has to be disturbed by the gods and earth.

In Qi Yutian's opinion, Qi Daolin's power of the Heavenly Emperor would definitely be able to overthrow the gods and the earth.

By the time!

It would be easy to bring the entire land abandoned by the gods under the rule of the Changsheng Imperial Clan.

The more I think about it.

The more excited and expectant he felt inside...

Compared with Qi Yutian's infinite surprise, Emperor Yuantu and Emperor Liuyun on the side felt bitterness and helpless sighs in their hearts.

Qi Daolin's return is a great good thing for the Immortal Imperial Clan and the creatures in the ancient wasteland.

But for their Motian Family and Liuyun Tianzong, it would be a disaster.

No need to think about it, they will definitely be included under the rule of the Changsheng Imperial Clan in the future.


"Everything in the world is unpredictable. I didn't expect that a wolf just left, and now a tiger has arrived."

"Now, I am afraid that our Demonic Family will return to its original shape."

Emperor Yuantu was filled with worries.


Liuyun Emperor Li Xuanyi also frowned, looking at Qi Daolin with shock and sigh in his eyes.

"Everyone, get up~"

Qi Daolin saw all their expressions and reactions, but didn't pay much attention to them.


His deep and sharp eyes looked thoughtfully at the God of Dayan in the distance.

"After more than three million years of vicissitudes, the ants of the past have actually become the fifth-level main god."

"Based on the current situation in the Land Abandoned by the Gods, you must have used external forces, right?"

"I am very curious, which main god do you have the support of? Which god system have you joined?"

"Is it the natural god system, the Maha god system, or the great wilderness god system?"

A dull voice sounded slowly.

Hear this!

The God of Dayan narrowed his eyes slightly, and a rare look of concentration appeared on his originally majestic face.

"Eternal Emperor, times have changed."

"Originally, I thought you would be imprisoned in the Burial Ground forever, but I didn't expect you to come out alive."

"But, so what if you can come out alive, you still can't change the place abandoned by the gods, let alone turn things around."

"If you were the immortal Emperor of Heaven who dominated the world in the past, I might still be afraid of you. Unfortunately, you are no longer the Emperor of Heaven."

"The Great Emperor of the Tenth Level, although he is the pinnacle in the land abandoned by the gods, it is not that easy for you to shake this god."

Far away, above the void.

The majestic and cold voice of the God of Dayan swept across all directions.


When the words fell, a huge divine power immediately surged out. In an instant, the whole world trembled, as if it was about to collapse.

See this scene.

Qi Daolin was as motionless as a divine needle in the sea, and the expression on his face always remained calm and indifferent.

"We haven't done anything for millions of years, and the world has forgotten the existence of this emperor."

"Today, let's stretch our muscles..."


The void behind him trembled, and between the ripples and the divine light, an ancient and mysterious stone tablet appeared from behind.


As soon as the stone tablet appeared, it directly crushed the sky in this area, causing the void to collapse continuously.

Without the God-forsaken land maintained by the laws of heaven and heaven and earth, the space barrier is very weak and cannot bear the power of the Emperor of Heaven.

"The Monument of Immortality!"

Looking at the ancient stone tablet behind Qi Daolin, the God of Dayan suddenly narrowed his eyes with a fearful expression.

at the same time.

Qi Yutian clenched his fists, with strong excitement and surprise floating in his eyes.

"The Immortal Monument, this is the legendary treasure of the Heavenly Emperor of our Immortal Imperial Clan."

"On it, the names of the people of the Changsheng Imperial Clan since ancient times are engraved, and they are refined with blood essence."

"It even blessed the powerful will of the former Heavenly Emperor and Great Emperor."

"It can not only suppress the sky and the earth, crush the emperor of the human world, but also fight against the gods who blast incense and fire."

"Isn't this thing lost a long time ago? It was originally in the hands of the Eighteenth Ancestor?"

Qi Yutian said to himself.

The Immortal Monument is the treasure of the Immortal Imperial Clan.

It has gone through countless years of baptism and worship, and has witnessed the rise, fall, honor and disgrace of the Immortal Imperial Clan.


Regarding this thing, Qi Yutian has only seen a few words and related descriptions in the ancient records of the clan.


What he didn't expect was that he would actually see the real thing today.

"With this Immortal Monument, the God of Dayan is nothing to worry about..."

Qi Yutian is full of confidence.


Just as he was thinking about it, Qi Daolin had already fought against the God of Dayan in the vast sky.

Look up!

I saw that accompanied by the vast divine light and divine power, an eternal sacred mountain appeared behind the God of Dayan, suppressing the sky and the earth, and suppressing it for eternity.

The God of Dayan is a mountain god!

Under the worship of the Dayan Divine Dynasty, its Dayan Divine Mountain derived divinity, and became enlightened with this incense.

"Dayan Divine Realm!"

"Earth Divine Fist!"


In the roar of the God of Dayan, with the Duantian Mountain Range as the center, the area covering hundreds of millions of miles became his divine domain.

All of a sudden.

Supported by the mighty power of the earth, the incarnation of the God of Dayan began to grow taller and larger, like the gods and demons who created the world.

Every punch he punched pierced the void and shook the entire land abandoned by God.

Under the pull of divine power, the space began to collapse, forming a terrifying earth, fire, wind and water, surrounding Qi Daolin.

In the divine domain, the God of Dayan, who possesses various powerful divine powers, has a great advantage.

In addition, his divine level is the fifth-level main god, and his incense and fire divine way is innately stronger than the human emperor.


The fifth-level main god has almost reached the ultimate level of a human emperor.

If it were anyone else, it would definitely be difficult to resist.

However, Qi Daolin is different. He not only has the background of the Emperor of Heaven, but also the treasure of the Emperor of Heaven.




Even in the divine realm, Qi Daolin was still like a divine needle that fixed the sea. No matter how ferocious the attack of the God of Dayan was, he remained unmoved.

Behind the Immortal Monument, the divine light shines for eternity. Under the control of Qi Daolin, traces of the power of the Heavenly Emperor are displayed, constantly destroying the attacks of the God of Dayan.

After a while.

He even manipulated the Immortal Monument to penetrate the divine domain of the God of Dayan in one fell swoop, collapsing his god incarnation.

"The Eighteenth Ancestor is mighty!"

Seeing that the incarnation of the God of Dayan was shattered, Qi Qingyu and Qi Rufeng, who were watching from a distance, suddenly roared with excitement.

Even Qi Yutian clenched his fists, his eyes shining brightly.

This attack by the Eighteenth Ancestor restored the dignity of the ancient wasteland, and also demonstrated the majestic power of their Immortal Imperial Clan.


The divine incarnation of the God of Dayan was blasted to pieces, immediately frightening Ning Daoshan who was watching the battle.

There was no hesitation.

At the moment when the incarnation of the God of Dayan collapsed, he immediately roared and was about to leave with the army of the Dayan Dynasty.

See this scene!

Qi Daolin also did not hesitate. He raised his big hand in the air and immediately suppressed it with all his strength.


However, just when Qi Daolin's terrifying hand was about to destroy the army of the Dayan Dynasty.


There was a sharp four-color sword light that suddenly cut through the void and wiped out Qi Daolin's big hand.

Not only that.

Following the explosion of mighty divine power, in an instant, all the powerful men and creatures of the Dayan Dynasty disappeared.

"Sword of Nature!"

Qi Daolin frowned slightly as he looked at the four-color sword light.


As he waved his sleeves, the Immortal Monument erupted with overwhelming force, shattering the sword light that was coming at him.

A pair of eyes looked at the distant land of gods, with a hint of concentration between his brows.

"It seems that they have already come to this world..."

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