"This is the door to the world!"

"It connects the Buried Heaven Land and the Qingshan Divine Kingdom where this god is located. From now on, all the people of the Buried Heaven Land can enter and exit freely."


While everyone was shocked, a majestic and majestic voice spread throughout the Burial Land.


Can you really leave and go to the outside world?

Upon hearing the news suddenly, both the tens of millions of people in the City of Ten Thousand Demons and the Great Emperor Zhao Futu were greatly surprised.


A pair of blazing eyes stared closely at the vast gate in the void, with infinite excitement in their eyes.

"Wow, after so many years, I can finally go out."

"I can finally get out of this hellish place, hahaha..."

"Qingshan Divine Kingdom? I wonder what that scene is like?"

"Thank you, God, for your mercy!"

"Thank you, God, for your mercy!"

Overwhelming sounds of surprise came from the crowd one after another.

Starting today, they are finally free!

It's not just them.

At this time, even Qi Qingyu and Qi Rufeng, who had always been calm, were staring blankly at the door to the world.

The eyes reveal excitement and expectation...

"Finally we can go out!"

"The Great God Qingshan was able to break the will and shackles of the former Heavenly Dao and rebuild the world's passage."

"Such supreme means and power are too powerful."

"Even the eighteenth ancestor of my Immortal Imperial Clan is absolutely incomparable."

Qi Rufeng clenched his fists, eyes full of surprise.

He also longs to get out of this prison!

"Qingyu, let's go to the Qingshan Divine Kingdom later, shall we?"

He looked at Qi Qingyu expectantly.

To this!

Qi Qingyu took a deep breath and nodded.


"Since I can regain my life, I naturally want to go out and have a look."

"It's just a pity that many members of my Immortal Imperial Clan are not so lucky and are still trapped in the land abandoned by the gods."

she sighed.

"Qingyu, maybe the Great God Qingshan will extend the divine domain to the land abandoned by the gods?"

"However, in this case, our Immortal Imperial Clan will have to believe in the Great God Qingshan and become his people."

"I wonder what the emperor and the clan leader will think when they find out about this?"

Qi Rufeng said worriedly.

Although their Immortal Imperial Clan has an ancient inheritance and a rich foundation, they do not have the tradition of believing in the gods of incense and fire.


They were also not sure whether Qi Yutian and others would agree to believe in Qingshan God.

And if they don't agree, then their Immortal Imperial Clan will probably be imprisoned in the Land Abandoned by the Gods forever.

Think of this.

Qi Rufeng was filled with worries about the future fate of the Immortal Imperial Clan.

"Don't worry about this yet!"

"Let's take a step and see."

"Time will change everything. Facing the torrent of the times, even my Immortal Imperial Clan cannot resist."

"The emperor and the clan leader are smarter than us. I believe they will make the right decision."

Qi Qingyu sighed and said.

Hear this!

Qi Rufeng on the side nodded lightly and did not answer.

Lin Wudao saw everyone's reactions and could understand their mood.


There are still some rules that should be in place.

after all!

The people gathered in the City of Ten Thousand Demons and the Hundred Thousand Demon Mountains are all extremely vicious people, and all of them are powerful.

If he is not restrained and goes to the Shanling Realm, he will definitely get into trouble.

"The people of Burial Land can freely enter and leave the mountain realm, but they must abide by the rules."

"First, you must obey the control and management of Qingshan Temple. Once you violate the divine law, no matter who you are, you will be punished by God."

"Second, from now on, Zhao Futu will serve as the city lord of the City of Ten Thousand Demons, commanding and managing the people of the City of Ten Thousand Demons."

"Third, anyone who does not abide by the rules of the Mountain and Tomb Realm will be sent back to the Burial Land and will never be able to leave."

"Fourth, those who leave the Burial Land will not be allowed to leave the Mountain Realm within ten years without permission."


Lin Wudao issued the oracle in an orderly manner.


He ignored everyone's reactions and immediately restrained his divine power and left the City of Demons.

After a while.

He came to the God Burial Mountain in his true form.

at this time.

After more than two months of waiting, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu have both finished their training, and both have undergone considerable changes.

The first is the crazy Taoist.

After receiving all the power of the first apostle Ye Mo and dealing with the two emperor corpses, his cultivation level broke through to the level of human quasi-emperor.

Its foundation is even more powerful than that of the Universe God King Ye Mo.

Name: Crazy Taoist (Qi Shuming)

Identity 1: Member of the Terminator Organization—Tomb Robbing Terminator!

Identity 2: Founder of the Immortal Imperial Clan

Cultivation: Quasi-Emperor of Humanity

Talent: Eye of Truth

Physique: Burial body

Vision: Burial Heaven Realm (Holy Realm)

Kung Fu: "Grand Tomb Scripture"

Skills: Supreme Burial Technique, Supreme Tomb Technique, Great Burial Technique, Sky Burial Technique, Great Exile Technique, Great Teleportation Technique, Great Invisibility Technique, Forbidden Technique: Twelve Styles of God Burial

Items: "Book of Burial·Humanity Volume 10", God Burial Spear (Sacred Treasure), God of Destruction Hoe, Golden God Tomb (Sacred Treasure)

Lifespan: 4225362

Notes: 1. He acts boldly and likes to dig graves most in his life. The more graves he digs, the faster his cultivation will increase.

2. Digging too many graves is detrimental to moral integrity and can easily lead to death!

3. There is no grave in the world that you dare not dig!

4. Sky Burial Domain: A mysterious taboo domain on the evolution side. Any quasi-emperor who is in the domain will have his life halved, his combat power halved, his luck halved, and his soul halved.

5. Consume half of your lifespan to evolve into a mysterious forbidden realm. Any emperor who is in the realm will have his life halved, his combat power halved, his luck halved, and his soul halved.

6. To use the Burial Heaven Realm, one's lifespan must not be less than one million years.

Name: The Great Tomb Supreme Dharma

Level: Cosmic Law

Realm: None

Introduction: The Supreme Dharma Exclusively for Crazy Taoists

1. When you are in the tomb, you can absorb all the luck, life span, cultivation, soul, bones, blood, etc. of the living being.

2. While inside the tomb, the combat power is temporarily increased to a great level.

3. Being inside the tomb, no evil can invade and no law can be destroyed.

Name: The Supreme Burial Path

Level: Cosmic Law

Realm: Quasi-Emperor Law

Introduction: There are six major burials that are unique to crazy Taoists, namely: burial in the world, burial in the sky, burial in the ground, burial in living beings, burial in immortals, and burial in gods.

1. Bury the world: Assimilate to one world and bury everything in the world. Within the world, the way of heaven does not add to the body, the cause and effect does not add to the body, and the years do not add to the body.

2. Burial of Heaven: Assimilate to one world and bury the way of heaven!

3. Burial place: The place mentioned is all burial soil!

4. Bury all living beings: All living beings in the burial soil can be buried in a matter of seconds.

5. Burial Immortal: Within the burial soil, you are invincible in the great realm!

6. God Burial: Within the burial soil, incense and fire gods can be buried, and their cultivation level will be reduced by one god level.


"What the dog said is too strong~"

Looking at the crazy Taoist after his transformation, even with Lin Wudao's calmness, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This time!

The changes in the crazy Taoist are quite big.

In addition to the huge improvement in his own cultivation, his Burial Heaven Domain can already pose a threat to the emperor.

It’s just more life-consuming!

Finally, after obtaining the tenth volume of the Burial Book, the mad Taoist opened an exclusive supreme method.

"The mad Taoist's supreme method of burying the Tao seems to be very perverted. It encompasses almost everything in the world."

"It seems that I have to be more careful in the future..."

Lin Wudao thought secretly in his heart.

The power displayed by the supreme method of burial made him feel a little afraid.

From now on!

Crazy Taoists are completely free from the shackles of heaven, time, and cause and effect, and their actions will become even more lawless.


His supreme burial method is quite similar to that of Tushan Cangyue, the Lord of the World, and the ruling power of the Great Demon God Qingshan.

The Lord of the World who controls the Divine Power and Tushan Cangyue is equivalent to a whole, and the mad Taoist's supreme funeral method divides this whole into many aspects and concretizes it.

Lin Wudao was very curious. If there was a fight in the future, who among the three of them would be better?

Thinking about this!

There was a hint of expectation in his eyes.


After carefully examining the crazy Taoist's changes, Lin Wudao then set his sights on Qin Daofu.


After saving two great emperor corpses, his cultivation also skyrocketed to the third level of quasi-emperor.

Two months no see!

The gap between the three people has widened again...

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