
[Congratulations to the host, you have conquered the City of Ten Thousand Demons with your powerful strength and charisma, making you a subject of the Qingshan Divine Kingdom. 】

[Flowers of Luck +3000! 】

[The Great Emperor Zhao Futu, I have offered sacrifices to you sincerely, and you have received 1,000 flowers of incense. 】

[Li Qingchen, Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons Prison, has offered sacrifices to you sincerely, and you have received 100 incense flowers. 】

One after another, cold notification sounds sounded in my mind one after another.

Is the City of Demons holding a sacrificial ceremony?


With a thought, Lin Wudao's divine power and will instantly penetrated the world barrier and arrived at the Burial Heaven.

Look up.

I saw countless people gathered in the huge square in the center of the City of Demons.

Directly in front of the square, an altar was built, on which stood a majestic statue of a god thousands of feet high.

Under the statue, there are Yin Siming, Zhao Futu and others...

at this time!

Under the command of Yin Si Ming, headed by the Great Emperor Zhao Futu, the entire City of Ten Thousand Demons and the prisoners of the Nine Demonic Mountains all gathered in the square.

One by one, they knelt on the ground in a respectful manner.

His expression was filled with fear, confusion and confusion, but more importantly, he was looking forward to it.

Watch this scene.

Lin Wudao also smiled.

"Yin Si Ming's methods and abilities are quite powerful, no worse than Cang Yue's."

He admired gently.

Although I don’t know what method Yin Siming used in the past two months to make the creatures in the City of Demons suddenly become so obedient.

But Lin Wudao doesn't care!

All he wants is the result...

[Incense + 100 million! 】

[Incense + one billion! 】

[Incense + five billion! 】


Along with the cold notification sounds, a large amount of incense poured into Lin Wudao like a flood.

Half a day later!

With the devout worship of tens of millions of people in the City of Demons, Lin Wudao harvested a huge amount of incense.

Name: Lin Wudao

God position: Qingshan Great Demon God

God level: Seventh level god

Incense: 152364 incense flowers

"Although the territory controlled by the City of Ten Thousand Demons is not large, its foundation is quite strong."

"This sacrifice and offering brought me more than 100,000 flowers of incense."

"There are more than the previous thirty-six great gods."

"It would be nice if there were a few more like this..."

Lin Wudao thought with satisfaction.

Although Sparrow is small, it has a very rich heritage.

after all!

The City of Ten Thousand Demons has existed for endless years. It has not only great emperors like Zhao Futu, but also many quasi-emperors and great sages.

None of these can be compared to the outside world's thirty-six great divine clans.

Naturally, it brings more incense.

Driven by a large amount of incense, Lin Wudao could feel that his divine level had also improved a lot.

"At this rate, as long as the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan is brought under the rule of the Qingshan Divine Kingdom, I can be promoted to the eighth level of great god."

There was a faint look of expectation in his eyes.

This matter!

It’s almost certain that it will be done within a month.

Thinking of this.

He observed it for a moment, and then placed a ray of divine power and will on the burial place and rested it on the statue.


Along with a burst of majestic divine light, in the shocked eyes of millions of people, a shadow of a god appeared above the statue.

Divine power covers the entire City of Demons!

"Welcome the Great God to the world!"


When he saw Lin Wudao coming to the burial place, Yin Si Ming, who was presiding over the ceremony of worshiping the gods on the altar, immediately knelt down and worshiped.

Great God Qingshan?

Seeing Yin Siming's actions, Zhao Futu, who was under the altar, was startled at first, but then he also knelt down on the ground.


With infinite respect and awe, bow your head and worship...

"Welcome to the Great God!"

"Zhao Futu, pay your respects to the Great God Qingshan!"

Dong Dong Dong~

The sound of his worship reached the ears of millions of people.

See this scene!

Everyone gathered in the square followed Zhao Futu and knelt down to worship.

Among them, Qi Qingyu and Qi Rufeng were also included.

"Is this the great Qingshan god from the outside world whom the ancient Tushan clan believed in?"

in the crowd.

Qi Qingyu stared at the majestic and majestic phantom of the gods in the distance, his heart was shocked and full of curiosity.

This was the first time she had seen the legendary god of incense.

Feeling the released divine power and power, even as a quasi-emperor, her heart was trembling violently.


The same goes for Qi Rufeng on the side...

"Qingyu, do we...want to believe in the Qingshan God of the Tushan clan?"

"I heard that the great heavenly master said that as long as you believe in the great god Qingshan and become his people, you can be free and go to the outside world."

Qi Rufeng said with yearning in his eyes.

Whether it is the place where the gods are buried or the place abandoned by the gods, it has been a huge prison since ancient times.

If you can get away from here and go to the vast world outside, it will naturally be an extremely happy thing.

at this time!

In Qi Rufeng's heart, a trace of yearning and restlessness inevitably arose.

"Don't worry, take a look first and then talk!"

"Since the Qingshan Great God has made a promise, he will definitely fulfill his promise to his people."

"If you can really get out of the Burial Land and go to the outside world, then the God-Forsaken Land will probably go crazy."

"Wait and wait and see what happens..."

Qi Qingyu said in a concentrated voice.

Hear the words!

Qi Rufeng nodded, immediately suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and continued to pay attention.

Lin Wudao ignored them.

at this time.

His eyes had already fallen on Zhao Futu.

"Zhao Futu, you relied on the blessings of your ancestors to achieve enlightenment with the Great Emperor's Golden Pill. You have the name of the Great Emperor, but you don't have the reality of the Great Emperor."

"Its foundation and foundation are extremely weak!"

"Today, since you serve me devoutly, I will grant you a great blessing."

"Complete your foundation as an emperor..."

The majestic and majestic voice resounded throughout the City of Demons.


It continued to sweep towards the distant space quickly.


When the words fell, a ray of divine light emerged and turned into a ball of purple-gold liquid, floating in front of Zhao Futu.

It contains extremely majestic life force and the vast original aura of the world.

"This is the precious blood of heaven, which can help you become an unparalleled emperor!"


Lin Wudao raised his hand and tapped lightly, and the ball of heavenly precious blood turned into a divine light and merged into Zhao Futu's body.

Immediately afterwards.

Lin Wudao also used the divine power and will of the Great Demon God of Qingshan to help Zhao Futu forcibly refine the precious blood of the sky, so that its essence could be perfectly integrated with himself.


A moment later, when the fusion of Heavenly Precious Blood was completed, Zhao Futu exuded an extremely powerful aura.

It is more than ten thousand times more powerful than before!

He punched out, and his unparalleled imperial power directly penetrated the Hundred Thousand Demonic Mountains and split the vast sea of ​​suffering.


"The Great Emperor... is so powerful!"

"I feel that the Emperor is at least ten thousand times more powerful..."

"Is this the magical power and power of Great God Qingshan? It's so unbelievable."

Countless shocking sounds echoed among the crowd.

this moment!

All the creatures in the City of Ten Thousand Demons were shocked by Zhao Futu's powerful power.

But more than anything else, he was in awe of Lin Wudao.

Such heaven-defying means of changing the world and transforming decay into miraculous things are beyond their imagination.

"The methods of this Great God Qingshan are too terrifying!"

far away.

Qi Rufeng in the crowd exclaimed.

"Yeah, unimaginable!"

"With a raised hand, you can complete the foundation of a great emperor's enlightenment. Throughout history, I have never heard of it."

"It seems that this great god of Qingshan really has great supernatural powers..."

Qi Qingyu took a deep breath, with a hint of awe in his eyes.

She couldn't imagine this kind of power!

the other side!

After feeling the shocking changes in himself, Zhao Futu was extremely excited.

He never thought that one day he would change his destiny.

"Thank you, God, for your grace!"

"From now on, Zhao Futu will do his best to serve the great god and die for the great god!"

While talking.

With infinite excitement and gratitude, he kowtowed heavily.

"I am willing to die for God!"

"I am willing to die for God!"

"I am willing to die for God!"

Infected by Zhao Futu's emotions, the tens of millions of people gathered in the square were all excited, and their eyes were filled with infinite expectations and yearning.


They also knelt down on the ground and worshiped profusely.

Watch this scene.

Lin Wudao showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"Five hundred billion of the best divine crystals, in exchange for the pious faith of tens of millions of people, and a great emperor."

"This deal is a huge profit!"


When the words fell, he raised his hand and pointed in the void. Along with the bursts of huge roaring sounds, he saw that the void began to collapse continuously.

After a while.

A door to the world thousands of feet high was forcibly opened... (End of this chapter)

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