Cultivation takes no time!

Half a month later.

Under Qi Daolin's strong pressure, the entire ancient wasteland was forcibly conquered and became a vassal of the Changsheng Imperial Clan.

at the same time.

A majestic statue thousands of feet high also stands on the ancient Jietian Peak.

Jietian Peak is the highest place in the ancient wilderness.


With Jietian Peak as the center, hundreds of millions of cultivators are already standing in the ten directions space.

At a glance, it’s overwhelming!

On the top of the peak, there were a group of great emperors headed by Qi Daolin, and behind them were numerous quasi-emperors.

After half a month of propaganda, Qi Daolin finally completed his mission and brought all creatures in the ancient wasteland under the rule of Qingshan Divine Kingdom.


Through some means, they all believed in Qingshan God.


Under his guidance, the power and fame of the Great God Qingshan have spread throughout the ancient wasteland, becoming the highest god here.

"Reporting to the Eighteenth Ancestor, the auspicious time has arrived!"

An elder of the Changsheng Imperial Clan came to Qi Daolin and respectfully reported.

Hear the words.

Qi Daolin nodded slightly.

"Since the auspicious time has arrived, let's begin the ceremony of worshiping the gods."


Clan elders should be respectful.


He turned around and faced the billions of creatures outside Jietian Peak.

"The Emperor of Heaven has ordered that the ceremony of worshiping gods begins!"



As his loud voice spread in all directions, the hundreds of millions of creatures gathered around Jie Tian Peak fell to their knees on the ground in unison.

In their hands, they all held a treasure as a sacrifice.

Immediately afterwards.

Under the guidance of Qi Daolin, he began to worship the statue respectfully.

Although many of them harbored resentments, they did not dare to disobey due to Qi Daolin's pressure.

Even if you are not angry in your heart, you still have to believe in Qingshan God.




Just like that, as the ceremony of worshiping the gods officially began, the earth-shattering sound of worship rang out on Jietian Peak.

It shook the world.

at the same time!

While the sentient beings in the ancient wilderness were offering sacrifices, Lin Wudao, who was far away in the mountain world, suddenly opened his eyes.

"The Immortal Imperial Clan is holding a ceremony to worship the gods?"

His spirits suddenly lifted.

At this moment, a cold reminder sounded in his mind.


[With your powerful strength and charisma, you conquered all living beings in the ancient wasteland and made them your people. 】

[Flowers of Luck +30,000! 】

[The Great Emperor Qi Daolin has offered sacrifices to you sincerely, and you have received 10,000 flowers of incense. 】

[The Great Emperor Qi Yutian has offered sacrifices to you sincerely, and you have received 2,000 flowers of incense. 】

[The Great Emperor Li Xuanyi, I have offered sacrifices to you sincerely, and you have received 2,000 incense flowers. 】

[The Great Emperor Yuantu, I have offered sacrifices to you sincerely, and you have received 2,000 flowers of incense. 】

[The people, incense, and divine domain under your throne have met the conditions for promotion. 】

[Congratulations, you have been promoted to an eighth-level god! 】

[Congratulations, you have been promoted to a ninth-level god! 】

[Congratulations, you have been promoted to a tenth-level god! 】


Following the system's beep, streams of majestic incense crossed the space and turned into torrents, converging into Lin Wudao's Godly Fruit.

All of a sudden.

His Qingshan Great Demon God's Divine Dao Fruit burst out with brilliant divine light, and there was a mighty divine fire rising and burning inside.


Driven by the majestic incense, Qingshan Great Demon God's divine level continued to rise.

From the original seventh-level god, he soared all the way, and finally reached the tenth-level incense god.

The Qingshan God System is prosperous!




With the promotion of Lin Wudao, the God Lord of Qingshan, the ranks of the incense gods in the entire pantheon of gods under his command began to rise.

The divine ranks of the four major domain lords, including the God of Sky, the God of Tiangang, the God of Thunder, and the God of Xuanming, have reached the ninth level of great god.

And under their command, all the great gods of the great god clan have also risen with the tide, and have been promoted to eighth-level gods one after another.

When one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven!

In addition to the gods of the pantheon, whose divine ranks have been greatly improved, the clergy of Qingshan Temple have also received blessings from luck.

Infused with the fate of the ancient wilderness, Yin Si Ming's cultivation reached the quasi-emperor tenth level.

Others have risen to a greater realm.

"The great god has been promoted to the throne?"


Mountain world!

Countless people looked towards the direction of Qingshan Temple, their eyes revealing excitement and excitement.

Lin Wudao was promoted to the divine position, and they also received more or less divine favor and good luck.

"Congratulations to the great master for your promotion!"

"Congratulations to the great master for your promotion!"

"Congratulations to the great master for your promotion!"

Countless people continued to kowtow in a pious manner.

"Tenth level great god?"

Castle Peak Temple.

Feeling the huge changes that had taken place in the god Daoguo, Lin Wudao also had a bright smile on his lips.

He was very satisfied with this sacrifice in the ancient wasteland.


"In addition to Qi Yutian, there are actually two great emperors on the ancient wasteland?"

"So, now there are six great emperors under my command."

The smile on his face became slightly stronger.

Although the six great emperors are all great emperors who have not been baptized by the rules of heaven and earth, they still have a very strong foundation.

"The ancient wilderness has been brought under the rule of the Qingshan Kingdom, and the ancient tribe of the wilderness will be left next."

Lin Wudao whispered softly.


Just as he was muttering, suddenly, there was a sudden throbbing in the God's Dao Fruit.


Lin Wudao clearly felt that there was a majestic incense integrated into the God's Dao Fruit.

Although it cannot be compared with the incense of the ancient wasteland, it is not weaker than the incense of the previous City of Demons.

"Coming as soon as you say?"

He smiled.

The source of this incense is the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan.


[With your powerful strength and charisma, you conquered the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan and made them your subjects. 】

[Flowers of Luck +3000! 】

[The Great Emperor Ji Beiming, I have offered sacrifices to you sincerely, and you have received 1,000 incense flowers. 】

[The patriarch, Ji Yinyang, has offered sacrifices to you sincerely, and you have received 100 flowers of incense. 】

[Ji Wudi devoutly offered sacrifices to you, and you received 10 incense flowers. 】

Many more notification sounds sounded in my mind.

After the voice fell, Lin Wudao immediately looked at the system panel.

Name: Lin Wudao

Cultivation: Eighth-level Ancient Saint

God level: tenth level god

Flowers of luck: 52051 flowers

Incense flowers: 1886936 flowers


"This is...getting rich instantly!!"

Looking at the more than 1.8 million incense flowers on the panel, even though he was prepared in his heart, Lin Wudao was still extremely shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

He has never been richer.

"Sure enough, it's easier to make money by harvesting the earth. This is a step to the sky."

"Now, I should be able to properly feed the gold-swallowing beast in my hand."

Lin Wudao was greatly excited.

As the saying goes, don’t panic if you have money in your pocket!

This time.

The ancient wilderness gave him a huge gift.


With a thought, Lin Wudao displayed all the gold-swallowing beasts that needed to be upgraded in the form of panels.

[1. The supreme law of chaos, upgraded to a quasi-emperor law, 250,000 flowers of luck! 】

[2. The pure lands of the heavens, cultivate to great perfection, 200,000 flowers of luck! 】

[3. "The Great Way of Gods and Demons", extrapolated to the Great Emperor Volume, 300,000 flowers of luck! 】

[4. The tree of the soul, upgraded to the emperor level, 500,000 flowers of luck! 】

[5. The baptism of God, promoted to quasi-emperor, 620,000 flowers of luck! 】

[6. Initiation method, upgraded to quasi-emperor method, 600,000 flowers of luck! 】

【7. The mourner is promoted to quasi-emperor, 1,000,000 flowers of luck! 】

[8. The supreme method of ancient Taoism (insufficient conditions, cannot be improved)]

[9. Qiankun Strike (Insufficient conditions, cannot be improved)]


Seeing the various gold-eating beasts presented in front of him, Lin Wudao, who was still in high spirits, suddenly stopped.

He simply can't afford it... (End of chapter)

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